689+ Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With K

Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With K with meaning names are here. These Islamic baby girl names that start with K are the most trending Muslim girl names.

Modern Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With K

KhushnoodخوشنودHappy and satisfied
KhutaخوتہNoble and pure
KhuwaidخوائدBeautiful and good-looking
KhuwailahخویلہElegant and charming
KhuwairahخویرہGood, virtuous
KhuwaylahخویلہA woman who is easy to live with
KhuzaimahخزیمہCalm and composed
KhuzamaخزامہLavender flower
KhuzamahخزامہLavender flower
KhuzarahخزرہA place of comfort and peace
KhuzrahخزرہPlace where one can find peace
KiahکیاA beautiful and rare gem
KiaraکیاراBright, dark-haired beauty
KifahکفاہStruggle, conflict
Kifayatullahکفایت اللہSufficiency from Allah
KinanaکنانہA woman of great beauty
KinanahکنانہA woman of great beauty
KindahکندہA lady with a good character
KindiyyahکندیہA lady with a good character
KinzaکنزہHidden treasure
KiranکرنRay of light
KochaiکوچہSmall village
Kohinoorکوہ نورMountain of light
KomalکوملSoft and delicate
KomilaکوملہComplete and perfect
KowaisahکویصہIntelligent and wise
KuaybahکویبہA type of fragrant herb
KubraکبریGreat, senior
KufahکوفہA type of headgear
KuhaylahکہیلہA young and beautiful lady
KulaisimکلیسمWise, intelligent
KulbaharکلبہارRose flower
KulfatکلفتWell-fortified, powerful
KulsoomکلثومName of the Prophet Muhammad’s daughter
KulsumahکلثومہBeautiful and perfect
KulthoomکلثومDaughter of the Prophet Muhammad
KulthoumکلثومDaughter of the Prophet Muhammad
KulthumکلثمDaughter of the Prophet Muhammad
KulusکلسGem, jewel
KumailahکمیلہPerfect, flawless
KumailiyahکمیلیہPerfect, complete
KunaizahکنیزہHidden treasure
KundasکندسA precious stone
KunzaکنزہHidden treasure
KuramکرمGenerosity, kindness
KuwaysahکویصہIntelligent and wise
KwairahکویرہBeautiful and radiant
KydaکیدہLeader, guide
KynaکیناBeautiful and unique
KaifکیفPleasure, enjoyment

Islamic baby girl names starting with K from the Quran

KajuکاجوCashew nut
KeyaکیاA beautiful flower
KyraکائراLike the sun
KaayaکایاAesthetic, spiritual
KabulکابلCapital city of Afghanistan
KadriقادریCapable, powerful
KafiaکافیہSufficient, content
KalahکالہArt, talent
KalmaکلمہWord, expression
KamsaکمسہA beautiful flower
KanijکانجTreasure, jewel
KansaکنسہA vessel made of bronze
KarinکارینPure, innocent
KaswaکسوہBeautiful dress
KayanکیانUniverse, world
KendaaکینڈاCompanion, confidante, friend
KenzaکینزاTreasure, valuable
KeyanazکیانازA powerful woman
KeyandokhtکیاندختDaughter of the king
KhabiraخبیرہKnowledgeable, wise
KhabirahخبیرہKnowledgeable, insightful
KhadeejaخدیجہProphets Muhammad’s wife
KhadigaخدیجہProphets Muhammad’s wife
KhadijaخدیجہProphets Muhammad’s wife
KhadijahخدیجہProphets Muhammad’s wife
KhadijhaخدیجہProphets Muhammad’s wife
KhadraخضراGreen, fresh
KhadujahخدوجہA woman with a fair complexion
KhafifaخفیفہDelicate, gentle
KhafifahخفیفہDelicate, refined
KhailaخیلہPrincess, queen
KhairaخیرہGood, excellent
KhairaatخیراتGood deeds, blessings
KhairahخیرہGood, virtuous
KhairiyaخیریہGoodness, virtue
Khairun-nisaخیرالنساءThe best among women
KhakshanخاکشاںShining, radiant
KhaldaaخلداImmortal, eternal
KhaleedahخلیدہImmortal, everlasting
KhaleefخلیفہSuccessor, caliph
KhaleefaخلیفہSuccessor, caliph
KhaleelaخلیلہIntimate friend
KhaleesahخلیصہPure, clear
KhalidaخالدہEternal, immortal
KhalidahخالدہEternal, everlasting
KhalilaخلیلہIntimate friend

Muslim baby girl names starting with K from the Quran

KhalilahخلیلہIntimate friend
KhalisaخالصہPure, sincere
KhalisahخالصہPure, sincere
KhaliyahخلیہRoyalty, nobility
KhalsatخلصتPurity, sincerity
KhalulahخلولہPure, clear
KhalwatخلوتSolitude, seclusion
KhamrahخمرہWine, intoxicating drink
KhanamخانمLady, madam
KhaniخانیStoryteller, narrator
KhansaخنساءHidden treasure
KhansaaخنساءName of a poetess
KhanumخانمLady, madam
KhaperaiخپیرئOffering, gift
KharamanخرمانHappy, joyful
KharijahخارجہOutward, external
KharoخاروHappiness, joy
KharqaخرقہCloak, garment
KhasabahخصبہHarvest, crop
KhasharخشارGreen, fresh
KhashiaخاشیہPious, devout
KhashifaخاشفہRevealer, discoverer
KhasibaخصیبہFertile, productive
KhasibahخصیبہFertile, productive
KhateraخاطرہMemory, recollection
KhaterahخاطرہMemory, remembrance
KhaterehخاطرہMemory, thought
KhatibaخاطبہSpeaker, orator
KhatibahخاطبہSpeaker, preacher
KhatijahخاتجہName of a prophet’s wife
KhatiraخاطرہMemory, recollection
KhatoonخاتونLady, woman
KhatrahخطرہDanger, risk
KhavarخوارHumble, modest
KhawaraخوارہNoble, generous
KhawatirخواطرThoughts, reflections
KhawdanخودانThe self, oneself
KhawlaخولہGazelle, beautiful woman
KhawlahخولہGazelle, beautiful woman
KhayalخیالThought, imagination
KhayrahخیرہGoodness, virtue
KhayratخیراتGood deeds, blessings
KhayriyahخیریہGoodness, virtue
KhayriyyaخیریہGoodness, virtue
KhayriyyahخیریہGoodness, virtue
KhayyiraخییرہGood, virtuous
KhazanaخزانہTreasure, wealth
KhazanahخزانہTreasure, wealth
KhazeenaخزینہTreasure, hoard
KhazraaخضراGreen, fresh
KhazratخضرتDignity, honor
KhazzarahخزارہAbode, dwelling
KheerخیرSweet dish, dessert
KhibrahخبرہWisdom, knowledge
KhidrahخضرہGreen, fresh
KhilaalخلالGaps, spaces
KhilfahخلافہSuccessor, caliph
KhilfatخلافتCaliphate, leadership
KhimarخمارVeil, headscarf
KhimrahخمرہCloak, garment

Arabic girl names starting from K

KhiraaخیرہGood, virtuous
KhiradخردIntellect, wisdom
KhisbahخصبہBlessing, goodness
KhitamختمSeal, conclusion
KhitfaختفہGood fortune, luck
KhizraخضرہGreen, fresh
KhojasstehخوجستہNoble, honorable
KhojastehخوجستہNoble, honorable
KholahخولہEyeliner, kohl
KhoorsheedaخورشیدہSunlit, bright
KhooshbakhtخوشبختFortunate, lucky
KhorshidخورشیدSun, sunlight
KhubchehrخوبچہرBeautiful face
KhudamahخدمہServant, maid
KhudraخدرہGreen, fresh
KhudrahخدرہGreen, fresh
KhujasstahخوجستہNoble, honorable
KhulaidahخلیدہImmortal, eternal
KhulaifahخلیفہSuccessor, caliph
KhulaisahخلیصہPure, clear
KhulatخلاطBride, beautiful woman
KhulaybahخلیبہA woman who is easygoing
KhuldخلدEternal, everlasting
KhullahخلاہHappiness, joy
KhuloodخلودImmortality, eternity
KhuloudخلودImmortality, eternity
KhuludخلودImmortality, eternity
KhurmiخرمیBlissful, happy
KhusaibahخصیبہFertile, productive
KaadihaکادیہOne who is upright and strong
KaamlaکاملاPerfect, complete
KaarimaکارمہGenerous, noble
KabeeraکبیرہGreat, dignified
KabeerahکبیرہA woman with dignity and greatness
KabeeshaکبیشہElegant, graceful
KabiraکبیرہThe great one
KabirahکبیرہDignified, noble
KabshahکبشہDaughter of a lion
KadifaکادفہVirtuous, noble
KadiraکادرہPowerful, strong
KadriyaقادریہPowerful, capable
KadshahکدشہA woman with a shining personality
KafiyahکافیہContent, satisfied
KahalکحلKohl, black eyeliner
KaheelaکہیلاIntelligent, wise
KaheeshaکہیشہA woman with high aspirations
KahhalahکحلہOne with beautiful eyes
KahlaaکہلاSweetheart, beloved
KahliliaکہلیلہBeautiful like a gazelle
KaiaکائیہPure, clear
KaifiyaکیفیہContentment, satisfaction
KainaکیناA woman with beautiful eyes
KainaatکائناتUniverse, cosmos
KainatکائناتUniverse, creation
KakuliکاکلیFlower bud, blossom
KaleemaکلیمہSpeaker, one who imparts knowledge
KaleemahکلیمہA woman who conveys knowledge
KaliکالیBud, blossom
KalifahخلیفہSuccessor, heir
KalilaقلیلہBeloved, sweetheart
KalimaکلمہWord, expression
KalsamکلثمA woman with a beautiful face
KalsoomکلثومThe name of a fragrant flower
KalsumکلسمVariant of Kalsoom, a fragrant flower
KalsumahکلسمہAnother form of Kalsoom
KalthamکلثمName of a companion of Prophet Muhammad
KalthumکلثمVariant of Kaltham, a companion of the Prophet
KamalahکمالہPerfection, beauty
KamaliyahکمالیہPerfect, complete
KamaliyyahکمالیہPerfect, flawless
KamayilahکمیلہPerfect, complete
KameelaکمیلاPerfect, whole
KamilaکمیلاPerfect, complete
KamilaaکمیلاPerfect, flawless
KamilahکمیلہPerfect, complete
KamilatکمیلاتPerfect, virtuous
KamillaaکمیلاPerfect, complete
KamnaکمناDesire, wish
KamraکمرہRoom, chamber
KandusکندسA woman with fair skin
KaneezکنیزSlave, servant
KaneezahکنیزہFemale servant, maid
KaniکانیA woman with beautiful eyes
KaniaکانیہA woman with beautiful eyes
KaniawکانیاA woman with beautiful eyes
KanizکنیزSlave, servant
KanizahکنیزہFemale servant, maid
KanvalکنولLotus flower
KanwalکنولLotus flower
KanzکنزTreasure, valuable thing
KanzaکنزہHidden treasure
KanzahکنزہHidden treasure
KaramahکرامہMiracle, blessing
KarawanکاروانCaravan, group of travelers
KardawaiyahکرداوئیہOne who fulfills her promises
KardawiyahکرداوئیہOne who fulfills her promises
KareemaکریمہGenerous, noble
KareemahکریمہGenerous, kind
KareenکرینPure, innocent
KaridaکاردہUntouched, pure

Unique Muslim baby girl names that start with K

KarimaکریمہGenerous, noble
KarimahکریمہGenerous, kind
KarimanکریمانGenerous, noble
KarmaکرمہGenerosity, grace
KasکسA woman with a pleasant face
KashaafکشافRevealer, one who discloses secrets
KashfiaکشفیہRevelation, discovery
KashfiyaکشفیہRevelation, discovery
KashidaکشیدہA woman with a beautiful stride
KashifaکاشفہOne who reveals secrets
KashifahکاشفہRevealer, discoverer
KashiraکشیرہA woman with a radiant face
KashishکششAttraction, charm
KashmalaکشمالہLucky flower, fortunate
KashoodaکشودہOne who brings good fortune
KashudکشودBlossoming, flourishing
KasirahکسیرہGenerous, charitable
KasoolکسولA woman with a pleasant face
KasraکسرہBeautiful, graceful
KasturiکستوریMusk, fragrance
KatanaکٹاناA woman with a slender figure
KateebahکتیبہWriter, author
KathirahکثیرہAbundant, plentiful
KatibahکاتبہScribe, writer
KattamahکٹامہA woman with a charming personality
KaureenکارینPure, clean
KauserکوثرRiver in paradise
KawakibکواکبStars, celestial bodies
KawkabaکوکبہStar, celestial body
KawnaaکوناLady of the house
KawnahکوناA woman with a strong personality
KawnainکونینWoman with two beautiful eyes
KawtarکوثرAbundance, plenty
KayanehکیانہRoyal, regal
KaylaکیلاCrown, laurel
KaysahکیسہWise, intelligent
KazhalکژلBeautiful eyes, enchanting
KazimaکاظمہRestrained, self-controlled
KazimahکاظمہRestrained, one who controls herself
KaziwaقاضیہJudge, arbitrator
KebiraکبراGreat, dignified
KedmaکیڈمہA woman with a pleasant personality
KeendaکینڈاBeautiful, attractive
KeharaکہارہUnique, one of a kind
KehkashanکہکشاںGalaxy, universe
KeihanaکہانہStory, narrative
KeivandokhtکیوندوختDaughter of the universe
KeliaکیلیاA woman with beautiful eyes
KaymaکیماNoble, Generous
KayraکیراPeaceful, Calm
KaysaکیساWise, Adept
KazimکاظمRestrainer, Calm
KazmaکاظمہOne who controls anger
KeevaکیواBeautiful Child
KeilyکیلیBeautiful, Graceful
KensaکینساBorn of parents who are siblings
KhairخیرGoodness, Blessing
KhaliخالیEmpty, Clear
KhasaخاصہSpecial, Unique
KhayrخیرGood, Virtuous
KhozaخوزہGood, Honest
KhylaخیلاBeautiful like a princess
KibraکبراGreat, Majestic
KifliکفلیIntelligent, Wise
KindaکندہA name of a mountain in Medina
KirsiکرسیThrone, Chair
KisahکیسہThe Book of Deeds
KismaکسماDestiny, Fate
KizraکیزرہBlossom, Fruit
KyanaکیاناBelonging to a royal family
KyrieکائیریLord, Master
KabyraکبیراGreat, Powerful
KadejaکادیجہThe Prophet’s Wife
KaenatکائناتUniverse, Cosmos
KafiraکافرہOne who covers the face, Concealer
KahinaکاہناForeteller, Seeress
KahisaکہسہThe one who laughs often
KahsahکہسہLady of nobility and high social status
KaileyکیلیBelonging to a fortress
KairaaکائرہPeaceful, Calm
KairahکائرہPeaceful, Serene
KaisarقیصرEmperor, King
KaishaکایشاAlive, Living
KaiyenکائینOne who is kind
KalaamکلامSpeech, Words
KalamaکلمہWord, Expression
KalanaکلانہAdornment, Decoration
KaltumکلتمName of a companion of Prophet Muhammad
KamalaکمالاPerfection, Beauty
KaminiکمینیBeautiful Woman
KanizaکنیزہPrecious Lady
KanyalکنیالA beautiful and precious thing
KarenaکاریناPure, Innocent
KarihaکاریہاDesiring, Satisfied
KarinaکاریناPure, Innocent
KarisaکاریساDear, Beloved
KarzaiکرزائیSeeker of knowledge
KashafکشافOpener, Revealer
KashfaکشفہRevelation, Discovery
KasifaکاصفہOne who reveals
KasimaکسیمہGenerous, Distributor
KasiraکثیرہAbundant, Plentiful
KassamکسمOath, Pledge
KatifaکٹیفہSensitive, Delicate
KaunanکونانStrong, Unyielding
KausarکوثرAbundance, River in Paradise
KawkabکوکبPlanet, Celestial Body
KawsarکوثرAbundant, River in Paradise
KayannکیانPowerful, Unique
KaycieکیسیAlert, Vigilant
KaydeeکیڈیPure, Innocent
KayleeکیلیBelonging to a fortress
KayliaکیلیاBeautiful Soul
KaylilکیلیلGood Friend
KaynatکائناتUniverse, Cosmos
KayrahکائرہPeaceful, Calm
KayshaکیشاWise, Adept
KazeenکزینTreasure, Wealth

Latest islamic baby girl names starting with the letter K

KazifaکازفہSensitive, Delicate
KazinaکازینہTreasure, Wealth
KefiraکفیراUnbeliever, Infidel
KeishaکیشاAlive, Living
KelilaکیلیلاCrown of Laurels
KenweiکینویAdept, Skilled
KetifaکتیفہSensible, Rational
KeziahکیزیہCassia tree, Fragrant
KhaliaخالیہClear, Pure
KhalisخالصPure, Sincere
KhanomخانمLady, Noblewoman
KhassaخصاSpecial, Unique
KehkshaکہکشاShining Star
KehlaniکہلانیA combination of beauty and strength
KenitraکنیتراStrong and Beautiful
KhaanamخانمLady, Madame
KhadejaخدیجہEarly Baby
KhadizaخدیزہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhairatخیراتBlessings, Charity
KhairinخیرینGood, Virtuous
KhajabiخجبیBeautiful and Intelligent
KhalesaخالصہPure, Sincere
KhaliqaخالقہCreator, One Who Creates
KhamilaخمیلاComplete, Perfect
KhandanخاندانFamily, Ancestry
KhanifaخنیفہPure, Untouched
KhanitaخنیتہIntelligent, Wise
KhanshaخانشاLeader, Queen
KhariyaخاریہPrincess, Noble
KhatemaخاتمہConclusion, End
KhatijaخاتجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhatimaخاتمہVariant of Khatema, Conclusion
KhatizaخاتزہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhatounخاتونLady, Woman
KhatuneخاتونLady, Woman
KhausarخوثرRiver in Paradise, Abundance
KhazimaخضیمہVariant of Khazima, Order, Arrangement
KhildahخلدہVariant of Khulda, Eternal, Immortal
KhordadخردادThe third month of the Iranian calendar
KhullatخلاتCompanionship, Friendship
KhusbooخوشبوFragrance, Scent
KhwaishخواہشWish, Desire
KibriyaکبریاءGrandeur, Greatness
KifaayaکفایہSufficiency, Adequacy
KinaanaکنانہVariant of Kinanah, Garden
KismathقسمتDestiny, Fate
KlizareکلیزارBlossom, Flower
Kohinurکوہ نورMountain of Light
KoushanکوشانDesire, Wish
KoutherکوثرAbundance, Plenty
KulsumaکلثومہVariant of Kulsum, Beautiful
KulusumکلسمVariant of Kulsum, Beautiful
KuraisaکریساVariant of Kuraysh, Tribe of Prophet Muhammad
KureisaکریساVariant of Kuraysh, Tribe of Prophet Muhammad
KureshaکریشاVariant of Kuraysh, Tribe of Prophet Muhammad
KylilahکیلیلاBeautiful, Elegant
KaamilahکاملہPerfect, Complete
KaathimaقاتمہVariant of Khatima, Conclusion
KadeejahخدیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KadheejaخدیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KadijataخدیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KahdijahخدیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KaiareenکیارینPure, Innocent
KaifiyatکیفیتState, Condition
KaifreenکیفرینVariant of Kaifreen, Beautiful
KaiyanatکائناتUniverse, Existence
KalawatiکلاوٹیArtistic, Creative
KaleeshaکلیشہBeautiful, Unique
KaliemahکلیمہVariant of Kalima, Word
KalimaatکلماتWords, Expressions
KamariyaکماریہBeautiful Like the Moon
KarishmaکرشمہMiracle, Wonder
KasheeraکشیرہVariant of Kashira, Beautiful
KashiefaکشیفہDiscoverer, Revealer
KashifatکاشفہRevealer, Discoverer
KashmiraکشمیرہBeautiful, Like Kashmir
KateejahکتیجہVariant of Khatija, Early Baby
KatheeraکثیرہAbundant, Plentiful
KayanathکائناتUniverse, World
KerstineکرسٹینVariant of Kristin, Follower of Christ
KhaalidaخالدہEternal, Immortal
KhaatoonخاتونLady, Woman
KhadeeraخدیرہEarly Baby
KhadeezaخدیزہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhadejahخدیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhadejhaخدیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhadidjaخدیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhadijehخدیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhadisahخدیصہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhajabeeخجابیBeautiful, Attractive
KhajistaخجستہVariant of Khajista, Pleasant
KhaleedaخلیدہEternal, Immortal
KhaleeqaخلیقہVariant of Khaliqa, Creator
KhaleesiخلیصیVariant of Khaleesi, Queen
KhalidaaخالدہEternal, Immortal
KhalidhaخالدہVariant of Khaliqa, Creator
KhaliqahخالقہVariant of Khaliqa, Creator
KhanizhaخانیزہVariant of Khaniza, Leader
KhashiatخاشعہHumble, Pious
KhashiyaخاشیہVariant of Khashia, Humility
KhateebaخطیبہOrator, Speaker
KhateejaخاتیجہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhateezaخاتیزہVariant of Khadija, Early Baby
KhayraatخیراتBlessings, Good Deeds
KhazimahخازمہVariant of Khazima, Order, Arrangement
KhujestaخوجیستہVariant of Khujista, Successful
KhurseedخورشیدVariant of Khurshid, Sun
KhurshidخورشیدSun, Sunshine
KhursidaخورشیدہVariant of Khurshid, Sun
KhusaibaخصیبہGood Mannered, Well-behaved
KhusnaazخوشنازDelightful, Pleasant
KhusnumaخوشنماBeautiful, Charming
KhwahishخواہشDesire, Wish
KimruthaکیمروتہVariant of Kimrota, Tradition
KulsoomaکلثومہVariant of Kulsum, Beautiful
KhatunخاتونLady, Noblewoman
KhaylaخیلاA form of “Kayla,” meaning Crown or Laurel
Khilalخلا لBeautiful, Good-Looking
KhusbuخوشبوFragrance, Scent
KhushuخشوPious, Humble
KieshaکیشاAlive, Lively
KifayaکفایہSufficiency, Contentment
KinaraکنارہShore, Bank, Edge
KinzahکنزہTreasure, Hidden Wealth
KinzumکنزمA precious thing, like a treasure
KirshaکرشہPleasant, Beautiful
KismatقسمتFate, Destiny
KismetقسمتFate, Destiny
KismiaقسمیہDestiny, Fate
KiyaniکیانیRoyal, Majestic
KizmetقضمتDestiny, Fate
KnavalناولWriter, Author
KoreenکورینMaiden, Young Girl
KosharکوشرElegant, Graceful
KousarکوثرAbundant, Plentiful
KouserکوثرRiver in Paradise, Abundance
KowkabکوکبStar, Celestial Body
KubreaکبرہGreat, Majestic
KubriaکبریاNoble, Great
KulsumکلثومBeautiful, Radiant
KunoozکنوزTreasures, Riches
KuresaکوریسہPrincess, Queen
KurniaکرنیاGift, Blessing
KushkaکشکاFragrant Flower
KylilaکیلیلاCrown of laurels, Like a Laurel
KynaatکیاناتUniverse, Cosmos
KynaazکیانازPride of the Universe
KynleeکینلیBeautiful, Graceful
KaamilaکاملہPerfect, Complete
KaatimaقاتمہOne who Seals or Concludes
KaazimaقاظمہDominant, Powerful
KadeajaقادیجہUnique, Precious
KadeejaقدیجہTrustworthy, Faithful
KadeijaقدیجہTrustworthy, Faithful
KadejahقدیجہTrustworthy, Faithful
KadijahقدیجہTrustworthy, Faithful
KaeyshaکیشاAlive, Lively
KafayatکفایتSufficiency, Competence
KafeeyaکفیہSufficient, Competent
KafhiyaکفیہSufficient, Competent
KafilatکفیلتGuardian, Protector
KahiraaکہیراLady with Dignity and Respect
KahkshaکہکشاShining Star, Luminous
KahlilaکھلیلہBeloved, Sweetheart
KainaazکینازTreasured, Precious
KaireenکیرینPure, Innocent
KaiyanaکئیانہBeautiful Flower
KaizifaکیزیفاPrincess, Queen
KaleelaکلیلاSweetheart, Beloved
KaleesiکلیسیQueen, Empress
KalilahکلیلاBeloved, Sweetheart
KalillaکلیلاSweetheart, Beloved
KalimahکلمہWord, Utterance
KalimatکلماتWords, Expressions
KalistaکالیسٹاMost Beautiful
KaliyahکالیہBeloved, Beautiful
KallimaکلمہSpeaker, One who Communicates
KamariaکماریاMoonlight, Like the Moon
KamiliaکمیلیاPerfect, Complete
KamillaکامیلاPerfect, Complete
KamilleکامیلPerfect, Unblemished
KamilyaکاملیاPerfect, Complete
KammileکامیلPerfect, Unblemished
KaneeshکنیشIntelligent, Wise
KanishkکنشکGold, Precious Metal
KanissaکنسہLady, Noblewoman
KaramatکرامتMiracle, Supernatural Power
KareedaکریدہPrecious, Valuable
KareehaکریہاKind, Compassionate
KarindaکرندہAdmirable, Praiseworthy
KarizmaکریزمہCharming, Alluring
KarrenaکارینہPure, Innocent
KaryndaکارینڈاPure, Innocent
KasfiyaکسفیہRevelation, Unveiling
KashamaکشمہBeautiful, Elegant
KashminکشمینFragrant Flower
KasmiraکشمیراBeautiful, Like Kashmir
KasmiyaکسمیہBeautiful, Elegant
KassabaکساباProsperous, Successful
KatheriکاتھیریAbundance, Wealth
KathijaقتھجہWell-Born, Noble
KathiraکتھیراAbundant, Plenty
KaunainکونینUniverse, World
KausharکوثرRiver in Paradise, Abundance
KautharکوثرAbundance, Plenty
KawishaکوشاAttractive, Charming
KawtharکوثرRiver in Paradise, Abundance
KayanatکائناتUniverse, Cosmos
KayenatکائناتUniverse, Cosmos
KayinatکائناتUniverse, Cosmos
KaylilaکائلیلاCrown of laurels, Like a Laurel
KaynaatکائناتUniverse, Cosmos
KazhinaکاژیناTreasure, Valuable Possession
KehkasaکہکساShining Star, Luminous

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