Muslim Baby Boy Names A to Z With Meaning

HammuzahہمزہStrong, steadfast
HamoodہمودOne who praises God
HamoolہمولGenerous and noble
HamrazہمرازCompanion in secrets
HamshadہمشادHappy and joyful
HamzadہمزادDescendant of the Prophet (PBUH)
HanaہناHappiness, bliss
HanafiحنفیFollower of the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence
HanaiہنائیHappy, delighted
HananہنانCompassionate, tender
HanananہنانانAffectionate, kind
HanashہنشWise, sensible
HanbalحنبلFollower of the Hanbali school of Islamic jurisprudence
HanbaliحنبلیFollower of the Hanbali school of Islamic jurisprudence
HaneefحنیفTrue believer in monotheism
HaneemanzarحنیمانذرGentle, kind
HanfiحنفیFollower of the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence
HaniہانیHappy, delighted
HanifحنیفTrue monotheist
HanifahحنیفہTrue believer in monotheism (feminine form)
Hanifud-dinحنیف الدینTrue to the religion
HaninہانینLonging, yearning
HannadہنادBlissful, happy
HanoonہنونCompassionate, tender
HanzalahہنزلہName of a Sahabi (companion of the Prophet)
HanzhalahہنزلہVariant of Hanzalah
HaqحقTruth, right
HaqiqحقیقتTruth, reality
HaqqحقTruth, justice
HaqqaniحقانیJust, fair
HaqqiحقیقیTrue, real
HaraamحرامForbidden (opposite of halal)
HarazہرازPure, chaste
HarbحربWar, conflict
HasinحسینHandsome, beautiful
HaskحسکQuiet, calm
HasnainحسنینBeautiful, handsome (dual form)
HasounحسونHandsome, attractive
HasratحسرتLonging, desire
HassaanحسّانBeautiful, handsome
HassamحسامSword, sharp weapon
HassanحسنBeautiful, handsome
HasshidحاشدLion, brave
HasshirحاشرGatherer, compiler
HassibحسیبRespected, noble
HassunحسنBeautiful, handsome
HasyidحسیدSupporter, helper
HatamہاتمGenerous, noble
HatemہاتمDetermined, resolute
HathimہاتمGenerous, noble
HatibہاتبJudge, arbiter
HatifہاتفAdvisor, counselor
HatimہاتمDetermined, resolute
HattabہطّابDistributor, supplier
HattalہطّالDistributor, supplier (variant of Hattab)
HaushabہوشابVariant of Hoshab (name of a Sahabi)
HaussamہوسامVariant of Hossam (variant of Hasan)
HauzaanہوزانVariant of Hawzan
HawaariحواریDisciple, follower (of a prophet)
HawariحواریVariant of Hawaari
HawasہواسDesire, longing
HawisہویسSmart, intelligent
HawshabہوشابVariant of Hoshab (name of a Sahabi)
Ibadullahعباد اللہWorshiper of Allah
Ibn-sinaابن سیناSon of Sina (Referring to Avicenna)
IbrابرA flower
IbraheemابراہیمProphet Abraham
IbrahimابراہیمProphet Abraham
IbrarابرارNoble, Generous
IbreezابریزPowerful, Beautiful
IbrizابریزPowerful, Beautiful
IbtihaajابتہاجJoy, Happiness
IbtihajابتہاجHappiness, Joy
IbtihalابتہالSupplication, Prayer
IdharاذہارFlourishing, Blossoming
IdrakادراکAwareness, Perception
IdreesادریسProphet Enoch (Idris in Arabic)
IdrisادریسProphet Enoch (Idrees in Arabic)
IedعیدFestival, Celebration
IeethaarعیثارSacrifice, Offering
IesaعیسیJesus (Isa in Arabic)
IffatعفتChastity, Modesty
IfraافراHeight, Altitude
IfranعفرانForgiveness, Pardon
IfrazعفرازHeight, Altitude
IftikarافتخارPride, Honor
IftikharافتخارPride, Honor
Iftikhar-ud-dinافتخار الدینPride of the Religion
Iftikharus-sadatافتخار الساداتPride of the Noble Ones
IhamاہمEnthusiasm, Eagerness
IhdafاہدافGoals, Objectives
IhlalاہلالPurity, Clarity
IhramاحرامSacred State of Pilgrimage
IhsaanاحسانExcellence, Goodness
IhsanاحسانKindness, Beneficence
Ihsanul-haqاحسان الحقKindness of the Truth
IhteshamاحتشامModesty, Dignity
IhtiraamاحترامRespect, Reverence
IhtiramاحترامRespect, Honor

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