1511+ Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting with V with Meaning

VishweshwarLord of the Universe
VisisthaBest; Superior
ViskheetFull of Wisdom
VismaiWonder; Astonishment
VismayWonder; Amazement
VismitAmazed; Astounded
VisnaEternal; Permanent
VisnuLord Vishnu
VisokUntroubled, free from sorrow
VisravasSon of Lord Brahma, father of Kubera
VisruthRenowned, famous
VisuPure, innocent
VisvajitConqueror of the universe
VisvambharSupporter of the universe
VisvasTrust, faith
VisvayuAll-pervading wind
VisveshwaranLord of the universe
ViswaWhole world, universe
ViswaaOne who is all pervading, the universe
ViswajeethConqueror of the universe
ViswakThe universe
ViswaksenLeader of the army of gods
ViswamUniverse, world
ViswanOne who rules the universe
ViswanathLord of the universe
ViswanathaLord of the universe
ViswanathanLord of the universe
ViswanthLord of the universe
ViswasTrust, belief
ViswavardanNourisher of the universe
ViswavelOne who is the whole universe
ViswesearaSupreme lord, Lord Shiva
VisweshSupreme ruler, Lord Shiva
VisweswaraSupreme lord, Lord Shiva
VisweswaranLord of the universe
VitKnowledge, understanding
VitabhayFree from fear, fearless
VitaharyaThat which is to be avoided
VitakThought, idea
VitapLiberator, one who releases
VitarkArgument, reasoning
VitashokhaFree from sorrow, happy
VitastaRiver Jhelum
VitathHaving enmity
ViteshLord of knowledge, Lord Indra
VithalLord Vishnu, Krishna
VithalaLord Vishnu, Krishna
VithiPath, way
VitolDancer, performer
VittakEndowed with wealth
VittalLord Vishnu, Krishna
VittalaLord Vishnu, Krishna
VittaleshwarLord Vishnu, Krishna
VittanathLord Vishnu, Krishna
VittapOwner of wealth
VitteshLord of wealth, Lord Kubera
VitthalLord Vishnu, Krishna
VitulOne who has emerged
VivaanFull of life, lively
VivaeVivacious, lively
VivakKnowledgeable, wise
VivamBeautiful, elegant
VivanFull of life, lively
VivangFree-spirited, full of life
VivanshPart of the universe
VivanzEnergetic, lively
VivasEnergetic, lively
VivashHighly competent, proficient
VivasvanSun, one of the 12 Adityas
VivaswanSun, one of the 12 Adityas
VivaswatSun, one of the 12 Adityas
VivaswathSun, one of the 12 Adityas
VivatmaPure soul, self-realized
VivekDiscrimination, wisdom
Vivek VardhanEnhancer of wisdom
VivekaDiscrimination, discernment
VivekamDiscrimination, wisdom
VivekanOne with wisdom
VivekanandBliss of discrimination, wisdom
VivekanandaBliss of discrimination, wisdom
VivekanandhanBliss of discrimination, wisdom
VivekananthanBliss of discrimination, wisdom
VivenKnowledge, wisdom
ViveyUnderstanding, wisdom
ViviaFull of life, lively
VivianFull of life, lively
VividClear, distinct
VividhVarious, diverse
VivikshuWise, discriminating
ViviktAlone, solitary
VivikvasAlone, solitary
VivinKnowledge, wisdom
VivithClear, distinct

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