Modern Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting With I

A list of modern Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter I with meaning. These Muslim boy names beginning with I are the most searched Muslim boy names on the internet.

Muslim baby boy names starting with I 2024

Ibadullahعباد اللہWorshiper of Allah
Ibn-sinaابن سیناSon of Sina (Referring to Avicenna)
IbrابرA flower
IbraheemابراہیمProphet Abraham
IbrahimابراہیمProphet Abraham
IbrarابرارNoble, Generous
IbreezابریزPowerful, Beautiful
IbrizابریزPowerful, Beautiful
IbtihaajابتہاجJoy, Happiness
IbtihajابتہاجHappiness, Joy
IbtihalابتہالSupplication, Prayer
IdharاذہارFlourishing, Blossoming
IdrakادراکAwareness, Perception
IdreesادریسProphet Enoch (Idris in Arabic)
IdrisادریسProphet Enoch (Idrees in Arabic)
IedعیدFestival, Celebration
IeethaarعیثارSacrifice, Offering
IesaعیسیJesus (Isa in Arabic)
IffatعفتChastity, Modesty
IfraافراHeight, Altitude
IfranعفرانForgiveness, Pardon
IfrazعفرازHeight, Altitude
IftikarافتخارPride, Honor
IftikharافتخارPride, Honor
Iftikhar-ud-dinافتخار الدینPride of the Religion
Iftikharus-sadatافتخار الساداتPride of the Noble Ones
IhamاہمEnthusiasm, Eagerness
IhdafاہدافGoals, Objectives
IhlalاہلالPurity, Clarity
IhramاحرامSacred State of Pilgrimage
IhsaanاحسانExcellence, Goodness
IhsanاحسانKindness, Beneficence
Ihsanul-haqاحسان الحقKindness of the Truth
IhteshamاحتشامModesty, Dignity
IhtiraamاحترامRespect, Reverence
IhtiramاحترامRespect, Honor
IhtishaamاحتشامModesty, Dignity
IhtishamاحتشامModesty, Dignity
IhtshamاحتشامModesty, Dignity
IjaazاعجازMiracle, Inimitability
IjazاعجازMiracle, Inimitability
Ijazulاعجاز الMiracle, Inimitability
Ijazul-haqاعجاز الحقMiracle of Truth
IjlalاجلالGlory, Majesty
IjliاجلیFresh, Tender (Leaves)
IjtibaاجتباChoosing, Selecting
IkhlaqاخلاقMorality, Ethics
IkhlasاخلاصSincerity, Purity
IkhtiyarاختیارChoice, Preference
IkleelاکلیلCrown, Garland
IklilاکلیلCrown, Garland
IkraamاکرامHonor, Generosity
IkramاکرمGenerosity, Nobility
Ikram-ul-haqاکرم الحقHonor of the Truth
IkramahاکرمہHonor, Praise
Ikramullahاکرم اللہHonor of Allah
IkrimaاکرمہHonor, Praise
IkrimahاکرمہHonor, Praise
IkseerاکسیرElixir, Potion
IksirاکسیرElixir, Potion

Latest islamic baby boy names starting with I

IlaafعلفFriendship, Harmony
Ilahi-bakhshالہی بخشGift from God
IlanعیلانAnnouncement, Publicity
IlashایلاشBright, Shining
IlhaamالہامInspiration, Revelation
IlhamالہمInspiration, Revelation
IlhanالہانRuler, Sovereign
IliasالیاسProphet Elias (Elijah in English)
IlifatالفتFriendship, Love
IltifatلطیفاتKindness, Grace
IltimasالتماسRequest, Supplication
IlyasالیاسProphet Elias (Ilias in Arabic)
ImaadعمادSupport, Pillar
Imaad-udeenعماد الدینSupport of the Religion
ImaanایمانFaith, Belief
ImadعمادSupport, Pillar
Imad-al-dinعماد الدینPillar of the Religion
Imad-uddinعماد الدینSupport of the Religion
ImadaعمادہSupport, Pillar
ImamامامLeader, Guide
Imamuddinامام الدینLeader of the Religion
ImanایمانFaith, Belief
ImaraامارہCommand, Authority
ImdadامدادHelp, Support
ImedامدHope, Aspiration
ImenایمانFaith, Belief
ImhalامحالWealth, Prosperity
ImraanعمرانProsperity, Long Life
ImramعمرمProsperity, Long Life
ImranعمرانProsperity, Long Life
ImtiaazامتیازDistinction, Excellence
ImtiazامتیازDistinction, Excellence
Imtiazuddinامتیاز الدینExcellence of the Religion
ImtisalامتصالConnection, Link
ImtiyazامتیازDistinction, Excellence
InaamانعامBlessing, Gift
InaayatعنایتKindness, Favor
InamانعامBlessing, Gift
Inamul-haqانعام الحقBlessing of the Truth
Inamur-Rahmanانعام الرحمانBlessing of the Merciful
InasعناسSociable, Friendly
InayatعنایتKindness, Favor
Inayat-uddinعنایت الدینKindness of the Religion
Inayat-ur-rahmanعنایت الرحمانKindness of the Merciful
Inayatullahعنایت اللہKindness of Allah
InbihajانبہاجCheerful, Happy
InbisatانبساطHappiness, Joy
InfisalانفصالSeparation, Detachment
InhalانحلElegance, Grace
IniatانعاطActivity, Engagement
InjahانجہSafety, Security
InsانسHuman Being, Mankind
InsafانصافJustice, Fairness
InsarانصارHelper, Supporter
InshaانشاCreation, Composition
InshadانشادSinging, reciting poetry
InshirafانشرافElevation, exaltation
InshirahانشراحDelight, joy
InsijamانسجامHarmony, coordination
IntajانتجاجInnovation, creativity
IntakhabانتخابSelection, choice
InteqabانتقابSelection, choice
IntezarانتظارWaiting, anticipation
IntihaانتہاءLimit, end

Arabic boy names starting from I

IntikhabانتخابSelection, choice
IntisarانتصارVictory, triumph
IntishalانتشالRise, ascent
IntizarانتظارWaiting, anticipation
InzamamانضمامUnity, solidarity
IqbaalاقبالProsperity, success
IqbalاقبالProsperity, success
IqdamاقدامInitiative, action
IqleemاقلیمRegion, climate
IqmalاقمالPerfection, completeness
IqraamاقرامGenerosity, honor
IqrarاقرارAdmission, confession
IqritاقریتReading, recitation
IqtidarاقتدارPower, authority
IqtishamاقتشامTolerance, forbearance
IqyanاقیانPossessors, owners
IrajارجNoble, honorable
IraqعراقCountry in the Middle East
IravatاراوتSon of King Kashyapa
IrfaanعرفانKnowledge, wisdom
IrfanعرفانKnowledge, awareness
IrmasعرمسName of a Sahabi (companion of Prophet)
IrshaadارشادGuidance, instruction
IrshadارشادGuidance, advice
IrsyaadارشادGuidance, instruction
IrtiqaارتقاءProgress, advancement
IrtizaارتضاSatisfaction, approval
Irtiza-husainارتضاء حسینApproval of Husain (a.s.), acceptance
IsaعیسیJesus (peace be upon him)
IsaacاسحاقSon of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
IsaarایثارSacrifice, selflessness
IsadعصدHappiness, prosperity
IsamعصمSafeguard, protection
IsbahaniاصبہانیBelonging to Isbahan (a city)
IshaamاشعامRays of light
IshaaqاسحاقProphet Isaac (peace be upon him)
IshaqاسحاقProphet Isaac (peace be upon him)
IshatعشتLife, existence
IshayuاشیوFull of strength
IshfaqاشفاقSympathy, compassion
IshmahعشمہStrength, power
IshraqاشراقSunrise, illumination
IshratعشرتHappiness, joy
IshtiyaqاشتیاقLonging, yearning
IskafiاسکافیCovering, sheltering
IskandarاسکندرAlexander, defender of the people
IslahاصلاحReform, improvement
IslamاسلامSubmission to God
IsmaaeelاسماعیلProphet Ishmael (peace be upon him)
IsmaaelاسماعیلProphet Ishmael (peace be upon him)
IsmaeelاسماعیلProphet Ishmael (peace be upon him)
IsmahعصمتPurity, protection
IsmailاسماعیلProphet Ishmael (peace be upon him)
IsmatعصمتPurity, protection
Israالإسراء والمعراجNight journey and ascension of Prophet
IsraailاسرائیلProphet Jacob (peace be upon him)
IsraelاسرائیلProphet Jacob (peace be upon him)
IsrafilاسرافیلArchangel Raphael, trumpet blower
IsrailاسرائیلProphet Jacob (peace be upon him)
IsrarاسرارSecret, mystery
IssaعیسیJesus (peace be upon him)
IssamعصامSafeguard, protection
IstakhriاستخریOne who seeks
IstibsharاستبشارHappiness, cheerfulness
IstifaاستفاPurity, sanctity
ItakhاتاخWell-built, strong
ItbanاتبانFather of Hazrat Owais Qarni
IthaarاظہارDisplay, show
ItidalاعتدالModeration, justice
ItimadاعتمادTrust, reliance
ItsafاعتصافPurity, cleanliness
IttifaqاتفاقHarmony, agreement
IwazullahاوزاللہCompensation from God
IyaadایادSupport, help
IyaasایاصCompensation, recompense
IyaazایازReplacement, substitution
IyadعیادSupport, help
IyadiایدیSupport, strength
IyaliایالیAchievements, accomplishments
IyanایانHelp, assistance
IyasایاسRepentance, sorrow
IyazایازReplacement, substitution
IzaadازادIncrease, growth
IzaanاذانObedience, submission to God
IzatعزتHonor, respect
IzazعزازEsteem, honor
Izaz-ud-dawlahعزت الدولہHonor of the state
IzfaarاظفارProsperity, abundance
IzharاظہارManifestation, expression
IzumازمObedience, compliance
IzyanایزیانDecoration, adornment
IzzعزMight, power
Izz-al-dinعز الدینHonor of the religion
Izzaddinعز الدینHonor of the religion
IzzatعزتHonor, dignity
Izzat-uddeenعزت الدینHonor of the religion
Izzat-uddenعزت الدینHonor of the religion
Izzat-ul-islamعزت الاسلامHonor of Islam
IzzetعزتHonor, dignity
Izzuddinعز الدینHonor of the religion
Izzudeenعز الدینHonor of the religion

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