301+ Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with W with Meaning

Searching for Muslim baby boy names that start with W? Explore a list of Islamic names for boys beginning with W. You’ll find both classic names like Wahid (meaning unique) and modern Muslim boy name options like Wali (meaning friend or guardian). Each Quranic name has its special meaning.

Modern Muslim baby names starting with W

WaafidوافدOne who gives
WaahibواہبGiver, generous
WaahidواحدOne, unique
WaajidواجدFinder, one who finds
WaamiqوامقLoving, affectionate
WaaqifواقفAcquainted, aware
WaaridواردComing, arriving
WaarithوارثInheritor, heir
WaaseyواسعCapacious, ample
WaashifواشفWise, judicious
WaasiواسعWide, spacious
WaasifواصفDescriber, teller
WaasilواصلInseparable, close
WaasimواسمHandsome, graceful
WaasiqواصقConfident, sure
WaathiqواثقConfident, firm
WaatiqواتقPious, devout
WaayelوائلComing, arriving
WaaziوازیA man who gives
WabilوابلA man who repents
WabisahوابصہA man who is loving
WablوبلA man who is great
WadودA man who loves
WadaanودانA man who is loyal
WaddaوداA man who is friendly
WaddaahوداحA man who is bright
WaddahودہA man who is radiant
WaddeenوددینA man who is religious
WaddoodودودA man who is loving
WadeeودیA man who is gentle
WadeedودیدA man who is unique
WadeiودیعA man who is loyal
WadhdhaahوذحہA man who is wise
WadiوادیA man who is calm
WadiaوادیہA man who is gentle
WadidودیدA man who is beloved
WadihواضحA man who is clear
WadiiودیA man who is friendly
WadoodودودA man who is loving
WadudودودA man who is affectionate
WaduudودودA man who is loving
WaeedوائدA man who is promise
WaelوائلA man who is coming
WaelsوائلزA man who is coming
WafوافA man who is loyal
WafaوفاA man who is loyal
WafaaiوفائیA man who is loyal
WafadarوفادارA man who is faithful
WafaeوفائےA man who is loyal
WafaeeوفائیA man who is loyal
WafaiوفائیA man who is loyal
WafaqatوفاقتA man who is successful
WafeeوفیA man who is loyal
WafeeqوفیقA man who is successful
WafeerوفیرA man who is abundant
WaffanوافنA man who is successful
WafiوفیA man who is loyal
WaficوافیکA man who is loyal
WafidوافیدA man who is giving
WafieوافیےA man who is loyal
WafiiوفیA man who is loyal
WafikوفیکA man who is loyal
WafiqوفیقA man who is successful
WafiyyوفیےA man who is loyal
WagihواجحA man who is generous
WahaabوہابGiver, Bestower of gifts
WahaadواحدUnique, One
WahabوہابGenerous, Bestower of gifts

Latest islamic baby boy names starting with W

WahajوہاجBright, Brilliant
Wahajuddinوہاج الدینBrightness of the faith
WahbوہبGift, Bestowal
WahbaanوہبانGifted, Bestowed
WahbanوہبانGifted, Bestowed
WahbiوہبیGifted, Bestowed
Wahbullahوہب اللہGift of Allah
WahdanوحدانOne, Unique
WahdatوحدتUnity, Oneness
WahedواحدSingle, Unique
Wahedulواحد الدینUnique in faith
WaheebوہیبGenerous, Bestower of gifts
Waheebullahوہیب اللہGift of Allah
WaheedوحیدSingle, Unique
Waheedulوحید الدینUnique in faith
Waheebullahوحید اللہGift of Allah
WaheidواحیدSingle, Unique
WahhaajوہاجGlowing, Illuminated
WahhabوہابGiver, Bestower of gifts
WahhajوہاجGlowing, Illuminated
WahiواحیInspirer, Revealer
WahibوہیبGenerous, Bestower of gifts
WahidواحدSingle, Unique
Wahid-uddinواحد الدینUnique in faith
Wahid-uz-zamanواحد الزمانUnique in time
WahidaanواحدانUnique, Singular
WahidanواحدانUnique, Singular
WahidfarukواحدفاروقUnique and Distinguished
WahiduddinواحدالدینUnique in faith
WahidulواحدالUnique in the universe
WahidunواحدانUnique, Singular
WahidurواحدورUnique and Rare
Wahiduzzamanواحد الزمانUnique in time
WahiebواحیبGenerous, Bestower of gifts
WahiibواحیبGenerous, Bestower of gifts
WahiidواحیدSingle, Unique
WairaویراInherit, Successor
WaisویسTrustworthy, Loyal
WaishویشDesirous, Wishful
WaizواعظPreacher, Adviser
WaizhویضRuler, Governor
WajaahatوجاہتRespect, Honor
WajahatوجاہتDignity, Splendor
WajdوجدEcstasy, Rapture
WajdaanوجدانHeartfelt, Emotional
WajdanوجدانEcstasy, Sentiment
WajdiوجدیPassionate, Loving
WajdiiوجدیEmotional, Sensitive
WajedواجدOne who Finds
WajeebوجیبNoble, Worthy, Generous
WajeedوجیدFinder, Lover, One who Knows
WajeehوجیہRespectable, Eminent, Noble
WajeehanوجیہانNoble, Distinguished
WajehواجہEminent, Distinguished
WajibواجبNecessary, Obligatory
WajidواجدFinder, Lover, One who Knows
WajihواجہEminent, Distinguished
Wajih-uddinواجہ الدینEminent in faith
Wajihuddinواجہ الدینEminent in faith

Arabic boy names starting from W

WajiihواجیحEminent, Distinguished
WajirواجرAgent, Representative
WajithواجتھProminent, Distinguished
WakaalatوکالتAdvocacy, Representation
WakalatوکالتAdvocacy, Representation
WakarواکرGentle, Polite
WakdarواقدارOne with destiny
WakilوکیلAgent, Representative
WakillوکیلAgent, Representative
WalوالGoverning, Sovereign
WalaaولاLoyalty, Faithfulness
WaledوالدNewborn, Baby
WaleeولیGuardian, Protector
WaleedولیدNewborn, Infant
WaleefولیفFriendly, Comrade
WaleeiولیئیSupporter, Ally
WaleemولیمGenerous, Hospitable
WaleidولیدNewborn, Infant
WaliولیGuardian, Friend
WalidولیدNewborn, Infant
Wali-Uddinولی الدینGuardian of the Faith
WaliaوالیاA variant of Wali
WaliedولیدNewborn, Infant
WalifولیفGentle, Kind
WaliidولیدNewborn, Infant
Waliulولی الGuardian of the
Waliullahولی اللہFriend of Allah
Waliurولی الGuardian of the
WaliyولیGuardian, Friend
Waliy-al-dinولی الدینGuardian of the Faith
Waliy-allahولی اللہFriend of Allah
Waliy-udeenولی الدینSupporter of the Faith
WaliyAlDinولی الدینGuardian of the Faith
Waliyallahولی اللہFriend of Allah
Waliyuddeenولی الدینSupporter of the Faith
Waliyuddinولی الدینSupporter of the Faith
Waliyudeenولی الدینSupporter of the Faith
Waliyullahولی اللہFriend of Allah
WaliyyولیFriend, Guardian
WalladولادBoy, Young Man
WallidولیدNewborn, Infant
Walliy-ullahولی اللہFriend of Allah
Walliyullahولی اللہFriend of Allah
WalydوالیدNewborn, Infant
WamaqومقOne who Promises
WamiqوامقLoving, Friendly
WanوانOne who Possesses
WanisونیسSociable, Friendly
WaqaarوقارDignity, Sobriety
WaqarوقارDignity, Sobriety
WaqasوقاصWarrior, Brave
WaqfوقفDevoted, Pious
WaqiواقعReal, Genuine
WaqibواقبIntelligent, Wise
WaqidواقدPrompt, Ready
WaqifواقفAcquainted, Aware
WaqqadوقادOne who Intends
WaqqarوقارDignified, Respectable
WaqqasوقاصWarrior, Brave
WaqurوقارDignity, Sobriety
WaraqahورقہLeaf, Paper
WardوردRose, Flower
WardaaورداGuardian, Protector
WardanوردانBlossoming, Flourishing
WardiوردیFlowery, Rosy
WardunوردنBlossom, Flower
WareefواریفGentle, Noble
WaridواردMessenger, Herald
WarisوارثHeir, Successor
WarishوارشGuardian, Protector
WarishaواریشہA Variant of Waris
WarithوارثInheritor, Successor
WarqaورقہPage, Paper
WarqahورقہPage, Paper
WarshanورشانA Flowing Stream
WasواسOne who Stays
WasaafوصافEven, Smooth
WasaamوسامHandsome, Graceful
WasabوسابHardworking, Diligent

Unique Muslim baby boy names that start with W

WasafوصافEven, Smooth
WasamوسمHandsome, Graceful
WasatوسطJust, Fair
WyssamویسامOne who has a beautiful face
WaseeqوصیقSkilful, Intelligent
WaseerوصیرCapable, Powerful
WaseqوصیقGraceful, Wise
WaseyوسیHappy, Prosperous
WasfeeqوسفیقSympathetic, Compassionate
WasfiوصفیEloquent, Graceful
WashanوشانTall, Elegant
WashfeeqوشفیقCompassionate, Sympathetic
WashidواشدWise, Mature
WashifواشفEnlightening, Wise
WashimواشمCultured, Well-Mannered
WasiواصیGuardian, Keeper
WasidواصدSteadfast, Devoted
WasidaliواصدعلیDevoted to Ali
WasiemواصیمGuardian, Protector
WasifواصفEloquent, Describer
WasiimواصیمGraceful, Handsome
WasikواصکGovernor, Ruler
WasikurواصکرOne who Distributes
WasilواصلConnected, Close
WasilahواصلہConnection, Link
WasimواصمGraceful, Handsome
Wasim-uddinواصم الدینGraceful in Religion
WasimeواصمGraceful, Handsome
Wasimuddinواصم الدینHandsome in Religion
WasiqواصقConfident, Sure
WasiqueواصقAble, Capable
WasirواصرOne who Takes a Pledge
WasitواصتWide, Spacious
WasithواصتOne who Gives Advice
Wasiullahواص اللہClose to Allah
WasiyyواصیTrustee, Guardian
WaslوصلUnion, Connection
WasoolوصولAttainment, Achievement
WassimوسیمAttractive, Elegant
WasyوسیBroad-minded, Generous
WasymوسیمHandsome, Attractive
WateebوطیبGood, Pure
WathabوتھبHelper, Supporter
WatheqوتھقFirm, Reliable
WatheqوتھقConfident, Trustworthy
WatheqوتھقTrustworthy, Reliable
WathilahوتھیلہGood Character
WathiqوتھقConfident, Dependable
WathiqوتھقTrustworthy, Reliable

Muslim baby boy names starting with W from the Quran

WayaasiویاسیOne who Despairs
WazeeوزیElder, Senior
WazeemوزیمWise, Dignified
WazeenوزینIntelligent, Wise
WazeerوزیرMinister, Officer
WazianوزیانRadiant, Shining
WazidوازدAbundant, Increasing
WazinوازنWeighty, Important
WazinوازنPonderous, Serious
WazirوزیرMinister, Officer
WaziranوزیراںMinisters, Officers
Waziuddinوازی الدینIncrease in Religion
WaznوزنWeight, Measure
WazzahوزہOne who Increases
WeisویسNoble, Generous
WesamوسامDistinguished, Honorable
WiamویامDesire, Wish
WiamویامWish, Aspiration
WidودAffection, Love
WidودPromise, Covenant
WidadودادLove, Affection
WidadودادLove, Friendship
WidadiودادیAffectionate, Loving

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