Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting with T with Meaning

ThesniتزیبElegance and refinement
ThezeemتزینہAdornment and decoration
ThezniتضمیمIntegration and harmony
ThheibaتازنینFresh and beautiful
ThibaتہامہCourage and strength
ThohfaتہلنA brilliant and shining person
ThoibaتہمیمPurity and innocence
ThorayaتہمزPrecious and valuable
ThouficaتہنیہGreeting and salutation
ThoufikaتحریمSacred and forbidden
ThubaitahتحرینArrangement and organization
ThubaytahتحسیمHonor and respect
ThufailahتحسینBeautification and elegance
ThuhaybaتہذیبCulture and refinement
ThuhinaتیشاAlive and lively
ThumlتناجہLonging and desire
ThuraiaتیزمینFast and swift
ThuraiyaثابیہCharming and captivating
ThurayaثینہA musical melody
ThurayyaثلاثThree, symbolizing completeness
ThurayyatثمرFruit and result
ThurjaثمرہFruitful and productive
ThurrayaثناءPraise and admiration
ThurrayyaثناءPraiseworthy and commendable
ThuwabahثانیہSecond, indicating uniqueness
ThuwaibahثناPraise and appreciation
ThuwaybahثراWealth and abundance
ThwayyaثروہWealth and prosperity
TiaثاصنیA person who reaches the goal
TiahثوابReward and compensation
TiamثینہA beautiful melody
TibahثیسنیEngraved and marked
TibhajذیسنیUnique and extraordinary
TibnaثحفہGift and present
TibrahثویبہGood and virtuous
TiffneyثرجہElevation and high status
TiflanaتہانیCongratulations and best wishes
TigerتہارہPure and clean
TihaتجانہA person who is patient
TihaniتجانیA person with good character
TiharaتکشہA person who is sharp and witty
TijanaتلاوہRecitation, especially of the Quran
TijaniتینیاFairy-like and enchanting
TikiaتیانیA person who is unique and special
TikshaطہیرہPure and clean
TilatتوحیدOneness of God
TilawaتوہیمہEsteem and honor
TimaطاہرہPure and immaculate
TinaطہورہPure and clean
TinahتونیماA person who is praised
TinatتوصیفہDescription and portrayal
TinayaتولینA person who is elevated
TinjalتوسینGoodness and kindness
TiranaتریناA person who is melodious
TirhabٹریشہThirst and desire
TisahتفولAbundance and plenty
TishaتحفہGift and present
TitaniaتہینہSnow and purity
TitliتوقاتDevotion and dedication
TiyamترابDust and soil
TiyaniتویبہRepentance and penitence
TiybaٹویٹیSweet and cute (like a bird’s tweet)
TiymahتوئیشہBright and radiant
TofaٹائیشہAlive and lively
TofsinaٹائیکیاA person who is victorious
TohaطالبہSeeker of knowledge
ToheraطالعیہLucky and fortunate
TohfaتامیرہA person who is strong and healthy
TohidaتبسمSmile and happiness
TohimaتبسمSmiling and cheerful

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