3000+ Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting With A

Abdul-JaleelعبدالجلیلServant of the Majestic
Abdul-JalilعبدالجلیلServant of the Majestic
Abdul-JameعبدالجمعServant of the Gatherer
Abdul-JameelعبدالجمیلServant of the Beautiful
Abdul-JamiعبدالجامعServant of the Gatherer
Abdul-JamilعبدالجمیلServant of the Beautiful
Abdul-JawwadعبدالجوادServant of the Generous
Abdul-KabirعبدالکبیرServant of the Great
Abdul-KaderعبدالقادرServant of the Capable
Abdul-KafiعبدالکافیServant of the Sufficient
Abdul-KareemعبدالکریمServant of the Generous
Abdul-KarimعبدالکریمServant of the Generous
Abdul-KhabirعبدالخبیرServant of the All-Aware
Abdul-KhafidعبدالخفیذServant of the Abaser
Abdul-KhafizعبدالخفیذServant of the Abaser
Abdul-KhaliqعبدالخالقServant of the Creator
Abdul-LateefعبداللطیفServant of the Subtle One
Abdul-LatifعبداللطیفServant of the Gentle One
Abdul-MaajidعبدالماجدServant of the Glorious
Abdul-MaalikعبدالمالکServant of the Sovereign
Abdul-MaaneعبدالمانServant of the Withholder
Abdul-MajeedعبدالمجیدServant of the Glorious
Abdul-MajidعبدالمجیدServant of the Glorious
Abdul-MaleekعبدالملیکServant of the Sovereign
Abdul-MalikعبدالملیکServant of the Sovereign
Abdul-ManaanعبدالمنانServant of the Benevolent
Abdul-ManiعبدالمنیServant of the Preventer
Abdul-MannanعبدالمنانServant of the Benevolent
Abdul-MateenعبدالمتینServant of the Firm
Abdul-MatinعبدالمتینServant of the Strong
Abdul-MawlaعبدالمولیServant of the Master
Abdul-MoezعبدالمعزServant of the Honorer
Abdul-MohsiعبدالمحسیServant of the Giver of Wealth
Abdul-MomitعبدالمومتServant of the Giver of Life
Abdul-MoqitعبدالموقتServant of the Sustainer
Abdul-MubdeeعبدالمبدیServant of the Originator
Abdul-MubdiعبدالمبدیServant of the Originator
Abdul-MubeenعبدالمبینServant of the Manifest
Abdul-MueedعبدالمعیدServant of the Restorer
Abdul-MueidعبدالمعیدServant of the Restorer
Abdul-MughniعبدالمغنیServant of the Enricher
Abdul-MuheetعبدالمحیطServant of the All-Encompassing
Abdul-MuhsiعبدالمحصیServant of the Reckoner
Abdul-MuhsinعبدالمحسنServant of the Beneficent
Abdul-MuhyeeعبدالمحییServant of the Giver of Life
Abdul-MuhyiعبدالمحییServant of the Giver of Life
Abdul-MuidعبدالمعیدServant of the Restorer
Abdul-MuizعبدالمعیزServant of the Giver of Might
Abdul-MuizzعبدالمعیزServant of the Giver of Might
Abdul-MujeebعبدالمجیبServant of the Responsive
Abdul-MujibعبدالمجیبServant of the Responsive
Abdul-MuminعبدالمؤمنServant of the Faithful
Abdul-MunimعبدالمنعمServant of the Bestower
Abdul-MuqeetعبدالمقیتServant of the Sustainer
Abdul-MuqitعبدالمقیتServant of the Sustainer
Abdul-MuqsitعبدالمقسطServant of the Equitable
Abdul-MutaalعبدالمتعالServant of the Most High
Abdul-MutaliعبدالمتعالServant of the Most High
Abdul-MutiعبدالمطیعServant of the Obedient
Abdul-NafiعبدالنافعServant of the Beneficial
Abdul-NaseerعبدالناصرServant of the Helper
Abdul-NasirعبدالناصرServant of the Helper
Abdul-NasserعبدالناصرServant of the Helper
Abdul-NoorعبدالنورServant of the Light
Abdul-NurعبدالنورServant of the Light
Abdul-QaadirعبدالقادرServant of the Powerful
Abdul-QabizعبدالقابضServant of the Withholder
Abdul-QadeerعبدالقدیرServant of the Capable
Abdul-QadirعبدالقادرServant of the Powerful
Abdul-QahaarعبدالقہارServant of the Subduer
Abdul-QahharعبدالقہارServant of the Subduer
Abdul-QahirعبدالقاہرServant of the Dominant
Abdul-QareebعبدالقریبServant of the Near
Abdul-QaweeعبدالقویServant of the Strong
Abdul-QawiعبدالقویServant of the Strong
Abdul-QayoomعبدالقیومServant of the Sustainer
Abdul-QayyumعبدالقیومServant of the Sustainer
Abdul-QuddusعبدالقدوسServant of the Holy
Abdul-QudoosعبدالقدوسServant of the Holy
Abdul-RaafiعبدالرافیServant of the Exalter

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