Muslim Baby Boy Names A to Z With Meaning

FaadhilفاضلVirtuous, Excellent, Intelligent
FaadlفضلFavor, Grace, Kindness
FaaeqفائقOutstanding, Surpassing
FaahimفہیمIntelligent, Understanding
FaaiqفائقSuperior, Outstanding
FaaizفائزVictorious, Successful
FaakhirفاخرProud, Excellent
FaakhireeفاخریExcellent, Outstanding
FaakihفاقحLegal Expert, Jurist
FaalanفعلانQuick, Energetic
FaariqفارقDifferentiator, Distinguisher
FaarisفارسHorseman, Knight
FaarooqفاروقOne who Distinguishes Truth from Falsehood
FaatehفاتحConqueror, Victorious
FaatihفاتحOpener, Victorious
FaatirفاطرCreator, Originator
FaazفازVictorious, Successful
FaazilفاضلVirtuous, Knowledgeable
FabilفابیلNoble, Generous
FadeeفدیRedeemer, Savior
FadelفاضلExcellent, Virtuous
FadhiilفاضلVirtuous, Knowledgeable
FadhlفضلFavor, Grace, Kindness
Fadhlullahفضل اللہFavor of Allah
FadiفادیRedeemer, Savior
FadilفاضلVirtuous, Excellent
FadlفضلGrace, Favor
Fadl-allahفضل اللہFavor of Allah
Fadlallahفضل اللہFavor of Allah
Fadlullahفضل اللہFavor of Allah
FadyفدیRedeemer, Savior
FaeqفائقOutstanding, Surpassing
FaghirفاغرLiberal, Generous
FahadفہدLeopard, Panther
FahamفہمUnderstanding, Intelligent
FahdفہدPanther, Lynx
FahdiفہدیIntelligent, Wise
Fahduddinفہد الدینLynx of the Religion
Fahdullahفہد اللہLeopard of Allah
FaihanفائحانSuccessful, Triumphant
FaikفائقOutstanding, Superior
FaiqفائقSuperior, Outstanding
FairozفیروزTurquoise, Precious Stone
FairozeفیروزTurquoise, Precious Stone
FairuzفيروزPrecious Stone, Gem
FaisalفيصلJudge, Arbiter
FaishalفيشالDecisive, Resolute
FaitahفيتاحTriumph, Success
FaiyazفيازArtistic, Graceful
FaizفیضGrace, Bounty
Faiz-e-rabbaniفیض ربانیBounty from God
FaizaanفيضانGrace, Blessing
FaizanفيضانBenefactor, Generous
FaizeeفيضیGenerous, Liberal
FaizeenفيضینBeneficent, Generous
FaizelفيزلGenerous, Beneficent
FaiziفيضیGenerous, Liberal
Faizul-anwarفيض الانوارThe Light of Radiance
Faizullahفيض اللہBounty of Allah
Faizurrahmanفيض الرحمنBounty of the Most Merciful
FajaruddinفجرالدینReligion of the Dawn
FajerفجرDawn, Daybreak
FajrفجرDawn, Morning
Fajruddinفجر الدینDawn of the Religion
FakeehفقیہJudicious, Sagacious
FakharفخرPride, Honor
Fakhar-ud-dawlahفخر الدولہPride of the State
Fakhar-uddinفخر الدینPride of the Religion
Fakharul-islamفخر الاسلامPride of Islam
FakhirفاخرProud, Excellent
FakhiriفاخریPride, Excellence
FakhitahفاختہIntelligent, Learned
FakhrفخرPride, Honor
Fakhr-al-dinفخر الدینPride of the Religion
GhutaifغطیفElegant, Charming
GhutayfغطیفElegant, Graceful
GibranجبرانA skilled person, Intelligent
GibrilجبريلAngel Gabriel
GoharگوہرPrecious Stone
Gohar-tabگوہر تابShining Jewel
GorbatگوربتSorrow, Sadness
GudaگوداSoft, Tender
Gul-bazگل بازDispenser of Flowers
Gul-e-ranaگل رعناBeautiful like a flower
Gul-hashamگل ہشمHandsome like a flower
Gul-janگل جانBeloved like a flower
Gul-mastگل مستIntoxicated with flowers
Gul-rangگل رنگColorful like a flower
Gul-yarگل یارFriend of flowers
Gul-zamanگل زمانTime of flowers
Gul-zarگل زارAdorned with flowers
GulbarگلبرAbundant with flowers
GulzarگلزارAbode of flowers
GutaifگطیفCharming, Graceful
GuzeenگزینSelector, Chooser
GuzeerگزیرHelper, Protector
GabrielجبرائیلGod is my strength

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