Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting with T with Meaning

TohiraتبسنSmiling and joyful
TohreenتبسمSmiling and happy
TohuraطبیبہDoctor and healer
ToibaتبینہClear and evident
ToihidaتبیہNature and disposition
TolouتابیتہBright and radiant
TomaتابوراہA person who is pure and innocent
TonimaتبصیرInsight and understanding
TonyتبصرہPerception and discernment
ToobaتبسمSmiling and joyous
ToshanaتفریحہAmusement and recreation
TosheenتفرینہElegance and beauty
ToshifaتفسینAdornment and embellishment
TosifaتفسیرInterpretation and explanation
ToslimaتفشینSpreading and expanding
ToubaتفسینہBeauty and charm
ToucaتفسیرہExplanation and commentary
ToufikaتہانیCongratulations and best wishes
TouhidaطہارتPurity and cleanliness
ToulinطہارینPure and chaste
TousifaتحسینPraise and commendation
TousinتہیمہReverence and respect
TousiyaطاہرہPure and undefiled
TowficaطاہرہPure and clean
TowhidaطاہریہPure and virtuous
ToyeabaتہیممPurity and innocence
TranaطاہرہPure and righteous
TrinaaطاہرہPure and virtuous
TrishتہیشہAlive and lively
TrishaتحیہGreeting and salutation
TsiporaتہجیبDignity and respect
TubaتہمیمHonor and dignity
TubaaتہمینPurity and innocence
TubassumتہمیدہPraise and commendation
TufanتہمیلاNoble and honorable
TufaylahتہنیدA person who is praised
TufiaتہنینA person who is praised
TufoolطہورہPure and clean
TuhfaتہرینVariation and diversity
TuhfahتحریمہSacred and forbidden
TuhiتحرینہDecoration and embellishment
TuhinتہسینہBeauty and elegance
TuhinaتیمینہA person who is strong and determined
TulaihaتیمورہA person who is strong and brave
TulayhahتائینازDelicate and precious
TulipتیسینOne who is strong and energetic
TulooتائشینAmbition and desire
TulouطیبہPure and virtuous
TumadurطیبہPure and good-hearted
TuqaطیبہVirtuous and righteous
TuqaaتاجمیراA person who is like a crown
TuqaatتکبیرGlory and magnification
TuqatثمرہFruitful, Productive
TuraabثمیرہNoble, Generous
TurabتھمیزہAdmirable, Distinguished
TuraifahتھمسیہCharismatic, Enchanting
TuranتھنسیرہDelicate, Elegant
TurasتھنسیہSensitive, Gentle
TurfaتھرانمQueen of Music
TurfahتھرجمہTranslation, Interpretation
TurhaتھسبیہPious, Devout
TusharaتھسیلاConnected, Linked
TutiتھسفیہPure, Clear
TutiaتھسلیمPeaceful, Submissive
TwaibaتھسلیمہOne who submits to Allah
TweetyتھسلینہGentle, Soft
TwishaتھسمینParadise, Heaven
TyagiتھسمیہPure, Unblemished
TyasتھسنیمBeautiful, Refreshing
TybaتھسنیاDelicate, Tender
TyeishaتھسنونMorning Dew
TyeshaتھسریہGlowing, Radiant
TykeiaتھضیرہBlossom, Bloom
TykiaتھازمینہRespected, Honored
TyraتھوفیکاSuccess, Prosperity

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