Explore our list of Muslim baby boy names starting with M that carry profound meanings. Find the unique name for your Muslim child from a large collection of names.
Modern Muslim baby boy names starting with M
Maaarib مارب Evening, Nightfall Maab ماب Place, Space Maabad معبد Worshiper Maad معاد Place of Return Maadil معدل Just, Fair Maadin معدن Mine, Source Maadini معدنی Responsible, Accountable Maadun معدون Helper Maah ماہ Moon, Month Maaheed ماہید Radiant, Glowing Maahi ماہی The Oryx (Type of Deer) Maahik ماہک One who is intelligent and wise Maahil ماہل Capable, competent Maahin ماہین Bright, radiant Maahir ماہر Skilled, expert Maahtaab ماہتاب Moonlight Maaifu معیفو One who is compassionate and forgiving Maaiz ماعز Brave, Mighty Maajid ماجد Glorious, Honorable Maajidah ماجدہ Glorious, Honorable Maakuf معقوف Avoided, Shunned Maalam معلم Knowledgeable, Educated Maali مالی Wealthy Maalih مالح Salty, one who is sharp and intelligent Maalik مالک Owner, Master Maaliq مالق One who is powerful and sovereign Maamar معمر One who lives a long life Maamoon مأمون Trustworthy Maamoun مأمون Trustworthy Maamour مأمور Assigned, Appointed Maamun مامون Trustworthy, one who is reliable Maamuri ماموری Appointed, In Charge Maan مان Respect, Honor Maani معنی Meaning, Significance Maanoos مانوس Sociable, Friendly Maany منی Aspirant, Wishful Maarib مارب Having Strong Iman Maarif معرفت Knowledge, Understanding Maarij معراج Ascender, Climber Maarouf معروف Well-known, Famous Maaruf معروف Well-known, famous Maarufi معروفی Well-Known, Famous Maash ماش Sustenance, Livelihood Maashar ماشر Livestock, Animals Maashir ماشر Observer, Noticer Maasib ماصب Afflicted, Troubled Maati ماتی Earth, Soil Maatuq ماتوق Pious, Devout Maawiya معاویہ The Prophet Muhammad’s Companion Maayan مائن Fountain, spring Maayish مائش Livelihood, Prosperity Maayush مائیش Long Life Maaz ماز Shelter, Refuge Maazim مازم Organizer, Coordinator Maazin مازن Rain, Rainy Maazir ماضر One Who Instigates Maazur مازور Strong, Powerful Maazuz مازوز One Who Conquers Mabad مابد Source, Origin Mabah مباہ Profitable, Advantageous Mabarak مبارک Blessed, Fortunate Mabkhut مبخت Fortunate, Lucky Mabood معبود One who is worshipped and adored Mabrook مبروک Blessed, Fortunate Mabrouk مبروک Blessed, Fortunate Mabruk مبروک Blessed, Congratulations Mabrur مبرور Accepted, Approved Mabud معبود One who is worshiped Mad مد Glory, Praise Madad مدد Help, support Madan مدن Garden, Paradise Madani مدنی Urban, Civilized Madar مدر Mother Madarik مدارک Observances Maddah مدح Praiser, Extoller Maddukuri Not a Muslim name Madeeh مدیح Praiseworthy, Commendable Madhar مضار Swift, quick Madhat مدحت Appreciation, Praise Madi مادی Reproductive, Fruitful
Islamic baby boy names starting with M from the Quran
Madiar مدیار Supporter, Helper Madih مديح Praise, Commendation Madiha مدیحہ Praiseworthy Madihuddin مدح الدین One who Praises the Religion Madin مدين City dweller Madina مدینہ City of the Prophet Madinah مدینہ City, Place of Worship Madiyan مدیان Confessor, Declared Madjid مجید Glorious Madkhal مدخل Entrance, Gateway Madni مدني Civilized, urban Madoow مدوو Guided, enlightened Madyan مدیان Place of Caves, Rocky Area Maed مائد Table, Spread Maeen معين Helper, supporter Maeesh معیش Livelihood, Sustenance Maen مئن One Who Turns Maera معرا Brave Mafaaz مفاز Successful Mafakhir مفاخر Bragging, Boasting Mafas مفاس Shelter Mafaz مفاز Successful, Victorious Mafaza مفاض Successful, victorious Mafeed مفید Useful, beneficial Mafi معافی Forgiveness Mafijuddin مفیج الدین One who Benefits the Religion Mafiz مفيز Victorious Mafizuddin مفیز الدین One who Adds Value to the Religion Mafizul مافیز Giver of Success Mafshid مفشد Supporter, Helper Maftooh مفتوح Opener, Revealer Maftuh مفتوح Opened, Revealed Magbul مقبول Accepted, Approvable Magdi مقدی Honorable, Glorious Maghayis مغیث Helper, Supporter Maghazi مغازی Warrior, Fighter Magid مجید Glorious, Magnificent Mahaad مہاد Cradle, Bed Mahaasin محاسن Beauties, Good Qualities Mahaboob محبوب Beloved, Loved one Mahad مہاد Firm, Resolute Mahadeer مہدیر Brave, Courageous Mahafijur Not a common Muslim name Mahafuzur Not a common Muslim name Mahal محل Place, Location Mahamadou Not a common Muslim name Mahammad محمد Praised, Praising Mahammed محمد Praised, Praising Mahamood محمود Praiseworthy, Commendable Mahamudul Not a common Muslim name Maharoof مہروف Kind, Gentle Mahat محت Clever, intelligent Mahathir مہتھیر One who is respected Mahati مہتی Diligent, hardworking Mahaz محاز Area, Territory Mahbeer مہبیر Brave, Valiant Mahbir مہبیر Warrior, brave Mahbob محبوب Beloved Mahbod محبود Beloved, adored Mahbub محبوب Beloved, Loved Mahbub-ullah محبوب اللہ Beloved of Allah Mahbubul محبوب ال Beloved of God Mahbubullah محب اللہ Beloved of Allah Mahbubur محبوب ال Beloved, Loved one Mahbur محبوب Chosen, Preferred Mahd مہد Guided, Rightly Guided Mahdi مہدی Guided One, Guided by Allah Mahdin مہدین Rightly guided Mahdy مہدي Guided one, the awaited one Maheboob محبوب Beloved, Loved one
Muslim baby boy names starting with M from the Quran
Mahedi مہدی Guided, enlightened Maheed مہید Praised, commendable Maheem مہیم Generous, magnanimous Maheen مہین Beautiful, fine Maheer مہیر Skillful, clever Maheerah مہیرہ Skilled, Expert Maheir مہیر Skilled, intelligent Mahemood محمود Praiseworthy, Commendable Mahen محن Examinable, scrutinizable Mahenoor ماہ نور Moonlight Maher مہر Skilled, expert Mahetaab مہتاب Moonlight Mahfar محفر Shelter, refuge Mahfoodh محفوظ Protected, Safe Mahfooz محفوظ Protected, Safe Mahfooza محفوظہ Protected, Safe Mahfoozh محفوظہ Preserved, Secure Mahfoud محفوظ Preserved, Safeguarded Mahfuj محفوظ Protected, Guarded Mahfujur محفوظر Preserved, Protected Mahfuz محفوظ Safeguarded, Preserved Mahfuzh محفوظہ Preserved, Protected Mahfuzur-rahman محفوظ الرحمٰن Protected by the Most Gracious MahfuzurRahman محفوظ الرحمن Protected by the Most Merciful Mahi ماہی The Beautiful One Mahian مہیان Existence, being Mahiar مہیار Expert, Skilled Mahib مہیب Majestic, Glorious Mahid مہید One Who is Praised Mahier مہیر Superior, excellent Mahiib مہیب Glorious, Majestic Mahil محيل One who turns away Mahim محيم Suppressor of anger Mahin محين Fine, delicate Mahir ماہر Skilled, Proficient Mahira مہیرہ Skilled, expert Mahiuddin Not a common Muslim name Mahiul مہیول Attainer of desires Mahiz مہيز Protected, sheltered Mahja مہجا Place, Spot Mahjan مہجن Gem, Precious Stone Mahjoob مہجوب Attracted, Captivated Mahjub مہجوب Concealed, Hidden Mahmad محمد Praiseworthy Mahmand مہمند Trustworthy, Faithful Mahmed محمد Praiseworthy Mahmod محمود Praiseworthy Mahmodul محمود ال Praiseworthy, Commendable Mahmood محمود Praiseworthy Mahmoud محمود Praiseworthy Mahmud محمود Praised, Thanked Mahmud-un-nabi محمود النبی Praiseworthy Prophet Mahmudul محمود ال Praiseworthy, Commendable Mahmudunnabi محمود النبی The Praised Prophet Mahmudur محمود ال Praiseworthy, Commendable Mahnaf مہنف Profitable, beneficial Mahnaz مہناز Beautiful, proud Mahoma مہوما Praiseworthy Mahomet محمد The Prophet Muhammad Mahon مہون Full moon Mahran مہران Compassionate Mahraz مہراز Honour, dignity Mahrez مہریز Content, satisfied Mahroof معروف Known, Recognized Mahroz مہروز Fortunate, lucky Mahruddin Not a common Muslim name Mahruf معروف Well-known, renowned Mahrus محروس Protected, Guarded Mahsa مہسا Moonlike Mahsam مہسم Pure, unblemished Mahsan محسن Beneficent, charitable Mahsar محصر Surrounded, enclosed Mahshid مہشید Observer, Witness Mahshooq محشوق Lover, Beloved Mahsin محسن Virtuous, good Mahsub محصب Sublime, Dignified Mahsum محسوم Decided, Determined Mahsun محسون Good, Pleasant Mahtab مہتاب Moonlight, Moon Mahtim مہتم Respected, honored
Unique Muslim baby boy names that start with M
Mahud مہود Praised, Commended Mahul محول Transformed, Changed Mahum مہم Happy, Content Mahuroos محروس Guarded, Protected Mahwash مہوش Enchanted, Attractive Mahzad مہزاد Fortunate, blessed Mahzar مہذر Brilliant, radiant Mahzuz مہزوز Conqueror, Victorious Maidan میدان Open Space, Field Maidul معیدل The enlightened one Maier ماعير One who illuminates Maifuj معیفوج The forgiver Maiin معین Helper, Assistant Maik مائیک Who is Like God Mailik مالک Owner, master Maimon معیمون Trusted, faithful Maimun معیمون Trustworthy, secure Maimur معیمور Guided, enlightened Main معین Assistance, Help Mainuddin Not a common Muslim name Mainul معینال Benefactor, supporter Mainur معینور Guided, enlightened Mairaj معراج Ascension, Night Journey Mairanay معرانے Gift, Present Maisam میثم Lion-hearted, brave Maisan میثان Shining, bright Maisur میصور Prosperous, Successful Maiz میز Table, Desk Maiza مائزہ Discerning, intelligent Maja ماجا Glorious, Worthy Majal مجل Area, Region Majar مجر Source of help Majaz مجاز Symbolic, Allegorical Majd مجد Glory, Nobility Majd-al-din مجد الدین Glory of the Faith Majd-Udeen مجد الدین Glory of the Faith MajdAlDin Glory of the Religion Majdan مجدان Battlefield, Arena Majdeddin Glory of the Religion Majdi مجدی Glorious, Praiseworthy Majdii مجدی Glorious, Praiseworthy Majduddeen مجد الدین The Glory of the Faith Majduddin مجد الدین Glory of the Faith Majdudeen مجد الدین Glory of the Faithful Majdy مجدی Glorious, Praiseworthy Majed مجید Glorious, Honorable Majeed مجید Glorious, Praiseworthy Majeedan مجیدان Glorious, Praiseworthy Majeedi مجیدی Glorious, Praiseworthy Majha مجھا Mine, My Own Majhar مجہر Conqueror, victorious Majharul مجهارل Glorious Majid مجید Glorious, Praiseworthy Majid-al-din مجید الدین Glory of the Faith MajidAlDin ماجد الدین Glorious in Religion Majied مجید Glorious, illustrious Majiid مجید Glorious, Praiseworthy Majir مجير Helper, supporter Majit ماجت Seeking refuge Majjad مجاد Glorious Majjadin مجادین Glorified Majnun مجنون Crazy, passionate Major میجر Superior, higher rank Majumder ماجومدر Leader, noble Majzub مجذوب Attracted Makael مکائل Angel, messenger MakaKhan مکا خان Master, leader Makan مکان Place MakarramKhan مکرم خان Noble, Generous Leader Makbul مقبول Accepted, approved Makeen مکین Strong Makhdoom مخدوم Servant Makhid مخیض Wise, intelligent Makhluf مخلوف Created Makil ماكيل One who gives Makin ماکن Strong Makka مكة Mecca, a holy place Makki مکی From Makkah Maknoonah مکنونہ Hidden Maknun مکنون Hidden, concealed
Arabic boy names starting from M
Makram مکرم Generous Makramullah مکرم اللہ Generous of Allah Makrem مکرم Honorable, noble Makrimi مکرمی Noble Makrur مکرور Satisfied Maksud مقصود Intention, purpose Maksudul مقصود ال Intended, desired Maksudur مقصودر Desired, intended Maktub مکتوب Written Maktum مکتم Hidden, concealed Maktumsab Not a common Muslim name Malach مالچ Angel, messenger Malak ملک Angel Malang ملنگ Devotee Malbin ملبن Clear, pure Maleed ملید Reprehensible Maleeh ملیح Beautiful Maleek ملیک Sovereign Maleekah ملیکہ Queen Maleekan ملیکان Sovereign Malek مالك King, sovereign Malhan ملہن Benefactor, supporter Malic مالك Possessor Maliek مالیک Sovereign, king Malieq مالیق Angelic, heavenly Malih مالح Attractive Maliih ملیح Beautiful Malik ملك King, ruler Malike مالک Owner, ruler Malikh مالک Sovereign, king Maliki مالکی Pertaining to a King Malikzay ملکزی Possessor of kingdom Maliq ملك Owner, master Malja ملجأ Refuge, shelter Mallik ملک King, owner Malmus ملموس Blameless Malomo ملومو Cursed, condemned Maloof ملوف Beloved Maloof-uddin ملوف الدین Beloved of the Religion Maloofud-Din معلوف الدین Known to the Religion Maloofuddin معلوف الدین Known to the Religion Malooful-islam ملوف الاسلام Beloved of Islam Maloofulislam معلوف الاسلام Known in Islam Maloom معلوم Known, recognized Malouf ملوف Beloved Malu مالو One who is Smooth Maluf ملوف Beloved Maluum ملوم Guilty Malyar مالیار Prominent Maman مامان Trustworthy Mamar ممر Frustrated Mamdoh ممدوح Praiseworthy, commendable Mamdooh مندوہ Praised Mamdou ممدوح Praiseworthy, commendable Mamdouh مندوہ Praiseworthy Mamdu ممدو Praised, commendable Mamdud مندود Praised Mamduh مندوہ Praised Mammad ممد Praiseworthy, commendable Mamnoon مننون Grateful Mamnun ممنون Gratified, content Mamon ممن Benefactor Mamoon مأمون Trusted Mamoor مامور Assigned, appointed Mamoun مامون Trustworthy, secure Mamshooq ممشوق Beloved, adored Mamum ماموم Trusted, reliable Mamun مأمون Trustworthy Mamur مأمور Assigned Man من From Manaaf مناف Beneficial, profitable Manaazil منازل Stages, destinations Manaf مناف Helper Manafi منافی Useful Manaj مناج Supplicant Manal منال Attainment Manan منان Benevolent, kind Manar منار Lighthouse Manari مناری Luminous Manarul-Islam منار الاسلام Light of Islam Manasseh منساہ Causing to forget Manaz مناز One who is to be remembered Manazir مناظر Sights Mandhur منظور Approved Mandur مندور Avoided, shunned Maneeh منیح Beneficial Manha منہا Gift Manhal منحل Spring Mani منی Valuable Manier منیر Radiant, shining
Latest islamic baby boy names starting with M
Manik منیک Precious stone Maniruddin منیر الدین Light of the Religion Manjar منجر Leading, guiding Manjur منجور Approved, accepted Manjurul منجور ال Accepted, approved Mannaf مناف Benefactor, supporter Mannan منان Benefactor Mannat منّت Wish, prayer Mannaz مناز Deserving, worthy Manoshan منوشان Charismatic, charming Manouchehr منوچهر Soul of the Moon Mansab منصب Position Mansar منصر Supporter Mansha منشاء Will Manshoor منشور Manifested Manshur منشور Spread Mansoor منصور Victorious Mansoor-uddin منصور الدین Victorious in Religion Mansoorah منصورہ Victorious Mansooruddin منصور الدین Supported by the Religion Mansour منصور Victorious Mansur منصور Victorious Mansur-uddin منصور الدین Victorious in Religion Mansuri منصوری Victorious MansurKhan منصور خان Victorious Leader Mansuruddin منصور الدین Supported by the Religion Manteshar Not a common Muslim name Manuchehr منوچہر Like the Moon Manus منث Like a Human Manzar منظر Scene Manzhar منظر View Manzhoor منظور Accepted Manzir منظر Supervisor Manzoor منظور Accepted Manzoorali منظور علی Accepted by Ali Manzur منظور Approved Maooni ماؤنی Beneficiary Maqaam مقام Place Maqadar مقدر Destiny Maqam مقام Position, status Maqasid مقاصد Purposes Maqbool مقبول Accepted Maqbul مقبول Accepted Maqbuli مقبولی Acceptance Maqdeed مقدید Resolute Maqdoom مقدوم Influential, Leader Maqdum مقدم Leader Maqdur مقدور Fortunate Maqeem مقیم Permanent Maqil مقیل Intelligent Maqmoor مقمور Captivated, Enthralled Maqshood مقصود Intended, desired Maqsood مقصود Intended Maqsud مقصود Intended Maqsudur مقصودر Intended, desired Maqsyud مقصود Intended Maqtaza مقتضا Requirement, Necessity Maqtiyar مقتیار Powerful, capable Maqusood مقصود Intended, desired Mar مار Mr. Maraatib مراتب Ranks, degrees Maraheeb مراہیب Ascensions Marahi مراہی Joyful Maraj مراج Stars Maram مرام Aspiration Maraqab مراقب Observer Marashid مرشد Guide Maratib مراتب Ranks Marbuh مربوح Engrossed Mardhaat مرضات Pleasing, satisfying Mardheei مرضی Pleasing, agreeable Mardin ماردین Manly Marduf مردوف Known Mareekh ماریخ Historical Mareen مارین Resolute Mareer ماریر Brave Marghab مرغب Desirable Marghoob مرغوب Desirable Marghub مرغوب Desired Marhabaa مرحبا Welcome, greetings
Marhan مرحان Benevolent Marhub مرحوب Beloved Mariah مریہ Bitter Marib مريب Suspicious Marid مارض Rebellious Marii ماری My Wish Marin مارین Resolute Marjaan مرجان Coral Marjan مرجان Precious Coral Marjik مارجک Brave Markooz مرکوز Concentrated Maroof معروف Well-Known Marooh معروہ The Blessed Maroun مارون Name of a Tree Marout ماروت Angel Marqoom مرقوم Written, Recorded Marqum مرقوم Fixed Marr مار To Hit, To Strike Marsaa مرسا Emissary Marsad مرصاد Pursuer Marshin مرشد Guided, Led Marshud مرشد Guided Marshudi مرشدی Guided Marsook مرصوص Attached, Joined Martia مارٹیا Guardian Marudeen ماردین Brave Maruf معروف Known Marufa معروفہ Known Maruff معروف Well-Known Marufirah معروفیہ Known Marukh مارخ Mercury Marum معمر Long-lived Marvaan مروان Variant of Marwan Marvan ماروان One who Lives Marwa مروہ A mountain in Mecca Marwaan مروان Old Arabic name Marwan مروان Old Arabic name Marzaan مرزان Variant of Marzan Marzal مرزل Brave Marzan مرزان Clever Marzat مرزت Respect Marzban مرزبان Guardian Marzeem مرزیم Variant of Marzim Marzi مرضی Will, Desire Marzooq مرزوق Blessed, Fortunate Marzouq مرزوق Blessed, Prosperous Marzug مرضوض Blessed, Fortunate Marzun مرضون Approved, Accepted Marzuq مرزوق Blessed, Fortunate Marzuqi مرضوقی Blessed, Prosperous Marzuqullah مرزوق اللہ Blessed by Allah Masa ماسا Morning Masaabeeh Lamps, lights Masaabih مصابح Lamps, light sources Masad مسد Fortunate, Lucky Masadiq مصادق Truthful, Honest Masadul مصدول Variant of Masdul Masahil مساحل Plains, Open Areas Masajid مساجد Plural of Masjid (Mosques) Masakin مساکن Plural of Maskun (Dweller) Masari مساری Pure, Good, Virtuous Masarrat مسرت Happiness, Joy Masbat مثبت Positive, Constructive Masd مسد Fortunate, Lucky Masduq مسدق Truthful Maseeh مسیح Messiah, Christ Maseeh-uz-zaman مسیح الزمان Messiah of the Time (Refers to Jesus Christ) Maseeha مسیحا The Anointed One, Messiah Maseehuzzaman مسیح الزمان Messiah of the era Maseer مسیر Journey Maseeri مسیری Variant of Maseri Maseerullah مسیر اللہ Guided by Allah Masfikul مصفیکل Purity, cleanliness Masgaba مسگبہ Slight Smile Mashaal مشعل Torch, Light Mashaariq East, places of sunrise Mashael مشاعل Lamps, Lights Mashahid مشاہد Witnesses Mashak مشاک Vessel Mashal مشعل Torch, Light Mashar مشار The Brave Masharddin مشعر الدین Light of the Religion Mashari مشاری Counselors, Advisers Mashariq مشارق East, Orient Mashawir مشاور Advisors, Consultants Mashe ماشہ Beautiful Masheedi مشیدی Praiser Masheer مشیر Counsellor, Advisor Mashhad مشہد Witness Mashhood مشہود Witnessed, Observed Mashhoodah مشہودہ Observed, Witnessed (Feminine) Mashhoor مشہور Famous, well-known Mashhud مشہود Observed, Witnessed Mashhur مشہور Famous, Well-Known Mashidul مشید ال Witness of Allah Mashir مشیر Advisor Mashiyat مشیت Will, Wish Mashkoor مشکور Thankful, Grateful Mashkur مشکور Thankful, Grateful Mashkuri مشکوری Thankfulness, Gratitude
Mashood مشہود Witness, Observer Mashook معشوق Beloved, Adored Mashooq معشوق Beloved, Adored Mashoor مشہور Famous, Well-Known Mashqur مشقور Acquainted, Knowledgeable Mashrafe مشرف Honorable, noble Mashrafi مشرفی Noble, Dignified Mashreq مشرق East Mashriq مشرق East, Orient Mashriqi مشرقی Eastern, Oriental Mashroof مشروف Busy, occupied Mashruf مشروف Occupied, Engaged Mashruh مشروہ Rightly Guided, Upright Mashruk مشرک Witnessed, Seen Mashrur مشرور Happy, Pleased Mashta مشتا Seeker, Aspirant Mashud مشہود Witnessed Mashuk معشوق Beloved Mashuq مشوق Adored Mashur مشہور Famous Mashuum مشعوم Fragrant Masid مسید Place of worship Masidul مسیدل Variant of Masdul Masiha مسیحا Healer Masihuddin مسیح الدین Christ of the Religion Masik مسیک Embryo Masin مسين Beneficial Masir مسیر Path, Way Masiri مسیری One who walks the path Masiullah The will of Allah Masjid مسجد Mosque Maskun مسکن Dweller, Inhabitant Maskur مسکور Thankful Maslahuddin مصلح الدین Reformer of the Religion Maslama مسلمہ Peaceful, Safe Maslan مثلان Resembling Masmud مسمود Praiseworthy Mason میسون Worker in stone Masood مسعود Fortunate, Lucky Masoodan مسعودان Fortunate, Blessed (Plural) Masoode مسود Fortunate, Lucky Masoodul مسعودل Fortunate, happy Masoom معصوم Innocent, Sinless Masoon مسون Protective Masoud مسعود Fortunate, Praiseworthy Masri مصري Egyptian Masrif مصرف User Masrook مسرور Happy, Joyful Masroor مسرور Happy, Pleased Masruf مسرف Generous Masruq مسروق Acquirer, Gainer Masrur مسرور Happy, Joyful Massiah مسیح The Anointed One, Messiah Massin مسین Beautiful Massoud مسعود Fortunate, Praiseworthy (Alternative) Massud مسعود Fortunate Mastan مستان Energetic Masthan مستان Variant of Mastan Mastoor مستور Hidden, Concealed Mastoori مستوری Concealment, Hiddenness Mastufa مستوفہ Variant of Mustafa Mastur مستور Veiled, Covered Masud مسعود Fortunate, Praiseworthy Masudi مسعودی Belonging to Masud (Family Name) Masudul مسودول Variant of Masdul Masudur مسودور Variant of Masdul Masuk مسک Perfumed, fragrant Masum معصوم Innocent, Immaculate Masun معصون Victim, Oppressed Masura مسورہ Prosperous Masus معصوص Pure, Unpolluted Masvood مسوود Variant of Masud Maswood مسوود Variant of Masud Masyal مسیل Trickle, Flow Masyhur مشہور Famous, Renowned Mataf مطاف Area of Tawaf (Circumambulation) in Hajj Matahir مطہر Pure, Clean Matalib مطالب Aspirations, Ambitions Matar مطر Rain Matari مطاری Ascender, Climber
Matee متی Content, Satisfied Mateen متین Strong, Firm Mateer مطیر Desirous, Willful Mateeri مطیری Willful, Desirous (Feminine) Matei ماتي Gift of God Maten ماتين Solid, strong Mathar متھر Chosen, Preferred Matheen متھین Knowledgeable, Wise Mathnawi مثنوی A Rhymed Couplets Form Mathwa متھوا Desired, Wished For Matibur مطیبور Content, Satisfied Matija متیجہ Well-Behaved Matin متین Strong, Powerful Matir مطیر Desirous, Willful Matiullah Gift of Allah Matlab مطلب Meaning, Purpose Matloob مطلوب Desired, Sought After Matlub مطلوب Desired, Sought After Mattali مطالعی Bookish, Literary Matteen متین Strong, Firm Matthias متیا Gift from God Matun متون Solid, strong Matyn ماتین Strong, powerful Maudad مودد Receptive Mauddin موعود دین Promised Religion Maudood موعود Promised, Expected Maudud مودود Beloved Mauhoob محبوب Beloved, Adored Mauhub موہوب Beloved, Adored Maula مولا Master, lord Maulaa مولا Master Maulana مولانا Religious Scholar Maulasab مولا صب Lord, master Maumoon مأمون Trustworthy, Safe Mausim موسم Season Mausoof موصوف Described, Depicted Maustaque Not a common Muslim name Mav ماو Meadow, Field Mavin ماون Beneficial, useful Mavish ماویش Happy Mawaazeen Scales, balance Mawada مودہ Love Mawahib مواہب Talents, Gifts Mawardi مواردی Wealthy, Prosperous Mawazin موازن Scales, Balance Mawdood مودود Loved, Beloved Mawdud مودود Loved, Beloved Mawfoud موفود Guided, Directed Mawhab موہب Giver, Bestower Mawhad موہد Pledged, Promised Mawhoob موہوب Loved, Beloved Mawhoub موہوب Beloved, Desired Mawhub موہب Giver, Bestower Mawid موعد Promise, appointment Mawiya ماویہ The Chosen One Mawjud موجود Present, Existing Mawla مولا Master, Lord Mawloud مولود Born, Newborn Mawlud مولود Born Mawoud موعود Promised, Expected Mawra مورا A mountain in Mecca Mawsil موصل Connector, Linker Mawsool موصول Received, Obtained Mawthuq موثوق Trustworthy, Reliable Mawun مون Cloud Mayaan میان Between Mayan مايان One who is full of grace Mayar مایار Standard, measure Mayed ماید Glorious Mayeen معین Helper
Mayes مائس Walking with a proud, swinging gait Mayiz مائز Modest, humble Maymum معمم Protected Maymun میمن Auspicious, Blessed Maynuddin Not a common Muslim name Maysara میسرہ Easy, Facilitated Maysarah میثرہ Ease, comfort Maysoor میسور Variant of Maysara Mayuddin میعاددین Promised religion Mazaahir مظاہر Appearances, manifestations Mazafar مظافر Traveler, Visitor Mazahar مظاہر Appearances, Manifestations Mazahir مظاہر Manifestations Mazal مظل Shade Mazall مزال Prolonged Mazamin مضامین Articles, Writings Mazan مزن Rain Mazar مزار Shrine, tomb Mazari مزاری Respected Mazaruddin مزار الدین Light of the Religion Mazeed مزید More, Additional Mazen مازن Proper, respectable Mazer مازر Visitor Mazhar مظہر Manifest, Evident Mazhar-ud-Din مظہر الدین Manifestation of the religion MazharUdDin مظہر الدین Manifestation of the Religion Mazharul مظہر ال Manifestation of Allah Mazharul-Haq مظہر الحق Manifestation of the Truth MazharulHaq مظہر الحق Manifestation of the Truth Mazher مظہر Manifest Mazhur مظہور Famous, Celebrated Maziar مازیار Moonlight Maziba مازیبا Blessed Mazibur مظیبور Variant of Matibur Mazid مزید More, Additional Mazidur مزیدور Variant of Matibur Mazin مازن Rain, Cloud Mazinn مازین Beauty Mazir مازر Patient, Enduring Mazkoor مذکور Mentioned, Remembered Mazkur مذکور Mentioned, Remembered Mazlum مظلوم Oppressed Mazman مظمن Trustworthy, Reliable Mazmun مضمون Content, Subject Mazruuii مضروعی Engaged, Occupied Mazur معذر Excused, forgiven Mazyn مازین Proper, respectable Mazzin مزین Adorned Mebin میبین Clear, evident Mebsam مبسم Smiling Meddar مددار One who Helps Medhat مدحت Praiseworthy Meeaad میعاد Promised Time Meehan میہن Intelligent Meekaaeel Arabic form of the name Michael Meekaal میکال Variant of Mikail Meekha میخا Anointed Meelaad میلاد Birth, Nativity Meer میر Chief, Leader Meeraath میراث Heritage, inheritance Meerab میراب The Guided One Meeran میران Princely Meeravalli میراوالی Leader, Chief Meesam میثم Brave Meesum میثم Brave Meethaq میثاق Covenant, Agreement Meezaan میزان Balance, Scales Meezan میزان Balance Mehabin محبین Lovers, Admirers Mehaboob محبوب Beloved, cherished
Mehabub محبوب Beloved, Adored Mehad مہد Rightly guided Mehammed محمد Praised, praiseworthy Mehamood محمود Praiseworthy, commendable Mehan مہان Helper, supporter Mehaq مہق Pleasant, Sweet Smelling Mehar مہر Kindness, Grace Meharbab مہرباب Loving, affectionate Meharoof مہروف Known, famous Mehatab مہتاب Variant of Mehdi Mehaza مہذا Glorious Mehbin مہبین Loving Mehbish محبش Variant of Mahbub Mehboob محبوب Beloved, Loved Mehbub محبوب Beloved Mehd مہد Guided, Guiding Mehdad مہداد Given, Bestowed Mehdee مہدی Guided One Mehdi مہدی Guided, Rightly Guided Mehdin مہدین Guided Mehdy مہدی Guided, Rightly Guided Mehebub محبوب Variant of Mahbub Mehed مہد Always happy, Joyful Mehedi مہدی Guided Mehedy مہدی Guided Mehemet محمت Mercy, Compassion Meher مہر Kindness, Blessing Meherab مہراب Variant of Mehrab Meheraj مہراج Ascension, Night Journey Meheraz مہراز Variant of Mehrab Meherban مہربان Benevolent, compassionate Meherdad مهرداد Given by the Sun Meherzad مہرزاد Gift of love Mehfin مہفین Generous Mehfiz محفوظ Protected Mehfooz محفوظ Protected, Safe Mehfuz محفوظ Safeguarded Mehjab محجب Veiled Mehkafil Not a common Muslim name Mehmaaz مہماز Admirable, Respectable Mehmood محمود Praiseworthy, Commendable Mehmud محمود Praiseworthy Mehr مہر Blessing, Love Mehraab مہراب Variant of Mehrab Mehraaj مہراج Ascension, Night Journey Mehraan مہران Kind, Compassionate Mehrab مہراب Arch, Altar Mehraban مہربان Compassionate, merciful Mehrad مہراد Gift of the Sun Mehran مہران Compassionate, Kind Mehrang مہرنگ Variant of Mehran Mehrbaan مہربان Kind, gracious Mehrbod مہربد Given by the Sun Mehrdad مہرداد Gift of the Sun Mehrdel مہردل Variant of Mehran Mehreen مہرین Lovable, Sweet Mehrin مهرین Affectionate Mehrish مہرش Variant of Mehrez Mehrshid مهرشید Sunlight Mehrtash مهرتاش Like the Sun Mehruddin The kindness of the religion Mehrzad مهرزاد Offspring of love Mehsaan محسان Benefactor, Charitable Mehsoof محصوف Variant of Masud Mehtaar محتار Guided, Directed Mehtab مہتاب Moon Mehtar مہتار Moonlight Mehtaz مہتاز Adorned, decorated Mehthab مہتاب Sunlight, Moonlight Mehul مہول Rain Mehvish مہوش Variant of Mahwish Mehwa مہوا A type of fragrant plant Mehwish محوش Moonlight, Beautiful Mehzaan مہذان Variant of Mezaan Mehzad مہزاد Moonlight Mehzan مہزان Precious, valuable Mehzid مہزید One who is praised Mehzin مہزین Adorned, decorated Mejad مجد Glory, Grandeur Mejan میجان Soul, life
Mejdi مجدی Glorious, Praiseworthy Mekael میکائیل Angel (Michael) Mekka مکہ Holy city in Saudi Arabia Memar معمار Architect, Builder Memon میمن Trustworthy, Faithful Mensur منصور Victorious Menzies منزیز Variant of Munzir Merab میراب Wished-for, Desirable Meraj معراج Ascension, Night Journey Merajuddin معراج الدین Ascension of the Religion Meran میران One who distributes Meraz میراز Straight path, Righteous Merazda میراضدا Variant of Merzad Merdasan مرداسان Lion-like, brave Merin میرن Wished-for, Desired Merle میرل Blackbird Mert مرت Quality, Character Mesba مسبہ Candle, Light Meshaab میشعب Fountain, Spring Meshal میشال Torch, light Mesud مسعود Fortunate, Happy Mesut مسعود Happy, Blessed Metab متاب Repentance, Sincere Metan میتان Generous, Big-hearted Metin میتین Solid, Strong Mewar میوار Eternal, Everlasting Meysam میثم One who is praised Mezaan میزان Balance, scale Mezan میزان Balance, Scale Mezin میزین Intelligent, Wise Mhamad محمد Muhammad (PBUH), the praised one Mhasood محسود Variant of Masud Mhkhtar مختار Chosen, Selected Mia میا Beloved, Mine Miad میعاد The promised time Miadad میعاد The promised one Miah میاہ Moonlight Miajan میاجان Moon-faced Mibkar مبکر Early morning Mibsaam مبصم Smiling, Cheerful Mibsam مبسم Smiling Mibshar مبشر Bearer of good news Mica مائیکا Who is Like God Micah مائیکا Who is like God? Micronesia مائیکرونیشیا (This doesn’t seem to be a Muslim name) Midaad مداد Generous, giving Midad مداد Support, Assistance Midadi مددی Helpful Midhat مدحت Praise Midlaj مدلج One who lives in comfort Midraar مدرار Seeker of Repentance Midrar مدرار Desired Mieshar میشار One who lives a happy life Mietaf معتف Hospitable Mietar میتر Friend Mietawi میتوی One who extends love and affection Mifrah مفرح Happy, cheerful Mifshan مفشان Variant of Mufshan Mifshar مفشر Spreader, Distributor Miftaah مفتاح Key Miftah مفتح Opener, key Miftahuddin مفتح الدین Opener of the religion (Islam) Miftahul مفتح ال Opener, key Miftaur مفتاحور Key of success Mifyaz مفیاز Blessing Mifzal مفضل Gracious, generous Mihad مہاد Noble, illustrious Mihal مہل Gift Mihammad محمد Variant of Muhammad Mihan مہن Exalted, Elevated Mihar مہار Handsome, Beautiful Mihas مہاس Virtuous, Pious Mihash مہاش Moonlight Mihlal مہلال One who finds beauty in everything Mihrab محراب Prayer niche in a mosque Mihran مہران Kind, compassionate Mihraz مہراز Helpful, generous Mihwar مہوار Axis, pivot Mihyar مہیار Strong, powerful Mijan میجان Successful, Prosperous Mijanur میجانور Light of the Moon Mijbar مجبار Compelled, forced Mijdad مجداد Glorious Mijhan مجھان The moon Mijwaad مجواد Generous Mijwad مجواد One who is endowed with grace Mika میکا Variant of Mikail Mikaail میکائیل One who is like God’s messenger (Angel) Mikaal میکائیل Angel (Michael) Mikaeel میکائیل Variant of Mikail (Angel Michael)
Mikael میکائیل Variant of Mikail (Angel Michael) Mikail میکائیل Angel Michael Mikal میکال Variant of Mikail Mikayeel میکائیل Variant of Mikail (Angel Michael) Mikhaeel میخائیل Variant of Mikail (Angel Michael) Mikhail میخائیل Variant of Mikail (Angel Michael) Mikhdad مخداد Chosen Milad میلاد Birth, birthday Milhaan ملہان Happy, delighted Milhas ملحس Variant of Milhas Milon میلون Kind, Gentle Mimar معمار Architect Mimraah ممراہ The light of the moon Mimrah ممراہ Fragrance Mimshad ممشاد One who is much praised Mimum میمم Generous, Noble Minaar مینار Lighthouse, tower Minaj مناج Kingly, Majestic Minan منان Benefactor, Bestower Minar منار Lighthouse, Guiding Light Minaz میناز Graceful, Elegant Minazuddin مناز الدین Adornment of the Religion Minh منہ Light, Radiance Minhaaj منہاج The way, the path Minhaas منہاص Generosity Minhaj منہاج Path, way Minhaj-uddin منہاج الدین The way of religion Minhajuddin منہاج الدین The way of religion Minhajul منہاج ال The path, the way Minhal منحل Generous, kind-hearted Minhali منہلی Gentle, kind Minhaz منہاز Caution, care Minhazul منہاز ال Adornment of the religion Minnah منّہ Favor, grace Minnat منت Pray, request Minnat-ullah منت اللہ Pray, request of Allah Minnatullah منت اللہ Gift from Allah Minoo مینو Heaven, Paradise Minsar منسر Happy, delighted Minzar منظر Vision, view Miqdaad مقداد Supporter, helper Miqdaam مقدام One who is advancing Miqdaar مقدار Measure, quantity Miqdad مقداد Strong, robust Miqdadi مقدادی Strong, robust Miqdam مقدم First, early Mir میر Leader, prince Mir-jahaan میر جہان Leader of the world Mir-wais میر ویس Leader, chief Mirab میراب Aspirations, Hopes Miradi میرادی Variant of Mirad Miraf میراف Obedient, submissive Miraj معراج Ascension, night journey
Miyaz میاز Distinguished, honorable Miyusham میوشم Smiling, cheerful Mizaan میزان Balance, scale Mizab مزاب Flow, Streaming Water Mizan میزان Balance, scale Mizanoor مزانور Light of the moon Mizanur میزان الدین Balance of the religion (Islam) Mizanur-Rahman میزان الرحمن Balance of the Most Merciful MizanurRahman میزان الرحمن Balance of the Most Merciful Mizbah مزبح Altar, place of sacrifice Mizbahul مزباح ال The lamp of Allah Mizhab مذہب Religion Mizhar مظہر Evident, clear Mizhir میضیر Variant of Mizr Mizn میزن Cloud, rain Mizwan مزوان Gentle, mild Mizyal مزیل Friendly, kind Mizyan میزان Balance, harmony Moalim معلم Teacher Moazin مؤذن One who calls to prayer (Adhan) Moazzam معظم Respected, honorable Moazzem معظم Respected, honorable Mobarak مبارک Blessed Mobasshir Bringer of good news Mobeen مبین Evident, clear Mobin مبین Clear, Evident Moddib مدبب Attractive, charming Modin مدین Civilized, Cultured Moeen معین Helper, supporter Moeen-uddin معین الدین Helper of the religion Moees معیس One who Blesses Moeez معیز Respected, honorable Moein معین Helper, supporter Moeiz معیز One who Enlivens Moemen مؤمن Believer Moen معین Helper, Assistant Moeneeb منیب One who repents to God Moez معز One who gives honor Mofidul مفید الدين Beneficent in religion Mofijul مفیج الدین Helper in religion Mofiz موفیز Successful, Prosperous Mogisur موغيصر Conqueror Mohab موہب Loving, Affectionate Mohabbat محبت Love, affection Mohaideen Supporter, helper Mohaimin مہیمن Trustworthy, reliable Mohamad محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohamed محمد Praiseworthy, glorified Mohamed-Rekhan محمد ریخان Muhammad, rays of light Mohamed-Tasif محمد طاصف Muhammad, one who takes revenge Mohamedhas محمد حسن Muhammad, the Good Mohameed محمید Praiseworthy, commendable Mohamet محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohamid محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohammad محمد Praiseworthy, glorified Mohammad-Ruhan محمد روحان Muhammad, spiritual Mohammad-Shyeeb محمد شیب Muhammad, grey-haired Mohammadi Related to Prophet Muhammad Mohammadreza محمد رضا Muhammad, the Contented Mohammd محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohammed محمد Praiseworthy, glorified Mohammed-Fahad محمد فہد Muhammad, leopard Mohammed-Jasin محمد جاسن Muhammad, beautiful Mohammed-Junaid محمد جنید Muhammad, young warrior Mohammed-Shoyeb محمد شویب Muhammad, the one who glows Mohammedsahid محمد شہید Muhammad, witness/martyr Mohammeed Praised, commendable Mohammid محمید Praiseworthy, commendable Mohammud محمود Praiseworthy, commendable Mohamoud محمود Praiseworthy, commendable Mohamud محمود Praiseworthy Mohanad مہند Sword Mohannad مہناد Sword that has been unsheathed Moharram محرم Sacred, forbidden Mohasin محسن One who does good deeds Mohd محمد The Praised One (Prophet Muhammad) Mohd-Abdullah محمد عبد اللہ Muhammad, servant of Allah Mohd-Ibraham محمد ابراہیم Muhammad, the Father of Abraham Mohd-Khaleel محمد خلیل Muhammad, the Friend Mohd-Mustaffa محمد مصطفیٰ Muhammad, the chosen one Mohdirshad مہدر شاد Guided by the Light Moheb موہیب Loving, Affectionate Moheeb محیب Loving, kind Moheed موحد One who believes in oneness of Allah Moheem موہیم Generous, kind-hearted Moheen موہین Helper, supporter Mohhamad محمد Praised, praiseworthy Mohhammad Praised, commendable Mohhmad محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohi محی Giver of Life
Mohib محب Loving, Beloved Mohibur مہیبور The one who inspires awe Mohid موحد One who believes in oneness Mohiddin مہیددین Guided by the religion Mohideen مہیدین Guided, religious Mohiden محیدین The guided one Mohidin محیدین The guided one Mohidul محیدال The guided one Mohidur محیدور The guided one Mohim مہم Important, Significant Mohin موہن Attractive, Charming Mohine موہین Charming, attractive Mohinuddin مہین الدین Helper of the Religion Mohinur مہینور Light of the moon Mohisin محسین One who does good deeds Mohiuddin Supporter of the religion Mohiuddin-Tanim محی الدین تانم Reviver of the religion, desire Mohiudin مہی الدین Reviver of the religion Mohiyuddin مہی الدین Reviver of the Religion Mohmad محمد Praised, praiseworthy (Prophet Muhammad’s name) Mohmed محمد Variant of Muhammad Mohmmad محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohmmed محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad MohmmedIdrees محمد ادریس Muhammad, the studious one Mohmood محمود Praiseworthy Mohomad محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohomed محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohomet محمد The praised one, Prophet Muhammad Mohommad محمد Praised, praiseworthy Mohommed محمد Praised, praiseworthy Mohseen محسین One who does good deeds Mohsen محسن Beneficent, charitable Mohsheen مہشین Moon-faced, handsome Mohshin محسن One who does good deeds Mohsim محسن Generous, kind-hearted Mohsin محسن Kind, benevolent Mohtadi مہتاد Guided, rightly guided Mohtasham Dignified, honorable Mohtashim مہتشم One who avoids evil Mohtasim محتسم Just, fair Mohteshem Honorable, distinguished Moideen معیدین One who revives, one who restores Moidheen معیدین Restorer of life, reviver Moidu مویدو Promiser, Covenant-maker Moidul معید الدین Reviver of the religion (Islam) Moiez معیض One who Comforts Moin معین Helper, supporter Moin-ud-dawlah معین الدولہ Helper of the state Moin-uddin معین الدین Helper of the religion MoinKhan معین خان Helper, supporter Moinuddawlah معین الدولہ Helper of the State Moinuddeen معین الدین Helper of the Religion Moinuddin Helper of the religion Moinudeen Helper of the faith Moinudheen معین الدین Helper of the Religion Moinudin معین الدین Supporter of the religion Moinul معین الدین Helper of the religion (Islam) Moinul-islam معین الاسلام Helper of Islam Moinulislam معین الاسلام Helper of Islam Moiz معز One who gives respect Moizuddin One who gives honor to the religion Moizullah One who gives honor to Allah Moizz معز Giver of Honour Mojaffar مجفر Victorious, successful Mojahid مجاہد One who strives for the cause of Allah Mojahidul Striving in the path of Allah Mojammel مجمل Beautiful, handsome Mojeeb مجیب Responder, responsive Mojib موجیب Responsive, Answerer of Prayers Mojibor مجیبور Responder to prayer Mojida مجیدہ Glorious, magnificent Mojmir مجمیر King, ruler Mojtaba مجتبی The chosen one Mokammel مکمل Complete, perfect Mokbul مقبول Accepted, approved Mokhtar مختار Chosen, selected Mokibul مکیب الدین Follower of the faith Moksedul مقصد ال The one with a purpose Moksud مقصود Intended, desired Moktar مختار Chosen, selected Momen مومن Believer, Faithful Momin مومن Believer Mominul مومن الدین Faithful in religion Monazir مناظر Visible, apparent Moncef منصف Just, fair Mondher منذر Warning Moneer منیر Shining, luminous Moneera منیرہ Luminous Monim منعم Benefactor, Bestower of Blessings Monir منیر Shining, Radiant Moniruddin منیر الدین Light of the Religion Monirul منیر الدین Light of religion Monji منجی Savior, Rescuer Monjur منصور Victorious, triumphant Monjurul منظور ال Approved, accepted Monowar منوار Light, illumination Monsef منصف Just, fair Monsoor منصور Victorious Monsur منصور Victorious, triumphant Montasif منتصف Just, fair
Montasir منتصر Victorious Monuddin من الدین Faithful to the Religion Mooaz موعظ Adviser, Counselor Moomin مومن Believer Moonis منیس Helper, supporter Mooqineen Believers Moosa موسی Prophet Moses Moosaa موسى Variant of Musa (Prophet Moses) MoosaaKaaiim موسى کائیم Moses, the Upright Moosha موشا Variant of Musa (Prophet Moses) Moossa موسی Variant of Musa (Prophet Moses) Moqeem مقیم One who establishes Moqtar مقتر Chosen, selected Moqueem مقیم One who establishes Moquim مقیم One who establishes Morad مراد Desire, Wish Morshed مرشد Guide, mentor Mortaza مرتضی Accepted, well-pleasing to God Morteza مرتضی Accepted, well-pleasing to God Mortoza مرتضی Accepted, well-pleasing to God Mortuza مرتضی Accepted, well-pleasing to God Mosa موسی Prophet Moses Mosab مصعب Name of a Sahabi (Companion) Mosabbir مصبّر Patient Mosaddak مصدق Honest, Truthful Mosaddeq مصدق Honest, Just Mosah موسی Saved, Protected Mosahid موساہد Witness Mosaraf مصرف The one who gives Mosarof مصرف The one who gives Mosen موسن Helper, Supporter Moshahid مشاہد Witness Moshaid مشید Witness Mosharraf Honored, noble Mosharrof Honored, noble Moshik موشک Sharp-minded, intelligent Moshin موشین Helper, supporter Moshiur مشیور Guided by God Moshref مشرف Honorable, noble Mosien موسیع Expansive, extensive Mosim موسم Season, Time Mosin موسن Helper, Supporter Moslem مسلم Muslim Moslim مسلم Muslim Mostaeen مستعین Helper, Assistant Mostafa مصطفی The chosen one Mostaffa مصطفیٰ The Chosen One (referring to Prophet Muhammad) Mostafiz مستفیض Enricher Mostafizur مصطفی ذوال The Chosen One of Allah Mostakim مستقیم Straight, Upright Mostapha مصطفیٰ The Chosen One (referring to Prophet Muhammad) Mostofa مصطفی The chosen one, selected Motabir متابر Resolute, determined Motasim متسم One who seeks justice Motaz معتز Honored, respected Motiul مطیع اللہ Obedient to Allah Mouad موعظ Adviser, Counselor Mouafak موافق Successful, fortunate Mouawiyah Not a common Muslim name Moubarak مبارک Blessed Moufid مفید Useful, beneficial Mouhamad محمد Praiseworthy (referring to Prophet Muhammad) Mouhamadou محمدو Muhammad Mouhamed محمد Praiseworthy (referring to Prophet Muhammad) Mouhammed Praised, commendable Mouhamoin Not a common Muslim name Mouhaned محند Praiseworthy Mouhib موہب Loving, affectionate Mouhyeddin محی الدین Giver of Life to the Religion Mouid موعد Promised, Covenant Moujab موجب Compelling, persuasive Moujib موجب Responsive, answering Moujid موجد One who provides Moukhtar مختار Chosen Moukib موقب Observer, watcher Moukid موکد Strengthening Moulali مولالی Loved, adored Moulana مولانا Our master, our lord Moulasab مولاصب Noble Moulay مولاي My Lord, my master
Moumin مومن Believer Mouminin مومنین Believers Mouminun مومنون Believers Moumir مومیر One who gives life Mouna منی Wish, desire Mouneer منیر Light, radiance Mounib منیب Repentant, one who turns to Allah Mounier منییر Radiant, illuminating Mounif منیف Benefactor, bestower of blessings Mounir منیر Shining, radiant Mouqib موقب One who follows Mourad مورد Desired, wished for Mouri موری Guided, directed Mourib مورب Seeker, inquirer Moursal مرسل Messenger Mousa موسی Prophet Moses Mousheed موشید Witness Moushgan موشگان Happy Moushin موشین Gentle, polite Mousin موسین Helper, supporter Mousir موسیر One who plans Moustafa مصطفیٰ The Chosen One (referring to Prophet Muhammad) Moutaaz معتاز Honored, esteemed Moutabir متابر Patient, enduring Moutadil متعدل Just, fair Moutamad معتمد Reliable, trustworthy Moutamid معتمد Reliant, dependent Moutaq موتق Pious, devout Moutaqad معتقد Believer, convinced Moutaqid موتقد One who believes Moutasam متسم Upright, just Moutasem متصم Resolute, Determined Moutasim معتصم One who seeks refuge Moutaz معتز Honored, respected Moutaz-Billah معتز باللہ Supported by Allah Moutazah-billah معتزہ باللہ Honored by Allah Moutazim متعظم Respected, esteemed Mouti موتی Pearl Moutif موتف Generous, benevolent Moutiq موتق One who trusts Moutir معتر One who consults Mouzam موزم Respectable, honorable Mouzim موزم Respectable, honorable Moweid موید One who promises, one who fulfills promises Mowlana مولانا Our master, our lord Mowluda مولودا Born, brought into existence Moydul موید اللہ Promised by Allah Moyeed موید Promising, covenanting Moyeen موین Helper, supporter Mozaffar مظفر Victorious Mozahidul Ascetic, one who renounces the world Mozam موزم One who is organized, disciplined Mozammil مزمل Wrapped in a Blanket, Enveloped Mozim موزم One who establishes justice Moziz موزز One who is esteemed and respected Mozn موزن Balance, Scale Mozzam مزم Adorned, decorated Muaafii معافی Forgiving Muaaid مواعد Promiser, fulfiller of promises Muaanis موانس Friendly, sociable Muaath معاذ One who seeks refuge Muaawin معاون Helper, assistant Muaaz معاذ A refuge, one who provides protection Muad معاذ One who seeks refuge Muaddal معدل Just, equitable Muaddil معدل One who judges fairly Muaddini معدنی Caller to prayer Muadh معاذ One who seeks refuge Muadz معاذ One who seeks refuge Muafa معاف One who forgives Muahid معاہد One who makes a covenant Muain معین Helper, supporter Mualij معالج One who heals Mualla معلی High, exalted Muallam معلم Teacher Mualli معلی High, exalted Muallim معلم Teacher Muamber معمبر One who delivers a sermon Muameer معمیر Architect, builder Muammal معمل Dealing with, managing Muammar معمر Long-lived, ageless Muammer معمر Long-lived, ageless Muarrif معرف One who knows Muarrifi معرفی One who introduces Muashir معاشر Sociable, companionable Muath معاذ Protected, one who seeks refuge Muattib معتیب One who is kind and gentle Muawia معاویہ Name of a caliph, companion of the Prophet Muawin معاون Helper, assistant Muawini معاونی Assistant, helper
Muawiyah معاویہ Name of a Caliph Muawwad معاوّد Repentant Muawwadh معاوذ Seeker of Refuge Muawwal معول Appointed, designated Muawwaz معوذ Seeker of refuge Muawwiz معوذ One who seeks refuge Muayid موید Restorer, reviver Muayish معیش One who provides a living Muayyad مؤید Supported, helper Muayyid مؤید Supported, helper Muaz معاذ One who seeks refuge Muazid معزید Increasing, growing Muazzam معظم Exalted, honored Muazzid معززید One who increases Muazzim معظم Exalted, honored Muazzimuddin معظم الدین Exalted in religion Muazzin مؤذّن Caller to prayer Muazzir معزر Helper, supporter Mubaarak مبارک Blessed Mubahil مباحل One who makes a pact Mubajjal مبجل Honored, dignified Muballigh مبلغ One who conveys Mubarack مبارک Blessed Mubarak مبارک Blessed, auspicious Mubaraq مبارک Blessed, auspicious Mubarek مبارک Blessed Mubarez مبرز Shining, radiant Mubarik مبارک Blessed Mubaris مبارس Healer Mubarish مبرش The Giver of Good News Mubariz مبارز Fighter, warrior Mubarr مبارک Blessed, fortunate Mubarrik مبارک Blessed, auspicious Mubashar مبشر Bringer of Good News Mubasheer Bringer of good news Mubasher مبشر Bringer of Good News Mubashir مبشر Bringer of good news Mubashira Bringer of good news (female) Mubashirin مبشرین The Bringers of Good News Mubashsheer مبشر Bringer of good news Mubashshir مبشر Bringer of Good News Mubashshireen مبشرین Bearers of good news Mubasir مبصر Observer Mubasshar Bringer of good news Mubasshir Bringer of good news Mubassir مبصر Observer, perceiver Mubasysyir مبشر Bringer of good news Mubayyin مبین Clear, evident Mubbasher Bringer of good news Mubbashir Bringer of good news Mubdee مبدئ Originator, creator Mubdih مبدع Originator, creator Mubdir مبدر One who initiates Mubeen مبین Clear, evident Mubeer مبیر Manifest, evident Mubhashir Bringer of good news Mubid مبید One who initiates Mubin مبین Clear, evident Mubinur مبین النور Clear Light Mubsir مبصر Observer, witness Mubsiroon Happy, fortunate Mubsirun مبصرین Those who see clearly, Visionaries Mubtasim مبتسم Smiling, happy Mucad معاد One who is prepared for the future Mudabbir مدبر Planner, organizer Mudabir مدبر Planner Mudakir مدکر Reminds Mudar مضر Profitable, advantageous Mudaseer مدثر Covered, Clothed Mudaser مدعسر Eased Mudashir مدشر One who Covers Mudasir مدثر Clothed, covered Mudassar مدثر Covered, Wrapped Mudasser مدثر One who is wrapped in garments, enrobed Mudassir مدسر Wrapped in garments Mudathir مدثر Cloaked, covered Mudawar مداور Compassionate Muddakir مذکر Remembrancer Muddasir مدثر Covered, Clothed
Muddassar Cloaked, wrapped in clothing Muddasser Cloaked, wrapped in clothing Muddassir مدثر Cloaked in garments Muddathir مدثر Covered, enwrapped Muddaththir مدثر Clothed, wrapped Muddsar مدصر One who makes a profit Mudhakkir مذکر Reminding oneself Mudrik مدرک Possessor of wisdom Mueed موید Restorer, reviver Mueen معین Assistant, helper Mueez مویز One who gives protection Mueid موید Restorer, reviver Mueidi مویدی The one who restores Mueinuddin معین الدین Assistant of the religion Mufaad مفاد Useful, beneficial Mufaddal مفضل Virtuous, excellent Mufadhal مفضل Meritorious, superior Mufaiz مفیز Successful, prosperous Mufakhar مفاخر Proud, boastful Mufakkir مفکر Thinker, contemplator Mufal مفل Fruitful Mufallah مفلہ The one who gives success Mufarrij مفرج The one who provides relief Mufas مفص One who distinguishes between right and wrong Mufasil مفصل Detailed Mufasir مفسر Explainer Mufassir مفسر Explainer, Interpreter Mufaz مفاز One who is victorious, successful Mufazil مفضل Virtuous Mufazzal مفضل Virtuous, excellent Mufazzil مفضل Superior, excellent Mufed مفید Useful, beneficial Mufeed مفید Useful, beneficial Mufeel مفیل Able, capable Mufeeth مفیث Beneficial Mufeez مفیض Giver of honor, bestower of dignity Muffadal مفضل Virtuous, Excellent Mufid مفید Beneficial, profitable Mufiduddin مفید الدین Beneficial for the religion Mufiyaz مفیعظ One who gives comfort Mufiz مفیض Giver of benefit Mufizuddin مفیض الدین Beneficial for the religion Muflah مفلح Successful, prosperous Muflih مفلح Successful Mufliheen Successful ones Muflihi مفلحی The one who brings success Muflihin مفلحین Successful Ones Muflihoon Successful ones Muflihun مفلحون Successful Ones Mufrid مفرد Unique, singular Mufrih مفرح Delightful, happy Mufsir مفسر Interpreter, explainer Muftee مفتی Jurist, scholar of Islamic law Mufti مفتی Jurist, legal expert Muftir مفتر Decider, resolver Mufzil مفضل The one who is bestowed with grace Mughamir مغامر Adventurous, bold Mugharbal مغربل The one who is engaged in an occupation Mughees مغیث Helper Mugheeth مغیث Helper, Supporter Mughiits مغیث Helper, supporter Mughir مغر Giving, bestowing Mughirah مغیرہ Generous, giving Mughis مغیث Helper, supporter Mughith مغیث Helper, supporter Mughithi مغیثی The one who seeks help Mughithuddin مغیث الدین Helper of the religion Mughni مغنی Enricher, self-sufficient Mughram مغرم One who is in need of Allah’s mercy Mughtin مغتن Satisfied, content Mugith موگیث Helper, supporter Muhaajir مھاجر Immigrant, Emigrant Muhab محب Beloved Muhabbab محبب Beloved, one who is loved Muhabbib محبب Loving, affectionate Muhaddas محدث Storyteller, narrator Muhaddith Narrator, one who reports Muhadzhab محذب Refined, cultured Muhafaz محافظ Guardian, protector Muhaffiz محافظ Guardian, protector Muhafiz محافظ Guardian, protector
Muhafiz-ud-din محافظ الدین Guardian of the religion MuhafizUdDin محافظ الدین Guardian of the Religion Muhaib مہیب Gentle, kind Muhaimin محیمن Trustworthy, reliable Muhair محییر Bright, shining Muhaisan محیثان Gentle, kind-hearted Muhajir مہاجر Immigrant, refugee Muhajjad مہاجد One who strives for Allah’s cause Muhallil مہلل The one who makes permissible Muhamad محمد Praised Muhamadi محمدی Related to Prophet Muhammad Muhamed محمد Praised Muhamet محمت Praised Muhammad محمد Praiseworthy, the praised one Muhammad-Al-Nur محمد النور Muhammad, the light Muhammad-Azlaan محمد ازلان Muhammad, lion Muhammadali محمد علی Muhammad, the Elevated MuhammadTaqqee محمد تقی Muhammad, the pious one MuhammadTaqqi محمد تقی Muhammad, the pious one Muhammed محمد Praiseworthy, the praised one Muhammed-Aqdas محمد اقدس Muhammad, the holy one Muhammed-Rihan محمد ریحان Muhammad, fresh and beautiful Muhamud محمود Praiseworthy Muhanad محند Sword Muhaned مہند Sword Muhanna محنا Happy, delighted Muhannad محند Sword Muhanned محند Sword Muhariz مہارز Warlike Muharram محرم The first month of the Islamic calendar Muharrem محرم The first month of the Islamic calendar Muharrim محرم The one who is forbidden Muhasib محاسب Accountant Muhasin محسن Benefactor Muhassan محسن Benefactor, the one who does good deeds Muhassin محسن The one who does good deeds Muhawwin محوون One who has an oath or covenant Muhaymin مہیمن Guardian, Protector Muhayr محیر Skilled, adept Muhazab محذب Polite, refined Muhazib محذب Polite, refined Muhazimm مہذبم Disciplined, Well-Mannered Muhazir مہذر Helper Muhazzab محذب Refined, well-mannered Muhazzib محذب Well-mannered, refined Muhazzim محذم Honored, respected Muhdee مہدی The guided one Muheeb مہیب Loving, kind Muheed موحد One who believes in oneness of Allah Muheem موہیم Generous, kind-hearted Muheen موہین Helper, supporter Muheet مہیت Extensive, comprehensive Muheeth مہیت Helper Muhib محب Lover, friend Muhib-uddin محب الدین Lover of the religion Muhib-ullah محب اللہ Lover of Allah Muhibb محب Lover, admirer Muhibbudin محب الدین Lover of the religion Muhibuddin محب الدین Lover of the Religion Muhibullah محب اللہ Lover of Allah Muhibur محبور Devoted Muhid مہد One who believes in the oneness of Allah Muhif مہف One who forgives Muhin مہین Exalter, one who elevates Muhit مہت Encompassing, all-encompassing Muhitt محت Encompassing, all-encompassing Muhitur مہتر Pious Muhiuddin Supporter of the religion Muhiyuddin محی الدین The giver of life to religion Muhiyyuddin محی الدین The giver of life to religion
Muhiz مہیض The one who motivates others Muhizzat مہیضات Honor, dignity Muhjid مہجد One who worships Allah Muhkam محکم Strong, firm Muhlash مہلش One who is adorned Muhmmed محمد Praised Muhriz مہرز The one who extracts Muhsad محسد The one who is happy and prosperous Muhseen محسن Beneficent Muhsen محسن Beneficent, charitable Muhshin محسن Benefactor, one who does good Muhsin محسن Beneficent, one who does good Muhsineen Doers of good, righteous Muhsinin محسنین The doers of good, the beneficent Muhsinoon Doers of good, righteous Muhsinun محسنون Beneficent Ones Muhtad مہتد Guided, on the right path Muhtadee مہتدی Guided, Rightly Guided Muhtadeen Guided ones Muhtadi مہتدی The one who is guided Muhtadin مہتدی Guided, Rightly Guided Muhtadoon Guided ones Muhtadun مہتدون Guided Ones Muhtady مہتدی The guided one Muhtaram مہترم Respected, honored Muhtarim مہتارم Respected, honorable Muhtasab مہتسب The one who is held in high regard Muhtasham Dignified, honorable Muhtashim مہتشم The one who is held in high regard Muhtasib مہتصب Just, fair Muhtasim مہتسم Abstinent, Self-Disciplined Muhunnad مہناد Sword Muhyddeen Reviver of the religion Muhyee محیی Giver of life Muhyi محی Giver of life Muhyi-al-din محی الدین Giver of life to religion MuhyiAlDin محی الدین Giver of Life to the Religion Muhyiddin محی الدین The giver of life to religion Muhyiduddin محی الدین Giver of Life to the Religion Muhzin مؤذن One who calls to prayer (Adhan) Muid معید Restorer, renewer Muidd معید Restorer, renewer Muin معین Helper, supporter Muin-ud-dawlah معین الدولہ Helper of the state Muin-ud-deen معین الدین Helper of the religion Muin-uddin معین الدین Helper of the religion Muinuddawlah من الدولہ Helper of the state Muinuddin Helper of the religion Muinudeen معین الدین Helper of the religion Muinul-islam معین الاسلام Helper of Islam MuinulIslam معین الاسلام Helper of Islam Muiz معیز Giver of might and glory Muizz معز Giver of honor, glory Muizz-ud-dawlah معز الدولہ Giver of honor to the state Muizz-uddin معز الدین Giver of honor to the religion Muizzawi معزوی The one who is honored Muizzi معزی The one who is honored Muizzuddawlah معز الدولہ The supporter of the state Muizzuddin معز الدین Giver of honor to the religion Muizzullah معز اللہ The Honored of Allah Mujaab مجاب Responder, responsive Mujaahid مجاہد Fighter for the cause of Allah Mujab مجاب One who is responded to, accepted Mujaddid مجدد Renewer, reviver of religion Mujadid مجدد Renewer Mujafar مجافر One who triumphs Mujaffar مجفر Victorious Mujahed مجاہد Striver Mujaheed مجاہد Striver, Fighter Mujahid مجاہد Striving, Fighter Mujahideen مجاہدین Strugglers in the Way of Allah Mujahidh مجاہد Striver, Fighter Mujahidheen مجاہدین Strugglers in the Way of Allah Mujahidoon مجاہدون Warriors in the Path of Allah Mujahidul Striving in the path of Allah
Mujahidun Strivers in the path of Allah Mujahied مجاہد Striver, Fighter Mujahir مجاہر Expressive Mujamel مجمل Beautiful Mujamil مجمل Handsome Mujamin مجمن Secure Mujammal مجمل Beautiful Mujammil مجمل Handsome Mujawir مجاور Neighbor, Companion Mujayed مجید Glorious Mujazzir مجازر Spreader of Good News Mujazziz مجازز One who Strengthens Mujeeb مجیب Responder Mujeed مجید Glorious Mujeedan مجیدان Glorious Mujeedi مجیدی One who Glorifies Mujeer مجیر Helper, supporter Mujfar مجفر One who Forgives Mujgan مجگان Beloved, sweetheart Mujhaid مجاہد Fighter Mujib مجیب Responder Mujibi مجیبی Responsive Mujibor مجیبور Compelled Mujibur مجیب اللہ Responder to Allah Mujid مجید Glorious Mujir مجیر Helper, Supporter Mujiran مجیران Helpers, Supporters Mujjamil مجمل Beautiful Mujjeeb مجیب Responsive Mujo موجو Waver, Flicker Mujtaba مجتبی The Chosen One Mujtahid مجتہد Striver for God’s Cause Mukaarim مکرم Generous Mukabbir مکبر The Greatest Mukadar مقدر Destiny Mukaddar مقدر Destiny Mukafat مکافات Recompense Mukafih مکافح Eradicator Mukaibir مکابیر Magnificent Mukairim مکیرم Honorable Mukairiman مکیرمان Honorable Mukallaf مکلف Responsible Mukammil مکمل Perfect Mukandar مکندر Valiant Mukarram مکرم Honored Mukeeb مکیب Observer, watcher Mukeem مکیم Wise, judicious Mukhallad مخلد Eternal, Immortal Mukhallis مخلص Sincere, Pure Mukhbiteen مخبطین Open-Hearted, Generous Mukhbitin Humble, submissive Mukhlas مخلص Sincere, Devoted Mukhlaseen مخلصین Sincere, Devoted Mukhlasin Sincere, devoted Mukhlis مخلص Sincere Mukhliseen مخلصین Sincere, Pure Mukhlish مخلص Sincere Mukhlisi مخلصی Sincerity Mukhlisin Sincere, pure Mukhlisoon مخلصون Sincere, Honest Mukhlisun Sincere ones Mukhramul Respected, honored Mukhtaar مختار Chosen Mukhtadir Powerful, mighty Mukhtar مختار Chosen Mukhtari مختاری Chosen Mukhtarul-haq مختار الحق Chosen by Allah MukhtarulHaq مختار الحق Chosen by the truth Mukhthar مختار Chosen Mukhtiar مختیار Authorized Mukhtiyar Chosen one, selected Mukib مقیب One who turns towards Allah in repentance Mukibur مکیبور Appreciated Mukim مقیم One who establishes and maintains Mukin موقن Faithful, one who believes with certainty
Mukit مکیت Provider, sustainer Mukkarram Honored, respected Mukram مکرم Honored, respected Mukrameen Honorable, noble Mukramin مکرمین Generous Mukrram مکرم Honored Mukshin مکشن Liberator Muksidul مقصد ال Intender Muktadir مقتدر Powerful Muktaf مکتف Self-sufficient, independent Muktafi مکتفی Content, Satisfied Muktamil مکمل Complete Muktar مختار Chosen, selected Mukthadir مختادر Able, Capable Mukthar مكثار Abundant, Plenty Mukthiyar مختیار Chosen, Selected Muktiyar مختیار Chosen Mula ملا Owner, Possessor Muladin مولادین Descendant, Offspring Mulahib ملاحب Loving, Affectionate Mulail ملیل Soft, Gentle Mulaisen ملایسین Gentle Mulatif ملتف Kind, Gentle Mulayim ملیم Gentle, Soft-spoken Mulayin ملین Gentle Mulayl ملیل Gentle Mulazim ملازم Employee, Servant Mulazum ملزوم Attached, Adherent Mulham ملہم Inspiring, Motivating Mulhim ملہم Inspiring, Motivating Mulk ملک Dominion, Kingdom Mulla ملا Religious Scholar Multamas ملتمس Touching Multamis ملتمس Clinging Multazim ملتزم Devoted Muluk ملوک Kings, rulers Mulvi مولوی Religious scholar, cleric Mumajjad ممجد Glorious Mumajjid ممجد Glorified Mumarram ممرم Sacred Mumin مومن Believer, one who has faith Mumineen مؤمنین Believers Muminoon مؤمنون Believers Mummar ممار Brave, courageous Mumtaaz ممتاز Excellent, Outstanding Mumtaz ممتاز Excellent, distinguished Munaaf مناف Exalted, Elevated Munaam منام Peaceful, Serene Munaaz مناز The Respected One Munadi منادی The Caller Munadil منضل Just, Fair Munaf مناف One who gains profit, beneficial Munahi مناہی Advocate, Counsel Munahid منهض Risen, Ascended Munaif منیف Beneficial Munaim منعم Beneficent, Kind Munaj مناج Supplicant, one who prays Munaji مناجی Supplicant Munajji منجي Savior, Redeemer Munal منال Attainment, achievement Munar منار Shining like a lighthouse Munasar منثر Scattered, Dispersed Munasir منصر Victor, Helper Munavar منور Luminous, Radiant Munawar منور Illuminated, Bright Munawir منور Illuminator, Enlightener Munawwar منور Illuminated Munawwir منور Illuminator Munazil منزل Descender, Coming down Munazim منظم Organized, Systematic
Munazir منظر Observer, Viewer Mundhir منذر Warner, Cautioner Mundhireen منذرین Warners, Admonishers Mundhiroon منذرین Warners, Admonishers Mundi مندی One who is polite and respectful Muneeb منیب Repentant Muneebeen منیبین Repentant, Seeking Forgiveness Muneef منیف Beneficent Muneem منیم Benevolent Muneer منیر Radiant, Shining Muneez منیز One Who Brings Goodness Muneim منیم Beneficent Munem منعم Beneficent, one who bestows blessings Muni منی Desire, Wish Munib منیب One who turns to Allah in repentance Munibin منيب Repentant, Seeking Forgiveness Munier منیر Luminous Munif منیف One who is kind, generous Munim منعم Beneficent, one who bestows favors Munir منیر Illuminating, one who brings light Muniruddin منیر الدین Light of the Religion Muniruzzaman منیر الزمان Light of the era Munis منیس Friendly, sociable Munivel منيف Beneficial, Useful Muniyan منيان Satisfied, Content Muniym منیم Generous Munji منجی Saviour, one who brings salvation Munjid منجد One Who Strives Munkadir منقادر Able Munkir منکر Denier, Rejecter Munna مننا One who is gracious and kind Munnaf مناف Beneficial Munnavar منور Shining Munnawar منور Radiant Munnu مننو Blessing, favor Munqad منقد Rescuer Munqidh منقذ Savior, Rescuer Munqiz منقذ Deliverer Munseer منصير Helper, Assistant Munshad منشد Poet, Singer Munshid منشد Singer, Melodist Munshif منصف Just, Fair Munshir منشر Spreader, Publisher Munsif منصف Just, Fair Muntaha منتهى End, Limit Muntahaa منتہی The End Muntahakhan منتھیا خان The Ultimate Leader Muntahi منتهى End, Limit Muntahin منتہا Ultimate Muntakhab منتخب Chosen, Selected Muntakim منتقم Avenger Muntaqa منتقى Chosen, Selected Muntaqim منتقم Avenger Muntasaf منتصف Just Muntashim منتشم Obedient, Submissive Muntashir منتشر Disperser, Distributor Muntasir منتصر Victorious Muntasireen منتصرین Victorious Ones Muntasirin منتصرین Victorious Ones Muntazar منتظر Awaited Muntazir منتظر Awaiting Munther منذر Warner, Cautioner Munthir منظر Giver of Warning Munzir منذر Warner Munzirin منظرین Observers Munzirun منظرون Observers Muqaam مقام Respected Place Muqaddam مقدم Advanced Muqaddar مقدر Destiny Muqaddas مقدس Sacred Muqaddim مقدم Leader Muqaffa مقفى One who quenches thirst Muqallad مقلد Imitator Muqam مقام Position, status Muqamil مقمل Intelligent, Wise Muqarab مقرب Near, Close Muqarrab مقرب Near Muqarrib مقرب Approaching Muqas مقص One who is firm and steadfast Muqassam مقسم Distributor
Muqassim مقسم Divider Muqatadir مقتدر Powerful, Almighty Muqazi مقاضی Respected Muqbeel مقبيل Acceptable, Agreeable Muqbil مقبل Awaiting Muqeed مقید Bound, Fastened Muqeel مقیل Intelligent Muqeem مقیم Permanent Muqeet مقیت Powerful Muqeeth مقيث Provider of Shelter Muqid مقید One who restrains, controls Muqim مقیم One who establishes and maintains Muqinin موقن Believer, Faithful Muqit مقیت Nourisher, sustainer Muqla مقلہ One who is intelligent and wise Muqrin مقرن Satisfier Muqsit مقصد Just, Equitable Muqsith مقسط Just, Equitable Muqtaar مقتار Chosen, Preferred Muqtadi مقتدي Follower, Imitator Muqtadir مقتدر Powerful Muqtaf مقتف One Who Takes Recourse Muqtafeen مقتفین Content, Satisfied Muqtafi مقتفي Follower, Imitator Muqtar مقتر Chosen, Selected Muqtasid مقتصد Moderate Muqthar مقتحر Abundant, Plenty Muqtiyar مختیار Chosen Muraad مراد Desired Muraat مرات Courageous Murabbi مربي Educator, Trainer Murabi مربی Mentor Murad مراد Desired, intended Muradden مرادن Desired Muraf مرف One who is noble and virtuous Murahiban مراہباں Affectionate, Loving Muraih مرعیہ Skilled, Clever Muraishid مراشد Guided, Rightly Directed Murarah مرارة Bitter, Unpleasant Murashih مراشح Helper Murat مورت Desired, wished for Murawwah مروہ Tender Murazi مرضی One Who Pleases Murdif مردف Responsive Mureed مرید Devotee, Follower Murfan مرفان Wise, Knowledgeable Murfiq مرفیق Companion, Friend Murghib مرغب Desirable, Pleasing Murhaf مرحف Kind, Compassionate Murid مرید Seeker, one who aspires Muridan مريد Devotee, Follower Murih مورح Guided, one who is on the right path Murihan مريحان Comfortable, Relaxed Murkhi مرخی Aromatic, Fragrant Mursa مرصع Adorned, decorated Mursaa مرسا Guided, Directed Mursal مرسل Messenger Mursaleen مرسلین Messengers, Those who are sent Mursali مرسل Sent, Messenger Mursalim مرسلم Messenger Mursalin مرسلین Sent Mursed مرسد Guided Murshad مرشد Guide, Mentor Murshadi مرشدی Guided Murshalin مرشلین Guided, Rightly Directed Murshed مرشد Guide, Mentor Murshid مرشد Guide, Mentor Murshidi مرشدی Guiding Murshidul مرشد ال Guiding, Leading Mursid مرشد Guide, Leader Mursil مرسل Messenger Mursili مرسلي Sent, Emissary Murtaad مرتضى Pleased, Content Murtaaz مرتاز Outstanding, Excellent Murtada مرتضى Pleased, Content Murtadaa مرتضی Content Murtadee مرتضی Content Murtadha مرتضی Content Murtadhy مرتضی Content Murtadi مرتضى Pleased, Content Murtah مرتاح Satisfied, Content Murtahanullah مرتہان اللہ Content with Allah Murtahinullah مرتہین اللہ Dependent on Allah Murtaja مرتجى Desired, Wished for Murtaqa مرتقى Ascender, Elevated Murtasim مرتسم Adorning Murtawi مرتوی One who is obedient and follows orders Murtaza مرتضی The Chosen One, Pleasing Murtazi مرتضی Content, Satisfied Murthaz مرتضی Variant of Murtaza, Pleasing
Murtuja مرتوجہ Satisfied, Contented Murtuza مرتضی Chosen, Selected Murtzha مرتضی Variant of Murtaza, Pleasing Muruj مروج One who is handsome and attractive Murur مرور One who is pious and devout Murzaq مرزاق Provider, Sustainer Murzi مرضی One who is agreeable and pleasing Murziq مرزیق Giver of Sustenance Musa موسی Prophet Moses Musaad مسعد Lucky, Fortunate Musaaid مساعد Helper, Assistant Musaaleh مسالح Weaponed Musab مصعب One who is strong and steadfast Musabbih مسبح Praiser Musabir مصابر Patient, Enduring Musad مصعد One who ascends, rises Musadan مسدن Helper, Supporter Musaddad مسدد One who gives in abundance Musaddaq مصدق Honest Musaddhiq مصدق Truthful, Sincere Musaddid مسددید Renewer Musaddik مسدق Believer Musadiq مصدق Honest, Truthful Musadique مصدق Truthful, Honest Musaed مسعد Happy, Prosperous Musaf مصاف One who is just and fair Musafer مسافر Traveler Musaffa مصفّى Pure, Clear Musaffaa مصفی Pure Musafir مسافر Traveler Musah مساح One who is generous, charitable Musahib مصاحب Companion, Friend Musaib مصیب Troubled, Afflicted Musaid مسعد Helper, Supporter Musaif مسیف Praiseworthy Musairi مصائری Brave, Courageous MusaKaim مستقیم Straightforward Musalam مسلم Safe, Sound Musaleh مصلح Reformer, Peacemaker Musalim مسلم One who submits to God (Muslim) Musallat مسلط Ruler Musalli مصلّی One who prays (to God) Musallim مسلم Muslim Musamma مسمّا Named, Designated Musan مسان One who is beautiful and handsome Musanna مسنّا One who is blessed Musaraf مسرف Extravagant, Wasteful Musarif مسرف Spender, Waster Musarrat مسرت Happiness Musarrath مسرات Happiness, Joy Musaveer مصور Artist Musavir مصوّر Artist, Painter Musawer مصوّر One who forms, Shaper Musawi مصوئ One Who Draws a Line Musawir مصوّر Shaper, Creator Musawwir مصور Fashioner Musaykah مسیکہ One who walks in the night Musbih مسبح Praiser, Glorifier Musedi مصدع Focused, Intense Museeb مصیب Afflicted, Distressed Musef مسیف Sword, one who is sharp and cutting Musfiq مصفیق Compassionate, Tender Musfique مسفق Successful Musfiqur مسفقر Successful Musfiqure مصفقر Successful, Prosperous Musfir مصفر Pure, Clear Mushab مشاب Friend, Companion Mushaffa مشفا Curer Mushahid مشہد Observer Mushahir مشہر Famous Mushaid مشاہد Observer, Witness Mushakhis مشاخص Observant, Watchful Musharaf مشرف Noble Mushariq مشرق Eastern Musharmet مشرمت Obedient, Submissive Musharraf مشرف Honored, Distinguished Musharrafuddin مشرف الدین Noble in the religion Musharrif مشرف Elevated, Noble Mushawir مشور Advisor Mushaywir مشیر Counselor, Advisor Musheen مشین Helper, Assistant Musheer مشیر Advisor, Counselor Musheeruddin مشیر الدین Advisor in the religion Musheerulislam مشیر الاسلام Advisor in Islam Mushfiq مشفق Compassionate, Kind Mushfique مشفق Compassionate, Merciful Mushfiqur مشفق Compassionate, Tender-hearted Mushhid مشہد Witness, Observer Mushib مشیب Giver of Life Mushidi مشید Witness, Observer Mushin مشین Generous, Kind Mushir مشیر Advisor, Counselor
Mushir-ul-Haq مشیر الحق Advisor in the truth MushirUlHaq مشیر الحق Counselor of the Truth Mushraf مشرف Honorable, Noble Mushrafeen مشرفین Honorable, Dignified Mushraff مشرف Noble Mushrafh مشرف Noble Mushran مشرن Happy, Cheerful Mushrif مشرف Knowledgeable, Informed Mushrik مشرک Believer in God’s Oneness (Muslim) Mushriq مشرق East, Oriental Mushriqi مشرقی Eastern Mushrit مشرت Joy, Delight Mushrraf مشرف Noble Mushtaaq مشتاق Longing Mushtaba مشتبہ Doubtful Mushtafa مشتفی Chosen Mushtak مشتاق Longing, Desiring Mushtaq مشتاق Longing, Desiring Mushtaqeem مشتاقیم One who Desires Righteousness Mushtaque مشتاق Longing, Eager Mushthak مشتاق Longing Mushu مشو One who is noble and honorable Musid مسید One who is just and equitable Musim مسیم One who is gentle and mild Musiq موسیق One who has a melodious voice Musir موصر One who is prosperous and successful Musjil مسجل Record Keeper Muskin مسکین Poor, Needy Musleh مصلح Reformer Muslem مسلم Submitter to God Muslih مصلح Reformer Musliheen مصلحین Reformers, Those who bring goodness Muslihoon مصلحون Beneficial, Good Muslihuddin مصلح الدین Reformer of the Religion Muslihun مصلحون Reformer Musnad مسند Supported, Leaned Musnid مسند Supported, Leaned Musqsim مقسم Distributor, Divider Musraf مسرف Extravagant, Wasteful Musrif مصرف Spender, Lavish Musrraf مسرف Extravagant, Wasteful Mussa موسی One who is like Prophet Moses Mussadiq مصدق Truthful Mussadique مصدق One who Verifies the Truth Mussammil مساممل All-encompassing, Complete Mussaraf مصرف Spender Mussawer مصور Depicter Mussawir مصور Painter Mustaak مستاق One who desires Mustaaq مستاق Longing, Yearning Mustaba مستبا Elected, Chosen Mustabeen مستبین Those who seek forgiveness Mustabin مستبن Reclining Mustabshir مستبشر Bringer of Good News Mustabsireen مستبصرین Those who have insight Mustabsirin مستبشرین The Happy Ones Mustaeen مستعین Helper Mustaf مصطفی The Chosen One Mustafa مصطفی Chosen, Selected Mustafa-Kamal مصطفیٰ کمال Chosen perfection Mustafaa مصطفی Chosen Mustafah مصطفہ Chosen MustafaKamal مصطفیٰ کمال Chosen perfection Mustafavi مصطفوی Chosen, Preferred Mustafe مصطفی Chosen, Preferred Mustafeed مصطفید Beneficial, Profitable Mustafeen مصطفین Chosen, Selected Mustafeez مصطفیز Victorious, Triumphant Mustaffa مصطفی Chosen Mustafin مصطفین Chosen ones Mustafiz مصطفیز Winner Mustafizul مصطفی ذوال The Chosen One of Allah Mustafizur مصطفی ذوال The Chosen One of Allah Mustafo مصطفی Chosen, Preferred Mustaghfir مستغفر Seeking Forgiveness Mustaghfireen مستغفرین Those who seek forgiveness Mustaghfirin مستغفرین Those who seek forgiveness Mustahaq مستحق Deserving Mustahfiz مستحفظ Guardian, Protector Mustahiq مستحق Deserving Mustahsan مستحسن Praiseworthy, Commendable Mustahsin مستحسن Good, Virtuous Mustaieen مستعین Helper, Supporter Mustajaab مستجاب Responsive, Answered Mustajab مستجاب Responsive Mustajir مستجیر Employer Mustak مستق Pure, Sincere Mustakarim مستقرم Upright, Just
Mustakeem مستقیم Straightforward, Upright Mustakfi مستقفی Self-sufficient Mustakim مستقیم Straight Mustakin مستقین Steadfast Mustala مستعلی High, Elevated Mustali مستعلی High, Elevated Mustaltaf مستعتف Compassionate, Kind Mustamsik مستمسک Holding, Grasping Mustan مستن Pure, Clean Mustaneer مستنیر Illuminated, Bright Mustanjid مستنجد Seeker, Aspirant Mustansar مستنصر Victorious, Triumphant Mustansir مستنصر Victorious, Conqueror Mustapha مصطفی Chosen Mustaq مستق Just, Righteous Mustaqar مستقر Resident Mustaqarr مستقر Stable, Settled Mustaqeem مستقیم Straight Path, Upright Mustaqil مستقل Independent Mustaqim مستقیم Straight Mustaqir مستقر Residing Mustaqirr مستقر Stable, Settled Mustaqium مستقیم Upright, Just Mustaque مستقیم Straight Mustaqueem مستقیم Upright, Straightforward Mustaquim مستقیم Upright, Straightforward Mustarshid مسترشد One who is Rightly Guided Mustashar مستشار Advisor, Consultant Mustashir مستشیر Counselor, Adviser Mustasim مستعصم Chaste Mustaslimoon مستسلمون Submitters (to Allah) Mustaslimun مستسلمون Submitters to Allah Mustatab مستطاب Beautiful Mustatar مستطار Pure Mustawi مستوی One who is equal Mustazhir مستظہر Manifest, Apparent Mustazi مستضی One who seeks justice Musteqeem مستقیم Upright, Just Musthafa مصطفی Chosen Musthak مستحق Deserving, Worthy Musthaq مستحق Rightful, Deserving Musthfa مستفا Chosen, Selected Mustkim مستقیم Straightforward, Upright Mustofa مصطفی Chosen, Preferred Mustqeem مستقیم Straight Mustufa مصطفی Chosen, Preferred Muta متا Obey, Follow Muta-Ali متعالی Exalted Mutaa متاع One who provides sustenance Mutaal متال Exceptional, Unique Mutabassim متبسم Smiling, Cheerful Mutabi متابع Follower Mutad متد One who follows the right path Mutahar مطہر Pure, Clean Mutaharruddeen متحرد دین One who is ready for religion Mutahhar مطہر Pure Mutahhir مطہر Purifier Mutahhiran مطہراں Purified, Clean Mutahir مطہر Purifier, Cleanser Mutaib متیب Repentant Mutailib متعلب Seeking Mutair متیر Solid, Firm Mutairi مطیع Obedient, Submissive Mutakabbir متکبر Majestic, Supreme Mutakaffil متکفل One who Seeks Forgiveness Mutali متالی Exalted, High Mutalib مطلب Seeker, Aspirant Mutamad معتمد Reliable, Dependable Mutamakan متمکن Confident, Assured Mutamin معتمن Trusted, Faithful
Mutammam متمم Perfect Mutammim متمم Perfecter Mutaqaddim متقدم Progressive, Advanced Mutaqid متقد Believer, Faithful Mutaqun متقون Pious, God-fearing Mutasaddiqeen متصدقین Those who give charity Mutasadiqin متصدقین The Truthful Ones Mutaseem متسم Fragrance Mutasim متصم Adherent, Supporter Mutassim متسم Fragrant Mutasum متصم Adherent, Supporter Mutawakkil متوکل Trusting in Allah Mutawalli متوکل Trustee, Guardian Mutawasit متوسط Moderate, Balanced Mutawassit متوسط Moderate, Middle Mutaygab متیقب Ascender Mutayyib متیب Good Mutaz متاز One who is honored and exalted Mutazid متعزید One who seeks victory Mutazz متعز Honored, Dignified Mutee مطیع Obedient, one who follows orders Muteeb متیب Repentant Muthab متاب Obedient Muthahir مظاہر Manifest Muthalif متعلف Different Mutharrif متحرف One who brings good change Muthasif متعصف Satisfied Muthib متیب Repentant Muti مطی Obedient, Submissive Mutiul-Islam مطیع الاسلام Obedient to Islam MutiulIslam مطیع الاسلام Obedient to Islam Mutiur-Rahman مطیع الرحمن Obedient to the Most Merciful MutiurRahman مطیع الرحمن Obedient to the Most Merciful Mutlaq مطلق Absolute, Unrestricted Mutmaen مطمئن Contented, Satisfied Mutmaenin مطمئنین The Assured, Confident Mutmain مطمئن Satisfied, Contented Mutmainneen مطمئنین The Satisfied Ones Muttalib مطلب Seeker Muttaqee متقی Pious Muttaqeen متقین God-Fearing, Pious Muttaqi متقی God-fearing, Pious Muttaqin متقین God-fearing Muttaqoon متقون Devout, Observant Muttashid متشدد Enthusiastic, Zealous Muttasif متصف Refined Muttee متی Obedient Muwafa موافق Agreeable, Consenting Muwafaq موافق Successful, Prosperous Muwaffaq موفق Successful Muwaffiq موفق Successful Muwahid موحد Monotheist, Believer in Oneness of God Muwaqqa موقعہ Appointed, Assigned Muwas مواس Compassionate, one who shows mercy Muwassil One who connects, a mediator Muwwaz مواز Equal, Comparable Muyassar Facilitated, easy, successful Muyassir One who makes things easy Muzafar مظفر Victorious, Triumphant Muzafer مظفر Victorious, Triumphant Muzaffar Victorious, triumphant Muzaffaruddin مظفر الدین Victorious in the religion Muzaffer Victorious Muzaffir Successful, winner Muzahhi مزاحی Jovial, Humorous Muzahid مجاہد Fighter, Warrior Muzahir مظہر Evident, Manifest Muzahiruddin مظاہر الدین Manifestation of the religion Muzaid مزید Increasing, Abundant Muzaif مزید Extra, Additional Muzain مزین Beautifier, Adorner Muzaini مذاعنی One who takes refuge Muzakir مذاکر Discusser, Debater Muzakkir Reminding, one who remembers Muzamil مظفر Covered, Wrapped Muzammil Wrapped in garments, enwrapped in cloth Muzammill مزمل Wrapped in Garments, Enveloped Muzanni مزنی Decorator, Beautifier Muzarib مزارب One who fixes, Mender Muzayyan Adorned, decorated
Muzayyin Beautifier, enhancer Muzdahir Evident, manifest Muzeem مزید Increasing, Abundant Muzfar مظفر Victorious Muzhi موزی One who is blessed and fortunate Muzhir مظہر Evident, Manifest Muzi موزی Comforter, Consoler Muzib موزیب One who brings goodness and prosperity Muzn موزن Cloud, Rain-bearing Muzni مزنی One who is prosperous and successful Muzraff مزرف One who does good Muzyin موزین Equitable, Just Muzzafar Victorious, successful Muzzaffaruddin مظفر الدین Victorious in the religion Muzzaffer مظفر Victorious, Triumphant Muzzamil Wrapped in garments, enwrapped in cloth Muzzammi Covered, enveloped Muzzammil مزمل One who is Wrapped in Garments Mydeen معدین One with Religion, Faithful Myeshia میشیا Alive, Living Mymoon میمون Auspicious Mynuddiin من الدین The Gift of the Religion Myra میرہ Admirable Myrna میرنا Beloved, cherished Myron میرن Fragrant oil, sweet-scented