Find Muslim baby boy names starting with Q and their beautiful meanings. Our list of Muslim baby names presents a variety of Muslim boy names starting with Q, allowing you to select the perfect one for your cherished child.
Modern Muslim baby boy names starting with Q
Qaabeel قابیل Name of Prophet Adam’s son Qaabil قابل Able, Capable Qaabis قابس Name of a famous jurist (Qaadhee) Qaadhee قاضی Judge, Justice Qaadir قادر Powerful, Almighty Qaadireen قادرین Those who have power and authority Qaadiroon قادرون Powerful, Capable Qaaf قاف The 19th letter of the Arabic alphabet Qaahir قاهر Subduer, Dominant Qaaid قائد Leader, Commander Qaailah قائلہ One who is satisfied and content Qaaim قائم One who is standing, Resolute Qaaimoon قائمون Those who stand firm Qaanay قانع Satisfied, Content Qaani قانی Obedient, Submissive Qaaniah قانیہ One who submits to Allah’s will Qaanit قانت Obedient, Devout Qaaniteen قانتین Those who are devout and obedient Qaari قارئ Reciter, Reader Qaasid قاصد Messenger, Herald Qaasim قاسم Divider, Distributor Qaayed قائد Leader, Commander Qaazi قاضی Judge, Justice Qabas قبس Something that brings light Qabeel قبیل Name of Prophet Adam’s son Qabeer قبیر Great, Wise Qabid قابض Withholder, Restrainer Qabil قابل Able, Capable Qabilaa قابلہ One who is capable Qabir قبیر Great, Mighty Qabis قابس One who restrains or withholds Qabisah قابسہ Withholder, Restrainer Qabiz قابض Withholder, Restrainer Qablan قبلان Ancient Qabool قبول Accepted, Approved Qaboos قابوس Name of a mountain in Iran Qabus قابوس One who is reserved, modest Qadamu-Sidq قدمو صدق One who walks in truth and sincerity Qadar قدر Destiny, Fate Qaddar قدر One who decrees, Determines Qaddur قدور One who is powerful and capable Qadeem قدیم Ancient, Old Qadeer قدیر Powerful, Almighty Qader قادر Powerful, Capable Qadhi قاضی Judge, Justice Qadiel قاضیل Name of a Prophet Qadim قدیم Ancient, Eternal Qadiman قدیماً Ancient, Timeless Qadimi قدیمی Ancient, Historical Qadir قادر Powerful, Capable Qadirin قادرین Those who have power and authority Qadoom قدوم Ancient, Exalted Qadr قدر Power, Destiny Qadri قادری Divine, Powerful Qadriyah قادریہ Derived from Qadir, meaning Powerful Qaeed قائد Leader, Commander Qahaar قہار Dominant, Overpowering Qahhar قہار Subduer, Dominant Qahir قاہر Conqueror, Victorious Qahtan قحطان Name of a pre-Islamic Arabian tribe Qaid قید Leader, Commander Qaim قائم One who is standing, Resolute Qaimun قائمون Those who stand firm Qairo قائرو Bright, Shining Qairuddin قائر الدين One who maintains the religion Qais قیس Lover, Beloved Qaisaan قیسان Old Arabic name Qaisar قیصر Emperor Qaiser قیصر Emperor Qaishaan قیشان Strong, powerful Qaishan قیشان Strong, powerful Qaiyoum قیوم Self-sustaining, eternal Qaiyum قیوم Self-sustaining, eternal Qalam قلم Pen Qalandar قلندر Mystic, ascetic Qalat قلعہ Castle Qaleeb قلیب Wise, judicious Qamar قمر Moon Qamargull قمر گل Moon flower Qamari قمری Of the moon
Latest islamic baby boy names starting with Q
Qamaruddin قمر الدین Moon of the religion Qamarullah قمر اللہ Moon of Allah Qamarur-Rahman قمر الرحمٰن Moon of the Merciful Qamarus-Salam قمر السلام Moon of peace Qamayr قمیر Moon-like Qamrani قمرانی Lunar Qamruddin قمر الدین Moon of the religion Qamrul قمرال Moon-faced Qamrun قمرن One with a radiant face Qandil قندیل Lantern Qani قانع Satisfied, content Qanit قنوت Obedient, devout Qanitin قنوتین Obedient ones Qareeb قریب Near Qareebah قریبہ Near Qareen قرین Companion Qarezni قریزنی Supporter Qari قارئ Reader, reciter Qarib قریب Near Qarin قارن Helper, supporter Qarni قرنی Generous Qarrar قرار Resolute, firm Qasam قسم Oath, pledge Qaseem قسیم Divider Qaseet قسیط Just, fair Qasem قاسم Divider Qasheeb قشیب Handsome Qashid قاشد Competent, skillful Qasid قاصد Messenger, courier Qasidul-Haq قاصد الحق Messenger of truth Qasiem قاسیم One who divides Qasif قاصف One who disperses Qasiim قاسیم Divider Qasim قاسم Divider Qasimi قاسمی Belonging to Qasim Qasimuddin قاسم الدین Divider of religion Qasit قاصت Just, fair Qasmun قسمن Oath, pledge Qassab قصاب Butcher Qassam قسم Oath, pledge Qassim قاسم Divider Qaswar قسوار One who rides Qaswari قسواری Rider Qataadah قتادہ Name of a Sahabi Qataawah قتادہ Name of a Sahabi Qatadah قتدہ Name of a Sahabi Qatawah قطاوہ Brave Qateef قطیف Sharp, intelligent Qatii قتی Slicer, cutter Qatn قطن Cotton Qavi قوی Powerful, strong Qawamin قوامین Maintainers, guardians Qawamun قوامون Maintainers, guardians Qawee قوی Strong Qaweei قویی Strong Qawi قوی Strong Qawiyy قویی Almighty, powerful Qawwaameen قوامین Strong and firm Qayam قیام Stand, rising Qayamuddin قیام الدین Uprightness of religion Qayim قائم Standing, upright Qayim-Ali قائم علی Upright and exalted
Latest islamic baby boy names starting with Q
Qayoom قیوم Self-subsisting, eternal Qays قیس Firm Qayum قیوم Sustainer, self-subsisting Qayyam قیام Stand, rising Qayyim قائم Upright, steadfast Qayyoom قیوم Self-subsisting, eternal Qayyum قیوم Self-subsisting, eternal Qazafi قضافی Virtuous, righteous Qazi قاضی Judge, arbiter Qazim قاظم Restrainer, suppressor Qeehael قیحیل Wise and intelligent Qhalif قلیف Successor, caliph Qhizer قہضر Abundance Qiblah قبلہ Direction of prayer (towards Mecca) Qidam قدم Ancient, eternal Qihael قحیل Wise and intelligent Qimat قیمت Value, worth Qindil قندیل Lamp, light Qiraan قران Recitation, reading Qiran قران Star, celestial body Qirath قراة Recitation, reading Qirni قرنی Horn, antler Qirtas قرطاس Paper Qismat قسمت Fate, destiny Qist قسط Justice, fairness Qiwaam قوام Maintainer, protector Qiwam قوام Maintainer, protector Qiwamuddin قوام الدین Maintainer of religion Qiyaam قیام Standing, rising Qiyam قیام Standing, rising Qizar قزر Courageous, brave Qobad قباد Eternal, everlasting Qonain قنائن Universe, cosmos Qssim قسیم Divider, distributor Qtatdah قططہ Leader, ruler Quadeer قدیر Powerful, capable Quadir قدیر Able, powerful Quadri قادری Capable, powerful Quaid قائد Leader, guide Quaisar قیصر Caesar, emperor Quaiser قیصر Caesar, emperor Quaize قیض Intelligent, sagacious Quamar قمر Moon Quan قان Strong, powerful Quaseem قاسم Divider, distributor Quasim قاسم Divider, distributor Quazi قاضی Judge, arbiter Quba قبا Dome, vault Qudaiman قدیمان Ancient, old Qudair قدیر Powerful, able Qudamah قدمہ Courageous, brave Quddoos قدوس Holy, pure Quddus قدوس Holy, pure Qudoos قدوس Holy, pure Qudrat قدرت Power, capability Qudratullah قدرت اللہ Power of Allah Quds قدس Holy, sacred Qudsi قدسی Sacred, divine Qudumah قدمہ Courageous, brave Qudus قدوس Holy, pure Qudwa قدوہ Example, model Qudwah قدوہ Example, model Quishan قویشان Brave, courageous Qulaib قلیب Capable, competent Qumr قمر Moon Qunbar قنبر Horn, antler Quraish قریش Tribe name Quraishi قریشی Belonging to the Quraish tribe Quraisy قریش Tribe name Quraysh قریش Tribe name Qurb قرب Nearness, proximity Qurbaan قربان Sacrifice, offering Qurban قربان Sacrifice, offering Qureeb قریب Near, close Quresh قریش Tribe name Qureshi قریشی Belonging to the Quresh tribe Qureshi قریشی Belonging to the Quraish tribe Qurram قرم Full moon, handsome
Arabic boy names starting from Q
Qurshid قرشید Sun Qurtulain قرطلین Pleiades, a group of stars Qurum قرم Beautiful, radiant Qusai قصی Ancient Arabian name, meaning unknown Qusait قصیت Shortened form of Qusai Qusay قصی Distinguished, brave Qusay قصی Variant of Qusay Qushayyi قشیی Brave, courageous Qussai قسائی Variant of Qusai Qusta قسطی Just, fair Qusta قسطی Variant of Qusta Qutaiba قتیبہ Fighter, warrior Qutaiba قتیبہ Variant of Qutaiba Qutaibah قتیبہ Variant of Qutaiba Qutaybah قتیبہ Variant of Qutaiba Qutb قطب Pole, axis Qutb قطب Variant of Qutb Qutbah قطبہ Axis, chief Qutbah قطبہ Variant of Qutbah Qutbuddin قطب الدین Pole of the faith Qutbuddin قطب الدین Variant of Qutbuddin Qutbullah قطب اللہ Pole of Allah Qutbullah قطب اللہ Variant of Qutbullah Quthb قطب Variant of Qutb Qutub قطب Pole, axis Qutub قطب Variant of Qutub Qutubuddin قطب الدین Pole of the faith Qutuz قطز Brave, courageous Qutuz قطز Variant of Qutuz Quwa قوہ Strength, power Quwa قوہ Variant of Quwa Quwwah قوہ Strength, power Qwsain قوسین Two bows, an archer