1511+ Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting with V with Meaning

VasuWealth; Lord Vishnu
Vasu PrasadGift of Wealth
VasubhadraSon of Vasudeva
VasudevFather of Lord Krishna
VasudevaFather of Lord Krishna
VasudevanLord Krishna
VasukannanGod of Wealth; Lord Krishna
VasukiA Celestial Serpent
VasulProsperous; Wealthy
VasumanPossessor of Wealth
VasumatWealthy, rich
VasumitrFriend of wealth
VasunWealthy, possessing wealth
VasupalProtector of wealth
VasupatiLord of wealth
VasurWealthy, prosperous
VasuradhaWealth bestower
VasuroopEmbodiment of wealth
VasusenWealthy, well-born
VasushWealthy, possessing wealth
VasuthevanLord of wealth
VasuttiWealthy, prosperous
VasviWealthy, powerful
VasvikWealthy, possessing wealth
VaswikWealthy, prosperous
VatanIdeal, nation
VatatmajSon of the wind, another name for Hanuman
VathsaYoung calf, symbol of innocence
VatishRuler, lord
VatradharaWearer of braid, another name for Lord Krishna
VatsCalf, symbol of innocence
VatsaCalf, symbol of innocence
VatsakBeloved, dear
VatsalAffectionate, loving
VatsalaAffectionate, loving
VatsalrajKing of affection, lord of love
VatsalyaAffection, love
VatsapalProtector of calves, another name for Lord Krishna
VatsarSpring, youthfulness
VatsavProtector of calves, another name for Lord Krishna
VatshaCalf, symbol of innocence
VatsiRelated to calves, related to innocence
VatsinDwelling among calves, another name for Lord Krishna
VatslaBeloved, dear
VatsyayanName of Sage Vatsyayana, author of the Kamasutra
VattyamWorship, devotion
VatyaSparkle, brilliance
VavvetiShining, radiant
VayasatBeing in old age, aged
VaybhavProsperity, wealth
VaydeeshLord of wind, another name for Lord Hanuman
VaysakhHindu month, April-May
VayuWind, air
VayujatBorn of the wind, another name for Lord Hanuman
VayunWind, air
VayunaWind, air
VayunandSon of the wind, another name for Hanuman
VayuvegSpeed of wind, another name for Lord Hanuman
VayyaRich, wealthy
VazarGarment, clothing
VdarshBright, shining
VeaClear, evident
VeaghLion, tiger
VedSacred knowledge, Veda
Ved AryanAryan of the Vedas, follower of the Vedas
Ved PrakashLight of the Vedas, illumination from the Vedas
Ved ViyanKnowledge of the Vedas, wisdom from the Vedas
Ved VyasSage Vyasa, compiler of the Vedas
Ved-vyaasSage Vyasa, compiler of the Vedas
VedaSacred knowledge, the Vedas
VedaantEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedaanthEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedakartaCreator of the Vedas, author of the Vedas
VedakarthikSon of the creator of the Vedas
VedakumbhPot of the Vedas, knowledge of the Vedas
VedamVeda, sacred knowledge
VedamohanDelighter in the Vedas, lover of the Vedas
VedanKnower of the Vedas, scholar of the Vedas
VedangLimb of the Vedas, auxiliary text
VedangaLimb of the Vedas, auxiliary text
VedankPart of the Vedas, aspect of the Vedas
VedanshPart of the Vedas, fragment of the Vedas
VedanshuPart of the Vedas, fragment of the Vedas
VedantEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedantaEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedantasareaEssence of Vedanta, core teaching of the Vedas

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