1511+ Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting with V with Meaning

Let’s explore Hindu baby boy names starting with V! Join us on this journey as we offer you meaningful options.

Understanding the importance of selecting the perfect name, we promise to make your search easier. In our list, you’ll find names like Vedant, meaning “end of the Vedas”; Vihaan, meaning “dawn”; Vivaan, meaning “full of life”; and Viraj, meaning “resplendent”.

Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting with V

VaachaspatiLord of speech, eloquent
VaageeshLord of speech, master of expression
VaakaisoodiExpert in language and speech
VaakeeshanLord of speech, master of expression
VaakpatiLord of speech, master of words
VaalakyName of a sage in Hindu mythology
VaalmeekiValmiki, the author of the epic Ramayana
VaamanLord Vishnu’s fifth avatar, dwarf form
VaamanaLord Vishnu’s fifth avatar, dwarf form
VaamdevLord Shiva, one who is gentle and benevolent
VaaneeGoddess Saraswati, goddess of speech
VaaniSpeech, sound, voice
VaanjinathanLord Shiva, one who is the ruler of speech
VaanmeehiMother Earth
VaanyaSwift, quick
VaaridharLord Krishna, one who holds the mountain
VaarinHunter, pursuer
VaarnikLord of water
VaarshaneySon of the ocean, name of Lord Vishnu
VaarushRain, monsoon
VaasavadattaName of a princess in Hindu mythology
VaasavanLord Indra, god of rain
VaasuWealth, property
VaasudevaLord Krishna, son of Vasudeva
VaasukiKing of serpents, a snake deity
VaathavegaWind god, another name for Lord Hanuman
VaatsyaayanSage, author of the Kamasutra
VaayuWind, air
VaayunLord of the winds
VabhaviBrave, courageous
VacasyaSound, speech
VachanWord, speech
VachanpreetLove for words, love for speech
VachaspatiLord of speech, eloquent
VachasyaOf speech, relating to words
VachelSmall cow
VadakkeFrom the north
VadamalaiyanLord Murugan, one who wears a garland of skulls
VadantSpeaking, talking
VadanyaGenerous, benevolent
VaddeBig, large
VadeSon, offspring
VadekaHigh, lofty
VadinSpeaker, one who communicates
VadirajLord Vishnu, one who is without a superior
VadishLord of speech, master of expression
VadivelSpear of Lord Murugan
VadivelanAnother name for Lord Murugan, bearer of the spear
VadiveluSpear of Lord Murugan
VaengaiName of a tree, Ironwood
VaenuHero, brave person
VaettiyarasanKing, ruler
VagadheekshaLord of speech, master of expression
VageeshLord of speech, master of expression
VageshLord of speech, master of expression
VagindraLord of speech, master of expression
VagisaLord of speech, master of expression
VagishLord of speech, master of expression
VagishanLord of speech, master of expression
VagmiEloquent, one who speaks well
VagminEloquent, fluent speaker
VagmineEloquent, skilled in speech
VahaanVehicle, carrier
VaheeshanLord of speech, master of expression
VahinRelated to speech, sound
VahinarOne who speaks, communicator
VahitLimited, confined
VahithThe highest, the supreme
VahukBearer, carrier
VahuliOne who supports, sustainer
VaibavProsperity, wealth
VaibhavGrandeur, majesty
VaibhnavLord Vishnu, son of Vivasvan
VaibhuProsperous, wealthy
VaibhvProsperity, wealth
VaibudhIntelligent, wise
VaidaProsperity, welfare
VaidanHealer, physician
VaidatDisciplined, ordained
VaideshForeign, of another country
VaidhavBridegroom, husband
VaidhikRelating to the Vedas
VaidhvikRitualistic, pertaining to the Vedas
VaidhyatMedicine, treatment
VaidicRelating to the Vedas
VaidikRelated to the Vedas
VaidishExpert in the Vedas
VaidyaPhysician, healer
VaidyanaathLord of physicians, Lord Shiva
VaidyanathLord of physicians, Lord Shiva
VaikundanathanLord of Vaikuntha (Vishnu)
VaikundavasanResident of Vaikuntha (Vishnu)
VaikunthAbode of Vishnu
Vaikunth NathLord of the Heavenly Abode (Vishnu)
VaikunthanathaLord of Vaikuntha (Vishnu)
VailHealthy; Strong
VainavOf Vishnu; Lord Vishnu
VainavinOne who Carries the Flag of Victory
VairagDetachment; Renunciation
VairajLight; Radiant
VairatBrave; Courageous
VairinchyaLord Indra
VairochanLord Indra
VaisakA Month in Hindu Calendar
VaishakA Month in Hindu Calendar
VaishalWealthy; Prosperous
VaishantPeaceful; Calm
VaishnavFollower of Vishnu
VaishnovFollower of Vishnu
VaishnuLord Vishnu
VaishravanLord Kubera
VaishvanarLord Agni
VaishwaanarLord Agni
VaishwanarLord Agni
VaitheeswaranLord of Medicine
VaithiMoonlight; Ray of the Moon
VaithuClever; Sharp
VaivaswathaDescendant of the Sun
VaivatAnother Name for Sun
VaiyamStrength; Courage
VajVehicle; Strong
VajajitVictorious in Battle
VajasaniWorshipper of Fire
VajendraLord Indra
VajinathLord Shiva
VajraDiamond; Thunderbolt
VajraangHaving a Body as Strong as a Thunderbolt
VajrabaahuArmed with Thunderbolt
VajrabahuStrong; Armoured
VajradharHolder of the Thunderbolt
VajrahastHolding a Thunderbolt
VajrahastaHaving Thunderbolt in Hands
VajrajitConqueror of Thunderbolt
VajrakayaHaving a Body as Hard as Diamond
VajrakshDiamond Eyed
VajrakshaLord Vishnu
VajranakhaDiamond Nail
VajranandhaDelightful; Son of Vajrananda
VajranathLord Indra
VajrangStrong as a Thunderbolt
VajrapaaniHolder of Thunderbolt; Lord Indra
VajrapaniHolder of Thunderbolt
VajrapathiLord of the Thunderbolt
VajrashriBeautiful as Diamond
VajratikDiamond; Thunderbolt
VajratulyaEqual to Diamond; Thunderbolt
VajrendraKing of the Thunderbolt
VajreshThunderbolt; Rain
VajreswarLord Shiva
VakWord; Speech
VakilLawyer; Advocate
VakmayFull of Words; Fluent
VakpatiLord of Speech
VakrabhujOne with Bent Arm
VakratundCurved Trunk; Lord Ganesha
VakratundaCurved Trunk; Lord Ganesha
VakruthHaving Different Forms; Lord Vishnu
VakruthiBeautiful; Various Forms
VaksharajLord of the Heart
VakshuRoot of a Tree
VaksuHaving a Full Chest
VaktrajBorn from Speech
VaktrendruSatisfied by Words; A Sage
ValaakNot Available
ValabhStrong; Powerful
ValakStrong; Powerful
ValasakLord of Swords
ValayBracelet; Ornament
ValdasGood Ruler
ValeeStrong; Mighty
ValguHandsome; Beautiful
ValikaLord Hanuman
ValipramathanaDestroyer of Enemies
VallakiWith a Spear
VallariGarland of Flowers
VallathPossessor of Power
VallavHaving Many Deer
ValliCreeper Plant; Companion of Lord Murugan
VallikLord Murugan
VallinathConsort of Valli; Lord Murugan
VallinathanLord Murugan
VallkantanWith Sharp Eyes
VallmanalanLord Murugan
VallurOne who Rules
ValmekiMonk; Saint
ValmigiMonk; Saint
ValmikMonk; Saint
ValmikiThe Sage Who Wrote Ramayana
VamTo Perform
VamadattGiven by Lord Indra
VamadevOne who Bestows Happiness
VamadevaA Form of Lord Shiva
VamanLord Vishnu
VamanaLord Vishnu; Short Statured
VamananLord Vishnu
VamaneshwarLord Vishnu
VamdevLord Vishnu
VamsLord Krishna
VamseedharLord Krishna
VamshiFlute; Krishna’s Flute
Vamsi KrishnaLord Krishna
VamsidharLord Krishna; Holder of the Flute
VamsikrishnaLord Krishna; Holder of the Flute
Van RajKing of the Forest
Van-raajKing of the Forest
VanabihariLord Krishna; Wanderer in the Forest
VanadevLord of the Forest
Vanaipaka-VerindonCreator of the Universe
VanajLotus Flower
VanajakshLord Brahma; One with Lotus Eyes
VanajamLord Brahma
VanajitConqueror of Wealth
VanamaleeWearing a Garland of Forest Flowers
VanamalinWearing a Garland of Forest Flowers
VanapalProtector of the Forest
VanarMonkey; Monkey-faced
VanaraMonkey; Monkey-faced
VanarajLord Hanuman
VanavanLord Vishnu; Skilled in the Forest
VanavarayanLord Shiva; Master of the Forest
VanayuLord Hanuman; Lord of the Wind
VanchinathanIntelligent; Clever
VandanWorshipper; Adorer
VandanaWorship; Prayer
VandeekWorshipper; Adorer
VandeshGod; Deity
VandiWorshipper; Adorer
VandinWorshipper; Adorer
VandithAdored; Praised
VandonWorshipper; Adorer
VaneeshGod of Forests
VaneshGod of Forests
VaneyuLord Hanuman; Lord of the Forests
VangaurLord Shiva; Dweller of the Forests
VanhiFire; Sacrificial Fire
VaninadhMerchant; Son of the Forest

Unique Hindu baby boy names starting with V

VaninathLord of Merchants
VanitPolite; Modest
VanjathBrave Warrior
VanjiLord Vishnu; Forest Dweller
VanjiyinpanForest Dweller
VanjulWild; Forest
VanmaaleeLord Krishna; Wearer of Garlands
VanmaliLord Krishna; Wearer of Garlands
VannRock; Stones
VannanSkilled, talented
VanraajKing of the forest
VanrajKing of the forest
VansGeneration, lineage
VanshLineage, ancestry
VanshajDescendant, scion
VanshavBranch of a tree, lineage
VansheedharLord Krishna, one who carries the Vanshi (flute)
VanshikRelated to lineage, ancestral
VanshilRelated to lineage, descendant
VanshivRelated to lineage, ancestral
VanshulRelated to lineage, ancestral
VanshyaProsperous, wealthy
VansidharHolder of lineage, ancestor
VantikLittle one, small child
VanuFragrance, perfume
VapunGold, golden
VapusAttractive, charming
VapushBeautiful, handsome
VarBlessing, boon
VaraExcellent, best
VaraahLord Vishnu, the boar incarnation
VaraahamihirAncient Indian astronomer, mathematician
VaradGiver, bestower
VaradaBestower, grantor
VaradaraajLord who grants blessings
VaradarajLord who grants blessings
VaradarajanLord who grants blessings
VaradavinayakaLord Ganesha, giver of boons
VaradhBestower, giver
VaradhanBestower, giver
VaradhuBestower, giver
VaradrajLord who grants blessings
VaraganapatiLord Ganesha, bestower of boons
VarahBoar, wild pig
VarahamihirAncient Indian astronomer, mathematician
VarajExcellent, best
VarakunanName of a poet
VaraliName of a raga in Indian classical music
VaramBoon, blessing
VaranaGift, boon
VarapradaBestower of boons
VaraprasadBlessing, boon
VaratamLimit, boundary
VaratarGiver, bestower
VarathanGiver, bestower
VarayuWind, air
VarchasBrilliance, radiance
VarchasvBrilliant, radiant
VardaanGiver, granter, bestower of blessings
VardanGiver, granter, bestower of blessings
VardanaGiver, granter, bestower of blessings
VardhaGrowth, increase
VardhamGrowth, increase
VardhamaanahGlorious, illustrious
VardhamanProsperous, wealthy
VardhanGrowth, increase
VardhimainakapujitaWorshiped by Mount Mainaka
VardhinIncreasing, growing
VardhitIncreased, grown
VarenLeader, chief
VarendraLord of the ocean
VarenyaDeserving of worship
VarenyamWorthy of worship
VareshLord of the ocean
VareshvarLord of the ocean
VaresikhGreat leader, chief
VargabhLion, hero
VargheseForm of George, farmer
VarheshKing, lord
VariamSea, ocean
VaridPrecious, rare
VaridhvaranBest of warriors, best among warriors
VarilRespectable, honorable
VarimanPossessor, owner
VarinPossessor, owner
VarinderLord of the ocean
VarindraLord of the ocean
VarisInheritor, successor
VarishSupreme, best
VaristhSupreme, best
VarisuHeir, successor
VariyaBest, supreme
VariyasBest, supreme
VarjunArjuna, a character in the Mahabharata
VarkiSmall, tiny
VarmaArmored, protected
VarmanProtected, sheltered
VarmeshRuler, lord
VarnamColor, complexion
VarnanDescription, narrative
VarnatBy color, based on color
VarnavColorful, radiant
VarneeOffering, oblation
VarneshLord of color, lord of complexion
VarniColorful, radiant
VarnikaColorful, radiant
VaroonSea; Lord of the Sea
VarrunLord of the Oceans
VarshanLord of Rain
VarsheetFirst Rain of the Season
VarshidIntelligent; Wise
VarshilIntelligent; Brilliant
VarshitIntelligent; Wise
VarshithIntelligent; Wise
VarshneyaRelated to Rain
VarshwarLord of Rain
VarthamanEternal; Perpetual
VartikVerse; Poem
VartikaLine; Boundary
VaruanLord of Water
VarukshGift of the Forest; Lord Shiva
VarumTo Roar; Thunder
VarunLord of Water; God of the Sea
VarunaGod of Water
VarunaguruGuru of Varuna; Jupiter
VarunanLord of Water
VaruneshLord of Water
VaruniWife of Varuna; Goddess of Wine
VarunsaiSon of Varuna
VaruntejLight of the Sea; Moon
VaryaIndispensable; Distinguished
VasLord Vishnu; Dwelling
VasanLord Vishnu
VasandrLord Vishnu; Resident
VasantamaalikaGarland of Spring Flowers
VasantamalikaGarland of Spring Flowers
VasavajSon of Indra; Jayanta
VasavanSon of Indra; Jayanta
VasaviOf Indra; Like Indra
VasdevServant of Vasu; God of Wealth
VashaLord Krishna’s Friend; Control
VashantRuler; Controller
VashanthRuler; Controller
VasharaLord Vishnu
VashatkarInvoker; Wielder of Weapons
VashikarKing of Wielders
VashinLord Shiva; Ruler
VashiqObedient; Submissive
VashishtOne who is Enlightened; Sage
VashishthName of a Sage; Powerful
VashitaProsperous; Enriched
VashnavLord Vishnu
VashntLord Krishna; Dweller of the Sea
VashramStrong; Steady
VashyaSubmissive; Obedient
VasiDwelling; Residing
VasinDweller; Resident
VasishtAn Ancient Saint
VasisthName of a Sage; Strong
VasisthaFamous Sage
VaskarLord Surya; Sun God
VaspaanProtecting the Earth
VaspanProtector of Earth
VasramStrong; Mighty
VassuWeathly; Precious
VassvikLord of Wealth
VastavTrue; Real
VasuWealth; Lord Vishnu
Vasu PrasadGift of Wealth
VasubhadraSon of Vasudeva
VasudevFather of Lord Krishna
VasudevaFather of Lord Krishna
VasudevanLord Krishna
VasukannanGod of Wealth; Lord Krishna
VasukiA Celestial Serpent
VasulProsperous; Wealthy
VasumanPossessor of Wealth
VasumatWealthy, rich
VasumitrFriend of wealth
VasunWealthy, possessing wealth
VasupalProtector of wealth
VasupatiLord of wealth
VasurWealthy, prosperous
VasuradhaWealth bestower
VasuroopEmbodiment of wealth
VasusenWealthy, well-born
VasushWealthy, possessing wealth
VasuthevanLord of wealth
VasuttiWealthy, prosperous
VasviWealthy, powerful
VasvikWealthy, possessing wealth
VaswikWealthy, prosperous
VatanIdeal, nation
VatatmajSon of the wind, another name for Hanuman
VathsaYoung calf, symbol of innocence
VatishRuler, lord
VatradharaWearer of braid, another name for Lord Krishna
VatsCalf, symbol of innocence
VatsaCalf, symbol of innocence
VatsakBeloved, dear
VatsalAffectionate, loving
VatsalaAffectionate, loving
VatsalrajKing of affection, lord of love
VatsalyaAffection, love
VatsapalProtector of calves, another name for Lord Krishna
VatsarSpring, youthfulness
VatsavProtector of calves, another name for Lord Krishna
VatshaCalf, symbol of innocence
VatsiRelated to calves, related to innocence
VatsinDwelling among calves, another name for Lord Krishna
VatslaBeloved, dear
VatsyayanName of Sage Vatsyayana, author of the Kamasutra
VattyamWorship, devotion
VatyaSparkle, brilliance
VavvetiShining, radiant
VayasatBeing in old age, aged
VaybhavProsperity, wealth
VaydeeshLord of wind, another name for Lord Hanuman
VaysakhHindu month, April-May
VayuWind, air
VayujatBorn of the wind, another name for Lord Hanuman
VayunWind, air
VayunaWind, air
VayunandSon of the wind, another name for Hanuman
VayuvegSpeed of wind, another name for Lord Hanuman
VayyaRich, wealthy
VazarGarment, clothing
VdarshBright, shining
VeaClear, evident
VeaghLion, tiger
VedSacred knowledge, Veda
Ved AryanAryan of the Vedas, follower of the Vedas
Ved PrakashLight of the Vedas, illumination from the Vedas
Ved ViyanKnowledge of the Vedas, wisdom from the Vedas
Ved VyasSage Vyasa, compiler of the Vedas
Ved-vyaasSage Vyasa, compiler of the Vedas
VedaSacred knowledge, the Vedas
VedaantEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedaanthEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedakartaCreator of the Vedas, author of the Vedas
VedakarthikSon of the creator of the Vedas
VedakumbhPot of the Vedas, knowledge of the Vedas
VedamVeda, sacred knowledge
VedamohanDelighter in the Vedas, lover of the Vedas
VedanKnower of the Vedas, scholar of the Vedas
VedangLimb of the Vedas, auxiliary text
VedangaLimb of the Vedas, auxiliary text
VedankPart of the Vedas, aspect of the Vedas
VedanshPart of the Vedas, fragment of the Vedas
VedanshuPart of the Vedas, fragment of the Vedas
VedantEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedantaEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedantasareaEssence of Vedanta, core teaching of the Vedas
VedanthEnd of the Vedas, philosophy of the Vedas
VedaprakashLight of the Vedas, illumination from the Vedas
VedarjunaSon of the Vedas, follower of the Vedas
VedarshVision of the Vedas, insight from the Vedas
VedarthMeaning of the Vedas, interpretation of the Vedas
VedaryaWise in the Vedas, knowledgeable about the Vedas
VedasSacred scriptures of Hinduism
VedasarEssence of the Vedas, core teaching of the Vedas
VedashKnowledge of the Vedas, wisdom from the Vedas
VedatiShining, radiant
VedatmanSpirit of the Vedas, essence of the Vedas
VedatmaneSpirit of the Vedas, essence of the Vedas
VedavitKnower of the Vedas, scholar of the Vedas
VedavrataDevotee of the Vedas, follower of the Vedas
VedavyasSage Vyasa, compiler of the Vedas
VedavyasaSage Vyasa, compiler of the Vedas
VedayamA sacred hymn, recitation of the Vedas
VedbhushanAdorned with the Vedas, ornament of the Vedas
VedenthEnd of the Vedas, conclusion of the Vedas
VedeshLord of the Vedas, master of the Vedas
VedeshwarLord of the Vedas, master of the Vedas
VedhPiercer, penetrator
VedhaSacred knowledge, the Vedas
VedhanPiercing, penetrating
VedhanshPart of the Vedas
VedhantThe Ultimate Knowledge
VedhanthThe Ultimate Knowledge
VedhapaniLord Shiva; Holding the Vedas
VedhishLord of the Vedas
VedhithLearned; Wise
VediKnowledgeable; Wise
VedicKnowledgeable; Wise
VedikaAltar; Ceremony
VedinThe Learned One
VedishPossessing Knowledge
VeditOne who Knows
VedithKnown; Understood
VedmohanEnchanter of the Vedas
VednathLord of the Vedas
VedodayRise of Knowledge
VedomohanEnchanter of the Vedas
VedpalProtector of the Vedas
VedprakashLight of the Vedas
VedrajKing of the Vedas
VedswarupEmbodiment of the Vedas
VedukOne who Knows the Vedas
VedvikDifferentiator; Discerner
VedviyanSpecialist in Vedas
VedyaTo be Known; Understandable
VedyanKnowledgeable; Wise
VeehanHighly Intelligent
VeehantExtremely Intelligent
VeejayVictor; Conqueror
VeekshanObserving; Watching
VeekshitExamine; Survey
VeekshithWise; Observant
VeemanWithout Pride; Humble
VeemrajKing of the Brave
VeenandPleasure; Delight
VeeneshLord of Silver
VeenitMusical Instrument; Lute Player
VeenodPleasing Sound
VeensProsperous; Fortunate
VeerBrave; Courageous
Veer KumarBrave Prince
VeeraBrave; Courageous
VeerabaahuArmed with Strength
VeerababuBrave Man; Courageous
VeerabhadraLord Shiva’s Fierce Form
VeerabhadranLord Shiva’s Fierce Form
VeerabhadrappaBrave Warrior
VeeraganapatiLord of the Brave
VeerajBrave; Courageous
VeerajuLord of the Brave
VeeralBrave; Courageous
VeeramaniBrave Gem; Jewel of Bravery
VeeramanikantaBrave; Precious Jewel
VeeranBrave; Courageous
VeeranjaneyuluBrave; Son of Anjaneya (Hanuman)
VeerapandiBrave; Courageous
VeerappanBrave Man; Courageous
VeeraprathapBravery; Courage
VeerasamyLord of the Brave
VeerashLord of the Brave
VeeraswamyLord of the Brave
VeeratSuperior; Brave
VeerbhadraBrave; Courageous
VeerdevDivine Courage
VeereBrave; Courageous
VeerenderBrave Ruler
VeerendraBrave Ruler
VeereshLord Shiva; Brave
VeerjotBrave Light
VeernishBrave; King
VeerottamBest Among the Brave
VeerpalProtector of the Brave
VeertejBrave Light
VeeruBrave; Courageous
VeerushBrave; Heroic
VeeryavanFull of Courage
VeevanLively; Energetic
VeevekIntellect; Wisdom
VeganOne who Does Not Eat Meat
VegantOne who Does Not Eat Meat; Vegetarian
VehanLord of the Universe
VehhaanFull of Energy
VekranthLord Shiva
VekuriName of a village
VelSpear, weapon
VelagaProtector, guardian
VelalakanLord Murugan, son of Lord Shiva
VelanAnother name for Lord Murugan
VelappanAnother name for Lord Murugan
VelavForm of address for Lord Murugan
VelavanAnother name for Lord Murugan
VeljiName of a Jain deity
VelloreCity in Tamil Nadu, India
VelmuruganAnother name for Lord Murugan
VelrajAnother name for Lord Murugan
VeluProsperity, wealth
VeluchamiName of a village elder
VeluppillaiProsperity, wealth
VelusamyProsperity, wealth
VemanaTelugu poet, literary figure
VempuKannada writer, poet, playwright
VemuriPlace name, surname
VenLord Vishnu, love, beauty
VenaSinful, one who sins
VenavinJoyous, happy
VenavirBravest among men, courageous
VendanKing, ruler
VendhanKing, ruler
VendhuChief, leader
VendraLord Indra, chief deity in Hinduism
VengaiSacred tree, Indian kino tree
VeniBraid, hair decoration
VenidharBearing, carrying
VenikaDancer, performer
VenilalMoonlike, radiant
VenimadhavLord Krishna, another name for Krishna
VenishLord of the jungle
VenkadanKing of the Venkas, leader of the Venkas
VenkaiahLord of the Venkas, leader of the Venkas
VenkannaLord of the Venkas, leader of the Venkas
VenkatLord Vishnu, joyous
Venkat ManiLotus of Lord Venkat, jewel of Lord Venkat
VenkataLord of the Venkas, leader of the Venkas
Venkata RaoLord Venkata, king
VenkatachalamLord Venkata, hill
VenkatadriLord Venkata, hill
VenkatagiriLord Venkata, hill
VenkatakrishnaLord Venkata, Krishna
VenkataramanLord Venkata, protector
VenkataramanaLord Venkata, protector
VenkataramananandanLord Venkata, protector
VenkatasudeerLord Venkata, righteous
VenkatesanLord Venkatesa, protector
VenkateshLord Venkatesa, protector
VenkateshaLord Venkatesa, protector
VenkateshamLord Venkatesa, protector
VenkateshanLord Venkatesa, protector
VenkateshwaraLord Venkatesa, protector
VenkateshwarluLord Venkatesa, protector
VenkateswaraLord Venkatesa, protector
VenkatramanLord Venkata, protector
VenkatshivaLord Venkata, Shiva
VenkatswamyLord Venkata, lord
VenkayaLord Venkata, protector
VenketeshLord Venkata, protector
VenkiLord Venkata, protector
VenkitusamyLord Venkata, protector
VenkteshLord Venkata, protector
VenkyLord Venkata, protector
VennillavanWhite moon, radiant
VennmathiWhite moon, radiant
VennuSky, space
VenthanLord of knowledge, lord of the universe
VenuFlute, bamboo
Venu GopalLord Krishna, one who plays the flute
VenugopalLord Krishna, one who plays the flute
VenugopalanLord Krishna, one who plays the flute
VenujanSound of the flute
VenumadhavAnother name for Lord Krishna
VenuthasAnother name for Lord Krishna
VeohmSound of the universe, cosmic sound
VeomSound of the universe, cosmic sound
VeraajKing, ruler
VeranFaithful, loyal
VerangCourageous, valiant
VerdaanGrant, bestowal
VeridChampion, victorious
VernikCourageous, valiant
VernonPlace name, surname
VeshanaDesire, longing
VeshpaWasp, bee
VetabenFaithful, loyal
VetantAncient, traditional
VetriVictory, triumph
VetrivalBrave as the sky, victorious as the sky
VetrivelVictorious spear, another name for Lord Murugan
VettiselvanBrave, courageous
VettriVictory, triumph
VettymaniPearl of victory, gem of victory
VeydantOne who recites the Vedas, knower of the Vedas
VheevanSun, solar deity
ViaanFull of life, lively
ViaanshPart of life, part of vitality
ViaanshPart of the Universe
VialashiniLight of Saraswati
VianFull of Life; Sun
VianshPart of the Universe
VianshuPart of the Universe
VibbodhWise; Knowledgeable
VibeeshLord Vishnu; The Ocean
VibekDiscerning; Wise
VibhaRadiance; Brightness
VibhaaLight; Lustre
VibhaakarThe Sun; The Radiant One
VibhaavasuThe Sun; Radiant as the Sun
VibhakarThe Sun; The Radiant One
VibhanshuThe Moon; Moonbeam
VibhansuThe Moon
VibhanuSun; Radiant
VibhasThe Moon; The Radiant One
VibhashThe Moon
VibhatThe Sun; Radiant
VibhatsuThe Sun; Radiant
VibhavRadiant; Sunlight
VibhavasuRadiant as the Sun
VibhawThe Sun; Radiant
VibhayThe Sun; Radiant
Vibheeshana PratishttatreBrave Like the Ocean and the Moon
VibheeshanaparitrateBrave Like the Ocean and the Moon
VibheetFearless; Brave
VibhiOne who Overcomes Fear
VibhinThe Moon; The Radiant One
VibhishanOne who Possesses Great Strength
VibhishanaOne who Possesses Great Strength
VibhnilJewel of the Sun
VibhoothiBlessings; Divine Ash
VibhorEcstasy; Happiness
VibhoreLord Shiva
VibhrajShining; Radiant
VibhuAll-Pervading; Lord Vishnu
VibhuhAll-Pervading; Omnipresent
VibhulAll-Pervading; Omnipresent
VibhumThe Earth; The Universe
VibhumatLord Shiva; The Lord of the Universe
VibhushLord Shiva; The Lord of the Universe
VibhusnuLord Vishnu; The Lord of the Universe
VibhutManifestation; Lord Shiva
VibinThe Moon
VibinduPoint; Drop

V letter names for boy Hindu

VibodhWise; Knowledgeable
VibudaLord Shiva
VibudhLord Shiva
VibudhaLord Shiva
VibulananthanLord Murugan
VibuthanLord Murugan
VibuthimLord Murugan’s Intelligence
VicharuWise; Intelligent
VichearReflection; Consideration
VichurReflection; Contemplation
VickeyVictor; Conqueror
VickieVictor; Conqueror
VickneshLord Murugan
VickramBrave; Courageous
VicktorVictor; Conqueror
VickyVictor; Conqueror
VicramKing of Victory
VictorWinner; Conqueror
VidalLife-giving; Lively
VidanScholar; Learned Man
VidanshPart of Knowledge
VidanthHumble; Holy
VidarbhFounder of the City of Vidarbha
VidaysagarOcean of Knowledge; Sea of Wisdom
ViddeshLord Shiva
ViddhitThe Moon; The Radiant One
VideepBright; Intelligent
VidehKnowledgeable; Wise
VideshA God; Abroad
VidhaanRule; Regulation
VidhaathCreator; Lord Brahma
VidhamInfinity; Limitless
VidhanWorshipper; Adorer
VidhantFaith; Command
VidhatruCreator; Lord Brahma
VidhayFate; Destiny
VidheshLord Shiva; The Moon
VidhikWorship; Faith
VidhinaDestiny; Rule
VidhishLord Shiva; The Moon
VidhitDestiny; Rule
VidhtaWorshipper; Adorer
VidhuMoon; Lord Shiva
VidhulSymbol of Friendship; Unbounded; Limitless
VidhunLord of Friendship; Lord Shiva
VidhurWise, learned
VidhutSparkling, shining
VidhyaKnowledge, learning
VidhyadeepLamp of knowledge
VidhyadharKnowledge holder, learned person
VidhyuthBrilliant, radiant
VidhyuthsagarOcean of brilliance, vast knowledge
VidiHealer, physician
VidicIntelligent, wise
VidipIlluminator, enlightener
VidipakBright, shining
VidiptEnlightened, illumined
VidishExpert, skilled
VidishaIntelligent, knowledgeable
ViditKnown, understood
VidithAcquainted, familiar
VidojasBorn of knowledge, intelligent
VidooScholar, learned person
VidorWise, sagacious
VidrutReleased, freed
VidruthLiberated, detached
ViduSage, wise person
VidulEloquent, fluent
VidunRejoicer, celebrator
VidurWise minister in the Mahabharata
ViduraWise minister in the Mahabharata
VidurajKing of wisdom, ruler of intellect
ViduratWise, sagacious
VidushIntelligent, knowledgeable
VidushnanIntelligent, wise
VidutLightning, flash of light
ViduthalaiFreedom, liberty
VidvanScholar, learned person
VidvatamKnower of the Vedas, wise person
VidvatarKnowledgeable, wise
VidvathWisdom, knowledge
VidwanScholar, learned person
VidwansScholars, knowledgeable individuals
VidwathExpertise, knowledge
VidweshHater of knowledge, enemy of wisdom
VidyaKnowledge, learning
VidyaaranyaForest of knowledge, spiritual teacher
VidyacharanDevotee of knowledge, seeker of learning
VidyadharKnowledge holder, learned person
VidyadhariFairy of knowledge, wise being
VidyakarCreator of knowledge, generator of wisdom
VidyanIntelligent, wise
VidyanandJoy of knowledge, happiness from wisdom
VidyanarayanaLord of knowledge, protector of wisdom
VidyanshPart of knowledge, fragment of wisdom
VidyaprakashLight of knowledge, illumination of wisdom
VidyaranyaForest of knowledge, spiritual teacher
VidyasagarOcean of knowledge, repository of wisdom
VidyavaridhiWealth of knowledge, treasure of wisdom
VidyenKnowledgeable, learned person
VidyeshLord of knowledge, master of wisdom
VidyotBrilliance, brightness
VidyulLightning, flash of light
VidyutElectric, lightning
VidyuthBrilliant, radiant
VigashSeeker, explorer
Vighna VinashanayaDestroyer of obstacles
VighnaharaRemover of obstacles
VighnajitConqueror of obstacles
VighnaraajKing of obstacles
VighnarajKing of obstacles
VighnarajaKing of obstacles
VighnarajendraKing of obstacles
VighnavRemover of obstacles
VighnavinashanayaDestroyer of obstacles
VighneshLord of obstacles
VighneshwarLord of obstacles
VigithanIntellect, comprehension
VigitharanIntellect, comprehension
VignahartaRemover of obstacles
VignakaranCreator of obstacles
VignanKnowledge, learning
VignesDestroyer of obstacles
VigneshLord of obstacles
VigneshwaraLord of obstacles
VigneshwaranLord of obstacles
VignesuLord of obstacles
VigneswaranLord of obstacles
VignishIntellect, comprehension
VigrahForm, figure
VihaHeaven, sky
VihaanMorning, dawn
VihaasLight, illumination
VihaathSky, space
VihagBird, flying creature
VihakBird, flying creature
VihalFree, independent
VihanMorning, dawn
VihangBird, flying creature
VihangaBird, flying creature
VihannMorning, dawn
VihanshPart of morning, fragment of dawn
VihantMorning, dawn
ViharGarden, pleasure ground
VihariPlayful, playful one
ViharshIntelligent; Knowledgeable
VihasLight; Sunshine
VihashTo Smear; To Stain
VihayasHeavenly; Spiritual
ViheerBrave; Courageous
VihingLord Krishna
VihlasStrong; Resilient
VihnangPart of the body
VihomFire; Name of Lord Vishnu
VihvapOcean; Vast Waterbody
VijaConqueror; Victor
VijaiVictor; Conqueror
VijalWater; Reservoir
VijanThe Moon; Brilliant
VijanshPart of the Conqueror
VijayalayanConqueror of the World
VijayanandJoy of Victory
VijayanthVictorious; Successful
VijayaragavanKing of Victories; Lord Rama
VijayarajKing of Victory
VijayarathnaGem of Victory
VijayasaradhiGoddess Saraswati; Knowledge
VijayenLord Vishnu; Victory
VijayendraConqueror; Lord Indra
VijayeshConqueror; Lord Indra
VijayinVictorious; Conqueror
VijayketuBanner of Victory
VijaykrishnaVictorious Krishna
VijaynVictorious; Conqueror
VijayramLord Rama; The Victorious
VijayrubanKing of Victories
VijeeshLord Krishna
VijeetVictorious; Conqueror
VijendranVictorious; Conqueror
VijeshLord Krishna; Intelligent
VijetaVictorious; Conqueror
VijigeeshIntelligent; Knowledgeable
VijilVictor; Conqueror
VijisreLord Krishna
VijitConqueror; Victorious
VijitendriyaController of the Senses
VijithVictor; Conqueror
VijjwalShine; Light
VijnaKnowledge; Wisdom
VijuVitality; Courage
VijulThe Moon; Brightness
VijvalRadiant; Light
VikaFlame; Radiant
VikaasDevelopment; Growth
VikachTo Make Visible; To Adorn
VikadanSun; Light
VikalStrong; Powerful
VikalpImagination; Innovation
VikamDistinct; Special
VikanshuWhole; Full
VikantSharp; Piercing
VikaramCourageous; Warrior
VikarmAction; Work
VikarnaA Character in Mahabharata; A Warrior
VikarnanSon of Dhritarashtra in Mahabharata
VikasProgress; Development
VikasaBlossoming; Expanding
VikashGrowth; Progress
VikasithExpanded; Developed
VikatDangerous; Terrifying
VikatanSun; Ray
VikatinandaLight; Brightness
VikayProgress; Development
VikeesPerception; Vision
VikeesuvaranLord Shiva; The God of Perception
VikenSmart; Intelligent
VikernIntelligent; Knowledgeable
VikeshIntelligence; Smartness
VikeyCreator; Lord Vishnu
VikhyatFamous; Renowned
VikhyathFamous; Renowned
VikithFrightened; Afraid
VikkashLeader; Bestower of Knowledge
VikkramBrave; Courageous
VikneshIntelligent; Smart
VikraHeroic; Brave
VikralBrave; Strong
VikramCourage; Valour
VikramadityaSun of Power; Mighty as the Sun
VikramajitConqueror of glory
VikramendraMighty king, powerful ruler
VikraminHeroic, valiant
VikramjeetVictorious, triumphant
VikramrajKing of valor, king of courage
VikranValorous, brave
VikranathLord of valor, lord of courage
VikrantPowerful, courageous
VikrantaBrave, courageous
VikranthConqueror, victor
ViksarHandsome, charming
VikshaVision, perception
ViksharBrave, courageous
VikshitObservant, vigilant
ViksitCultivated, educated
VikulFull of resources, abundant
VikunjCurious, inquisitive
VikunthHeaven, paradise
VikusraQuick, swift
VikyaathFamous, renowned
VilaasPlay, amusement
VilakshnUnique, distinguished
VilanBowstring, part of a bow
VilasPlay, amusement
VilasaJoy, pleasure
VilashWith joy, delighted
VilasinFull of joy, playful
VileshLord of all, lord of the universe
VilkeshLord of all, lord of the universe
VillavanRich in wisdom, possessed of knowledge
VillayMixture, blending
VilmadLord of all, lord of the universe
VilochanLotus-eyed, having beautiful eyes
VilohitReddish-brown, tawny
VilokTo look, to see
VilokaVision, sight
VilokanObservation, sight
VilomanContrary, reverse
ViloshanPride, arrogance
VimadWithout deceit, honest
VimahatEnormous, great
VimalPure, clean
VimaladityaPure sun, spotless sun
VimalakesanPure lord, spotless lord
VimalanPure, virtuous
VimalanathanPure lord, spotless lord
VimaleshLord of purity, lord of cleanliness
VimaleshvarLord of purity, lord of cleanliness
VimaleshwaraLord of purity, lord of cleanliness
VimalmaniJewel of purity, pure gem
VimanyuWithout jealousy, free from envy
VimarshReflection, contemplation
VimbShining, brilliant
VimeshUnderstanding, intelligence
VimitLimited, finite
VimleshMoon, charming
VimochanLiberator, deliverer
VimodJoy, happiness
VimokshaLiberation, salvation
VimolUnique, unparalleled
VimridhEver-growing, ever-expanding
VimuchWithout desire, detached
VimukhtiLiberation, emancipation
VinaayakLord Ganesha, remover of obstacles
VinahaWithout shyness, bold
VinahastWithout shyness, bold
VinalVariation, change
VinamarModest, humble
VinamrPolite, respectful
VinamraPolite, respectful
VinanSpear, weapon
VinandProsperity, happiness
VinatHumble, modest
VinavHumble, modest
VinayGood manners, discipline
VinayagamLord Ganesha, remover of obstacles
VinayakLord Ganesha, remover of obstacles
VinayakaLord Ganesha, remover of obstacles
VinayakanLord Ganesha, remover of obstacles
VinayanPolite, well-behaved
VinaybeerDisciplined warrior, respectful fighter
VinaykaLord Ganesha, remover of obstacles
VinaykithPolite, well-behaved
VinchitEliminated, eradicated
VindTo find, to discover
VindeshwarGod of the universe
VindhanLord of all, lord of the universe
VindumanLord of all, lord of the universe
VineelSky-colored, blue
VineeshLord of the universe
VineetHumble, modest
VineethHumble, modest
VineethyaModesty, humility
VineettModesty, humility
VinishHumble, modest
VinishchalCalm, composed
VinitHumble, modest
VinitaModest, well-behaved
VinithHumble, modest
VinketPeaceful, tranquil
VinkurCalm, composed
VinmLord of all, lord of the universe
VinnuLord of all, lord of the universe
VinnyLord of all, lord of the universe
VinnydeepLight of the universe
VinobaA follower of the Vedic tradition
VinochanEntertaining, amusing
VinodPleasure, delight
VinodhHappiness, joy
VinodkumarDelightful prince
VinojDelightful, pleasant
VinooPleasant, enjoyable
VinoopLovable, delightful
VinooshDelightful, pleasurable
VinothPleasure, delight
VinsPeace, tranquility
VinsandaPeaceful, tranquil
VinshPeaceful, calm
VinshalPeaceful, tranquil
VinsonSon of victory
VintanaSatisfactory, delightful
VinuLord of all, lord of the universe
VinushiKnowledgeable, intelligent
VinushreeKnowledgeable, beautiful
VinyasArrangement, composition
ViomLord of all, lord of the universe
VipalGentle, mild
VipalraPleasant, agreeable
VipanMerchant, trader
VipanshA part of a whole
VipasaRoaming, flowing
VipaschitAll-knowing, omniscient
VipashchitAll-knowing, omniscient
VipashithClever, intelligent
VipatCalamity, misfortune
VipeshController, director
VipinForest, woods
VipinbehariLord of the forest, forest dweller
ViplaRadiant, bright
ViplabRevolution, upheaval
ViplavRevolution, upheaval
ViplovDelightful revolution
ViploveLove, affection
VipneshLord of the forest, forest dweller
VipraLearned, wise
ViprathamFirst amongst scholars
VipreetOpposite, contrary
VipritOpposite, contrary
VipulExtensive, abundant
VipunBorn of the forest, forest dweller
VirBrave, courageous
ViraajResplendent, shining
ViraashController of heroes
ViraatMassive, gigantic
ViraavyPowerful, mighty
ViraazKing of warriors
VirabhadraFormidable warrior, an incarnation of Shiva
ViradhavadhaSlayer of enemies
VirafBrave, courageous
ViragDetachment, dispassion
VirajKing, sovereign
VirajaWithout passion, detached
VirajassRadiant, shining
VirajeshKing of kings
VirajinLord of kings
VirajitVictorious, triumphant
ViralFamous, well-known
ViramRestraint, moderation
ViranBrave, valiant
ViranathLord of warriors
ViranchLord Brahma, born of Brahma
ViranchiCreator, Lord Brahma
VirangCourageous, valiant
ViranshPortion of a hero
ViranthBrave, valiant
VirasanaPosture in yoga, seated posture
ViratColossal, vast
VirataVast, great
ViratarSpacious, large
ViravratHeroic, valiant
VirbhadraFormidable warrior, an incarnation of Shiva
VirbhadrasinhLion-like warrior
VirbhanuSun, shining
VirenHeroic, valiant
VirenderBrave, courageous
VirendraHeroic, valiant
VirepasLord of heroes
VireshLord of heroes
VireshvarLord of heroes
VirhaanGift of the hero
VirhanGift of the hero
VirikChampion, hero
ViriktPure, unblemished
VirikvasDweller in the forest, forest dweller
VirinchCosmic Fire
VirmaniPrecious Gem
VirochanThe Moon
VirohanTo Remove
ViroopakshLord Shiva
VirpalProtector of Virtue
VirupakshLord Shiva
VirupaxLord Shiva
ViryajBorn of Virya
ViryavatStrong; Full of Courage
VisakanLord Murugan
VisakhKing of Stars
VisalBig; Vast
VisamakshLord Shiva
VisargExpulsion; Gift
VisesaDistinct; Special
ViseshSpecialty; Particularity
VisestFull of Special Virtue
VisethTo Be
VishaPoison; Dangerous
VishaakanLord Vishnu
VishaalBig; Spacious
VishadhFork; Branch
VishagCornerstone; Lord Shiva
VishaganHonest; Sincere
VishaiObject; Particular
VishakOne who Spreads Knowledge; Lord Murugan
VishakanMoon; Lord Murugan
VishakhPart of a Spear; Brother
VishalBroad; Wide
VishalakshLord Shiva; Large-eyed
VishaleaswarLord Shiva; Large-eyed
VishaljotGrand Light
VishallBig; Great
VishalpreetLove of the Great
VishamPainful; Dangerous
VishamakshLord Shiva
VishampThe Sun
VishanThe Sun
VishangPart of Shiva
VishankPart of Shiva; Lord Shiva
VishantakMoon; Lord Shiva
VishanthLord Krishna
VishanuThe Sun
VishaqLord Vishnu
VisharadExpert; Skilled
VishatanWealth; Lord Shiva
VishavThe Earth; The Universe
VishavamSky; Universe
VishaySubject; Issue
VishekhPride; Dignity
VisheshSpecial; Specific
VishetaFlame; Spark
VishiThe Earth; The Universe
VishikhPart of Shiva; Lord Shiva
VishistBest; Special
VishitThe Moon; Shiva; Lord Vishnu
VishkarTalented; Skilled
VishmaySurprise; Amazement
VishmitMoon; Lord Shiva
VishnahpuLord Vishnu
VishnavLord Vishnu
VishnayTo Praise
Vishnu PrasadBlessing of Vishnu
Vishnu PrashathOffering to Vishnu
Vishnu VallabhBeloved of Lord Vishnu
Vishnu VardhanOrnament of Lord Vishnu
VishnudasServant of Lord Vishnu
VishnudevGod; Lord Vishnu
VishnuduttGift of Lord Vishnu
VishnuhLord Vishnu
VishnunarayanLord Vishnu and Narayan
VishnupadFeet of Lord Vishnu
VishnuramanPleasing to Lord Vishnu
VishnuratAcquainted with Lord Vishnu
VishnuvardhanOrnament of Lord Vishnu
VishokWithout Grief
VishokhaLord Vishnu
VishooLord Vishnu
VishpalProtector of the Universe
VishrajKing of the Universe
VishramRest; Relaxation
VishrantRest; Relaxation
VishratRest; Relaxation
VishravanLord Vishnu
VishravasFather of Kubera
VishreshSuperior; Supreme
VishrudhProsperous; Wealthy
VishrutFamous; Celebrated
VishruthFamous; Renowned
VishtaspName of a King
VishtiGod of Prosperity
VishuLord Vishnu
VishuddhPure; Holy
VishudhirWise; Intellectually Pure
VishulLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
VishupLord Vishnu
VishvUniverse; Earth
VishvachUniverse; World
VishvadevLord of the Universe
VishvadharSupporter of the Universe
VishvadityaSun of the Universe
VishvagUniverse; Entire World
VishvahetuLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
VishvajitConqueror of the Universe
VishvakarmaArchitect of the Universe
VishvakeshLord of the Universe
VishvaketuBanner of the Universe
VishvaksenArmy of the Universe
VishvamitraFriend of the Universe
VishvanaathLord Vishnu
VishvanabhFather of Agni
VishvanathLord Vishnu
VishvarajLord of the Universe
VishvaretasOne who Spreads Light throughout the Universe
VishvasTrust; Faith
VishvatmaUniversal Soul
VishvayonihSource of the Universe
VishveshLord of the Universe
VishwaThe Entire Universe
VishwaamitraFriend of the Universe
VishwaasTrust; Faith
VishwadakshinahSouthern Direction of the Universe
VishwahetuLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
VishwajeetConqueror of the Universe
VishwajitOne who Conquers the Universe
VishwakProtector of the Universe
VishwakarmaArchitect of the Universe
VishwamThe Universe
VishwambaranOne who Bears the Universe
VishwambharSupporter of the Universe
VishwamithraFriend of the Universe
VishwamitraFriend of the Universe
VishwamukhaUniversal Face
VishwamurtiUniversal Form
VishwanathLord of the Universe
VishwanathaLord of the Universe
VishwankarCreator of the Universe
VishwanthGod of the Universe
VishwarajKing of the Universe
VishwarajaKing of the Universe
VishwaroopUniversal Form
VishwaroopaUniversal Form
VishwarupaUniversal Form
VishwasTrust; Faith
VishwasaTrust; Faith
VishwatRuler of the Universe
VishwathRuler of the Universe
VishwatmaUniversal Soul
VishwdeepLight of the Universe
VishweshLord of the Universe
VishweshwarLord of the Universe
VisisthaBest; Superior
ViskheetFull of Wisdom
VismaiWonder; Astonishment
VismayWonder; Amazement
VismitAmazed; Astounded
VisnaEternal; Permanent
VisnuLord Vishnu
VisokUntroubled, free from sorrow
VisravasSon of Lord Brahma, father of Kubera
VisruthRenowned, famous
VisuPure, innocent
VisvajitConqueror of the universe
VisvambharSupporter of the universe
VisvasTrust, faith
VisvayuAll-pervading wind
VisveshwaranLord of the universe
ViswaWhole world, universe
ViswaaOne who is all pervading, the universe
ViswajeethConqueror of the universe
ViswakThe universe
ViswaksenLeader of the army of gods
ViswamUniverse, world
ViswanOne who rules the universe
ViswanathLord of the universe
ViswanathaLord of the universe
ViswanathanLord of the universe
ViswanthLord of the universe
ViswasTrust, belief
ViswavardanNourisher of the universe
ViswavelOne who is the whole universe
ViswesearaSupreme lord, Lord Shiva
VisweshSupreme ruler, Lord Shiva
VisweswaraSupreme lord, Lord Shiva
VisweswaranLord of the universe
VitKnowledge, understanding
VitabhayFree from fear, fearless
VitaharyaThat which is to be avoided
VitakThought, idea
VitapLiberator, one who releases
VitarkArgument, reasoning
VitashokhaFree from sorrow, happy
VitastaRiver Jhelum
VitathHaving enmity
ViteshLord of knowledge, Lord Indra
VithalLord Vishnu, Krishna
VithalaLord Vishnu, Krishna
VithiPath, way
VitolDancer, performer
VittakEndowed with wealth
VittalLord Vishnu, Krishna
VittalaLord Vishnu, Krishna
VittaleshwarLord Vishnu, Krishna
VittanathLord Vishnu, Krishna
VittapOwner of wealth
VitteshLord of wealth, Lord Kubera
VitthalLord Vishnu, Krishna
VitulOne who has emerged
VivaanFull of life, lively
VivaeVivacious, lively
VivakKnowledgeable, wise
VivamBeautiful, elegant
VivanFull of life, lively
VivangFree-spirited, full of life
VivanshPart of the universe
VivanzEnergetic, lively
VivasEnergetic, lively
VivashHighly competent, proficient
VivasvanSun, one of the 12 Adityas
VivaswanSun, one of the 12 Adityas
VivaswatSun, one of the 12 Adityas
VivaswathSun, one of the 12 Adityas
VivatmaPure soul, self-realized
VivekDiscrimination, wisdom
Vivek VardhanEnhancer of wisdom
VivekaDiscrimination, discernment
VivekamDiscrimination, wisdom
VivekanOne with wisdom
VivekanandBliss of discrimination, wisdom
VivekanandaBliss of discrimination, wisdom
VivekanandhanBliss of discrimination, wisdom
VivekananthanBliss of discrimination, wisdom
VivenKnowledge, wisdom
ViveyUnderstanding, wisdom
ViviaFull of life, lively
VivianFull of life, lively
VividClear, distinct
VividhVarious, diverse
VivikshuWise, discriminating
ViviktAlone, solitary
VivikvasAlone, solitary
VivinKnowledge, wisdom
VivithClear, distinct

V letter stylish names for boy Hindu

VivktaSpecial, separate
VivyanKnowledge, wisdom
ViyaanFull of life, lively
ViyanLeader, knowledge
ViyankWorldly, materialistic
ViyashFull of life, lively
ViyashanFull of life, lively
ViyogSeparation, detachment
ViyogiDetached, separate
VizivitFull of Energy
VladimirRenowned Prince
VoranshPart of the Universe
VrajPlace of Lord Krishna’s Childhood
VrajakishoreAdolescent of Vraj (Lord Krishna’s Childhood place)
VrajalalLord Krishna’s Childhood
VrajamohanLord Krishna’s Childhood
VrajanadanLord Krishna’s Childhood
VrajeshLord Krishna
VrajkishoreAdolescent of Vraj (Lord Krishna’s Childhood place)
VrajlalLord Krishna’s Childhood
VrajmohanLord Krishna’s Childhood
VrajrajKing of Vraj (Lord Krishna’s Childhood place)
VrateshLeader of Vrats (Religious observances)
VrathVow; Religious observance
VratyaDevoted; Pious
VrijPowerful; Strong
VrijeshLord Shiva
VrindaarakaLord of Tulsi
VrisaGreat; Excellent
VrisanLord Vishnu
VrisanganPart of Lord Shiva
VrisapatiLord of Vrisha (Lord Shiva)
VrishLord Krishna
VrishabhaanuSon of Vrishabha (Father of Radha)
VrishabhanuFather of Radha
VrishagLord Shiva
VrishankLord Shiva
VrishaparvaaLord Shiva
VrishavahanaLord Shiva
VrishinLord Krishna
VritanshPart of the Universe
VrundavanLord Krishna’s Garden
VrusathLord Krishna
VrushTo Excite; Delightful
VrushalMusical; Melodious
VrushanLord Shiva
VrushankLord Shiva
VrushantLord Shiva
VrushiLord Krishna
VrushikLord Krishna
VrushketLord Krishna
VsadadMoving Swiftly
VsatishLord Vishnu; Lord of Existence
VyaanAir; Wind
VyaasSage; Compiler of the Vedas
VyaganLord of the Sky
VyaktVisible; Evident
VyanSky; Breath
VyangImaginative; Creative
VyankatLord Vishnu
VyankateshLord Vishnu; Lord of the Universe
VyankitClever; Sharp-minded
VyansRays; Light
VyanshPart of the Universe
VyanshakPart of the Universe
VyasSage; Compiler of the Vedas
VyasaSage; Compiler of the Vedas
VyastBusy; Occupied
VyghaPart of the Universe
VyhaanMorning Star
VyomaangPart of the Universe
VyomakeshLord Shiva; One with the Sky
VyomangPart of the Universe
VyomdevLord Shiva; One with the Sky
VyomeshLord Shiva; One with the Sky
VysakhA Lunar Month
VyshakA Lunar Month
VyshakhA Lunar Month
VyshnavLord Vishnu
VyushTo Pervade; To Enter Stealthily

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