3000+ Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting With A

AiezعیزHonor, power
AifaعیفہFull of life, lively
AifaazعیفازProtecting, preserving
AifanعیفانLight, radiant
AifazعیفازProtecting, preserving
AigharعیغرOne who leads
AihaanعیہانOne who possesses wisdom
AihanعیہانOne who possesses wisdom
AijaazعیجازMiracle, marvel
AijanعیجانTreasure, valuable
AijazعیجازMiracle, marvel
Aijuddinعیج الدینGlory of the faith
AikaایکاUnique, one of a kind
AikinایکنOne of a kind
AilaanاعلانAnnouncement, proclamation
AilanاعلانAnnouncement, proclamation
AilinایلینIntelligent, wise
AiliyaایلیاExcellent, noble
AimalایملHope, aspiration
AimanایمانFaith, belief
AimenایمنTrust, safety
AimerایمرOne who brings hope
AimiahایمیہHopeful, promising
AiminایمینHonest, trustworthy
AimmahایمہHopeful, promising
AimoایموHope, aspiration
AimonایمونFaithful, trustworthy
AimramایمرامAspiring, ambitious
AinعینEye, precious
AinaanعینانRadiant, bright
AinainعینینTwo eyes, eyesight
AinanعینانRadiant, bright
AinaynعینینTwo eyes, eyesight
AineemعینیمTwo eyes, eyesight
AiniعینیPrecious, valuable
Ainuddinعین الدینEye of the faith
Ainulعین الEye of the
Ainullahعین اللہEye of Allah
AiqazعیقازPowerful, strong
AiqunahعیقونہStrong, powerful
AirafatعرفاتName of a mountain
AiranعیرانIron, strong
AirasعیراسBrave, bold
AirikعیرکPeaceful, serene
AirinعیرینEnlightened, bright
AisamعیسمSafeguard, protector
AisanعیثانGift of God, benevolent
AisarعیسرWealthy, prosperous
AishعیشLife, alive
AishahعائشہAlive, well-living
AishanعیشانOne who is alive and well
AisonعیسونBrilliant, radiant
AissaعیسہAlive, living
AisyعیسیAlive, well-living
AiteshamعیتشامBrave, courageous
AitzazعیتذازCourageous, brave
AiushعیوشLife, alive
AiwinعیونEyes, sight
AiyaanعیانGift of God
AiyaazعیاذSeeking refuge, protection
AiyajعیاجBlessing, favor
AiyanعیانGift of God
AiyazعیاذSeeking refuge, protection
AiymanعیمانBlessing, favor
AiyubعیوبOne who worships God
AizعیزRespect, honor
AizaadعیزادNoble, honorable
AizaamعیزامRespect, honor
AizaanعیزانRespectful, honorable
AizadعیزادNoble, honorable
AizahعیزہNobel, respectable
AizakعیزکRespectful, honorable
AizalعیزالNoble, honorable
AizamعیزامRespect, honor
AizanعیزانRespectful, honorable
AizarعیزارNoble, honorable
AizatعیزتRespect, honor
AizazعیزازRespect, honor
AizemعیزمRespect, honor
AizenعیزینRespectful, honorable
AizhinعیژینNoble, honorable
AizikعیزکRespectful, honorable
AizinعیزینNoble, honorable
AizwanعیزوانNoble, honorable
AjaamعجامOne who is honorable
AjaarعجارOne who earns a living
AjaazعجازMiracle, marvel

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