Looking for modern Hindu baby girl names starting with Y with meaning. Here is the collection of unique Hindu baby girl names starting with Y. These are the most famous Hindu baby girl names.

Modern Hindu baby girl names starting with Y
Y name list girl Hindu 2023 | Meaning |
Yaamini | Night |
Yachana | Pleading |
Yadhana | Achiever |
Yadira | Worthy |
Yadnya | Worship |
Yagavi | Brightness |
Yagnitha | Sacred fire |
Yajaira | Faithful |
Yajana | Worshipper |
Yajika | Worshipper |
Yaksha | Nature spirit |
Yakshika | A female Yaksha |
Yamika | Night |
Yamini | Night |
Yamuna | Holy river |
Yanika | Daughter |
Yarika | Suitable |
Yashasvi | Famous |
Yashika | Success |
Yashita | Successful |
Yashmita | Famous |
Yashoda | Foster mother of Lord Krishna |
Yashodhara | One who holds fame |
Yashvi | Successful |
Yasti | Slim and delicate |
Yasvini | Successful |
Yatharthi | One who seeks truth |
Yatrika | Traveler |
Yauvani | Youthful |
Yavana | Young |
Yavani | Youthful |
Yavna | Quick |
Yema | Our joy |
Yenita | Goddess of wealth |
Yeshna | Fresh |
Yesha | Fame |
Yeshe | Wisdom |
Yeshika | Famous |
Yesmita | One who always smiles |
Yevita | Life |
Yi | Graceful |
Yisha | Fame |
Yochana | Thought |
Yogita | One who can concentrate |
Yojana | Plan |
Yojika | Feminine of Yojak |
Yomika | Night |
Yonita | Dove |
Yoruba | A Nigerian tribe |
Yoshita | Lady |
Yosna | One who loves |
Youdhini | Fighting |
Yousha | Young |
Yuga | Age |
Yugandhara | Name of a flower |
Yugalita | Couple |
Yugandhara | Name of a flower |
Yujya | Proper |
Yukta | Bounded |
Yuktika | Small flower |
Yuktta | Attentive |
Yuktika | Bunch of flowers |
Yuktta | Prepared |
Yuli | Soft haired |
Yutika | Jasmine flower |
Yuvathi | Young woman |
Yuvika | Young woman |
Yuvleen | Young woman |
Yuthika | Multitude of flowers |
Yuthika | Jasmine flower |
Yuti | Union |
Yutika | Flower name |
Yuvanshi | Part of youth |
Yuvali | Flowering Creeper |
Indian baby girl names starting with Y
Y letter names for girl hindu | Meaning |
Yacica | Full of eagerness |
Yadavi | Goddess Durga |
Yadika | One who is worshiped |
Yadira | Worthy |
Yadvika | Daughter |
Yael | Mountain goat |
Yagini | Night |
Yagyapriya | Lover of the yagya |
Yajaira | Beloved |
Yajata | Dignified |
Yajna | Fire ritual |
Yaksha | An Earthly spirit |
Yakshika | The celestial dancer |
Yakshini | Celestial dancer |
Yamajita | One who has conquered death |
Yamal | Twin |
Yamika | Night |
Yaminah | Right hand side |
Yamir | Moon |
Yamit | Restrained |
Yamuna | Holy River |
Yanara | Winged warrior |
Yanika | The little one |
Yanira | Woman who provides |
Yaqoot | Ruby |
Yara | Water lady |
Yaritza | A person who is beloved |
Yaromira | Peaceful ocean |
Yashal | Freshness |
Yashawini | Famous person |
Yashica | Success |
Yashila | Famous |
Yashira | The precious one |
Yashita | One who has achieved success |
Yashleen | God’s gift |
Yashmita | One who has fame |
Yashoda | Lord Krishna’s foster mother |
Yashodhara | One who has a popular or famous name |
Yashvi | Successful |
Yashwantika | Goddess of success and happiness |
Yashwini | One who achieves success |
Yasti | Slim and delicate |
Yatharthi | One who seeks the truth |
Yati | Goddess of power |
Yatrika | Traveler |
Yava | One who is youthful |
Yavana | Youthful |
Yavani | Youthful |
Yavna | Quick |
Yavonna | Yew tree |
Yayati | Name of a sage |
Yehudit | Praised |
Yenita | Goddess of wealth |
Yentel | God has heard |
Yesenia | Flower |
Yesha | Fame |
Yeshe | Wise |
Yeshika | One who is famous |
Yeshta | Blessed |
Yesita | One who has been praised |
Yesmitha | One who always smiles |
Yessenia | God will increase |
Yetta | Ruler of the household |
Yevgeniya | Eugenia, noble |
Yezica | Brightness |
Yi | Beautiful |
Yishira | One who is rich |
Yitzhak | He will laugh |
Yochana | Thought |
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