Are you seeking Hindu baby boy names starting with the letter “L”? Let’s start this journey together. We understand that picking a unique Hindu boy name that starts with K is important, and we’ll help make it easier for you. In our Hindu boy name collection , you’ll find meaningful names like Lakshay, meaning “target”; Liam, meaning “resolute protector”; Lalit, meaning “beautiful”; and Laksh, meaning “aim” or “goal”.
Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting with L Laabh Profit Laabha Profit Laal Beloved, Dear Laalamani Ruby Laalit Beautifully decorated Laalitya Beautiful Laalu Red Laasak Shining, bright Laasya Dance Laavanya Beauty Laavnay Affectionate, loving Laayak Worthy, deserving Labaka Musical Instrument Labeeb Sensible, Intelligent Labh Gain, Profit Labham Profit Labhansh A portion of profit Labhesh Lord of gains Labhsha One who brings profit Labhshanker Lord of prosperity Labhu Gain Labid Intelligent Labuki Musical instrument Lachan Bright eyes Lachman Auspicious, Lucky Laddu Sweet Ladu Sweet, like a sweet dish Lae Destiny Lagan Dedication, Devotion Laghu Light Laghun Quick, swift Lagna Auspicious Time Lagumesh Lord of the World Lahab Shine Lahar Wave Lahari Wave Lahban White Lahiri Of the waves Lahit Graceful, elegant Lahith Enlightened Lahu Blood Lai Beloved Laiba Female of the Haven Lailesh Lord Shiva Laird Lord Lajesh Modest, shy Lajjak Modest, humble Lajjan Gentleman Lajjit Shy, bashful Lajpat Modest Lajwant Modest Lak Aim Lakesh Lord of home Lakhan Lord Rama’s brother Lakhani Descendant of Lakh Lakhbir Brave and fortunate Lakhit Elegant, attractive Lakhith A name of Lord Rama Lakhn Beautiful Lakhshit Aimed Lakit Distinguished Laknesh Lord of Lakshmi Lakni The earth Laksan Target Laksay Aim, target Laksh Target, Aim Lakshak Ray of beauty Laksham Prosperous, Wealthy Lakshaman Lord Rama’s brother Lakshan Aim, Sign Lakshana Auspicious Lakshany One with goals Lakshanya Distinguished Lakshapati Lord of wealth Lakshay Target, Aim Lakshayaditya Brightness of the target Lakshe Aim Lakshi Goddess Lakshmi Lakshin Lord of all auspicious things Lakshit Distinguished, Desired Lakshita Distinguished Lakshith Aimed Lakshiv Lord Shiva Lakshiya Aimed Lakshman Brother of Lord Rama Lakshmana Brother of Lord Rama
Lakshmanan Lord Rama’s brother Lakshmanapranadata Bestowed with life by Lakshmana Lakshmanapranadatre The giver of life to Lakshmana Lakshmann Prosperous Lakshmeesh Lord of prosperity Lakshmi Goddess of wealth Lakshmi Gopal Lord Krishna, protector of Lakshmi Lakshmi Kant Husband of Lakshmi Lakshmi Narayan Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi Lakshmi Priya Dear to Lakshmi Lakshmi Raman Lord Rama and Goddess Lakshmi Lakshmibalan Prosperous Boy Lakshmibanta Prosperous Lakshmidhar Lord Vishnu Lakshmigopal Lord Krishna Lakshmikant Lord Vishnu Lakshmikanta Lord Vishnu Lakshmikantam Husband of Lakshmi Lakshmikanth Lord Vishnu, the one with Lakshmi Lakshmikantha Lord Vishnu Lakshmikanthan Lord Vishnu Lakshminarayan Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi Lakshminath Lord Vishnu Lakshmipathi Consort of Lakshmi Lakshmipathy Lord of wealth Lakshmipati Lord Vishnu Lakshmiprasad Gift of Goddess Lakshmi Lakshmiram Lord Vishnu Lakshmiraman Lord Rama Lakshna Good signs Lakshraj Lord of Prosperity Lakshu Aim Lakshya Aim, Target Lakshya-Raj Aim of the kingdom Laksit Distinguished, seen Laksman Lord Rama’s brother Laksmana Prosperous Laksmikant Lord Vishnu Laksmin Lord Vishnu Lakulesh Lord of the World Lakviar Lord of the world Lal Red Lal-Krishna Lord Krishna Lala Tulip Lalam Jewel, beautiful Lalan Nurturing Lalana A beautiful woman Lalaram Lord Krishna Lalasa Love, Desire Lalat Forehead Lalataksha Lord Shiva Lalatendu Crescent on the forehead Lalbabu Reddish Boy Lalbahadur Brave like Lord Rama Lalchand Red Moon Lalchandra Red Moon Laldhar Holder of the Red Color Laleet Joyful Lali Darling Lalil Flawless Lalip Charming Lalit Beautiful Lalit Kumar Beautiful, charming child Lalitaditya Beautiful Sun Lalitchandra Beautiful Moon Lalitendu Beautiful moon Lalitesh King of Beauty Lalith Beautiful Lalithaditya Beautiful sun Lalitkishore Beautiful and delicate Lalitkumar Beautiful Prince Lalitlochan Beautiful Eyes Lalitmohan Beautiful and charming Lalitraj Beautiful king Lalitya Beautiful Laljee Beloved Lalji Beloved Lalkrishna Lord Krishna Lall Affectionate Lallan Beautiful Lallu Affectionate Lalmohan Reddish and Attractive Lalo Well-Spoken Laloo Red Lalu Beloved Lambakarna Large-eared Lambodar Lord Ganesh Lambodara Lord Ganesh, big-bellied Lambodhar Lord Ganesh Lander Lion-like Langith Good behavior, well-mannered Langoora Lord Hanuman Laniban Lord Shiva Lanka Kingdom
Unique Hindu baby boy names starting with L Lankapuravidahaka Destroyer of Lanka (Lord Rama) Lankesh Lord Rama Lankeshwar Lord of Lanka Lankineebhanjana Slayer of the demon Lankini (Lord Rama) Lapaya Extremely beautiful Laran Nobleman Larraj Intelligent Larshan Beautiful, good-looking Lasa Dancing God Lashit Glowing, shining Lashith Glowing, shining Lashkar Army Lasivinraj Conqueror of the world Laskmibanta Beloved of Goddess Lakshmi Laskmigopal Lord of Lakshmi Latafat Elegance Lataka A sweet talker Latavya Reputation Lateef Gentle, Kind Lateefa Gentle, Kind Latesh King of music Lath Grace Lathesh A kind person Lathik Elegant Lathish A kind person Latifah Gentle, Elegant Latikesh Lord Vishnu Latish Honest, truthful Laukik Worldly Laul Sweet Talker Lav Son Lava Part of Lord Rama’s sons, love Lavakumar Son of Lord Rama Lavam Part of Lord Rama’s sons, love Lavan Beauty, grace Lavana Handsome, beautiful Lavanaa Graceful Lavanay Lovely, handsome Lavaneeth Beauty of Lord Rama Lavanika Graceful Lavanis Bright Lavanya Beauty Lavaraja King of Grace Lavdip Lamp of love Laveena Purity Laven Handsome, beautiful Lavenesh Lord of beauty Lavesh Lord Shiva Lavi Lovable Lavik Lord Shiva Lavika The goddess of love Lavin Grace Lavinesh Lord of Grace Lavish Rich, elegant Lavit Lord Shiva Lavith Grace Lavitra Lord Shiva Lavkit Intelligent Lavkush Lord Rama’s sons Lava and Kusha Lavnay Beautiful Lavnik Another name for Lord Shiva Lavnish Lord of Beauty Lavnya Beauty Lavonn Graceful Lavraj Lord Rama Lavyansh Part of God Laxaminarayan Lord Vishnu Laximikant Lord Vishnu Laxit Illuminated Laxiv Another Name for Lord Vishnu Laxman Son of Lord Rama Laxmanya Son of Lord Rama Laxmi Goddess of Wealth Laxmi Kant Lord Vishnu, Husband of Goddess Lakshmi Laxmi Narayana Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi Laxmi Priya Beloved of Goddess Lakshmi Laxmi Srinivas Lord Vishnu, Husband of Goddess Lakshmi Laxmidas Lord of Wealth Laxmidhar Lord Vishnu Laxmikant Husband of Goddess Lakshmi Laxminarayana Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi Laxmisrinivas Lord Vishnu Laxraj King of kings Laxy Lord of Devotion Laxya Objective Lay Music Laya Music
Layak Capable, fit Layam A musical rhythm Layan Success Lazarus God is my helper Laziz Delicious Lazzaro God will help Leander Lion-man Ledari Guiding star Leekhit Written Leeladhar Lord Krishna, Holder of the divine play Leelakar The creator of the divine play Leelaram Lord Krishna Leelash Lord Krishna, Enchanting Leeto Beautiful Lehan One who is blessed Lehar Wave Leica The Silent One Leil Night Lekh Document Lekhak Writer Lekhan Writing Lekharaj King of writing Lekhit Written Lekhith Written Lekhnath Lord of Writing Lekhon Manuscript Lekhraj King of writing Lekhraja King of Writing Lekitesh Lord of Writing Lekith Written Lela Black Beauty Lelayamana Beautiful Lemana Peaceful Lemar Talented Lemmie Belonging to God Lemuel Dedicated to God Lenin A leader, Intelligent Lepaksh Intelligence Lesh Legend Leshan Peaceful Levish Lord Vishnu Leysha Light Leyshya Capable Lian A melodious song Liang Good Libeesh Intelligent Libhan Worshipper of God Libin Filled with love Libni Manuscript Lidin Intelligent Liga A melody Ligu Lord Shiva Lihaan Sunlight Lijeesh Beloved Lijesh Cute Lijupaul Victory of the People Likesh Emotion Likha Writing Likhesh Writing Likhil Writer Likhit Written Likhita Writing Likhith Writing Likhitha Written Likhithesh Writing Likhitri Writer Likilesh Writing Likit Written Likith Written Lila Divine Play Liladhar Keeper of the divine play Liladher Lord Krishna Liladhya Lord Krishna Lilanath Lord Vishnu Limitless Infinite Limpa Winner Linay Lord Vishnu, The one who is present Linga Symbol of God Shiva Lingaay Lord Shiva Lingadevaru Lord of Lingas, Lord Shiva Lingadhyaksha Lord Shiva, Lord of Lingas Lingaiah Lord Shiva Lingam Symbol of Lord Shiva Lingamoorthy Embodiment of Shiva Lingamurthy Lord Shiva, The embodiment of the Linga Lingamurti Embodiment of Shiva Lingan Symbol Lingapandi Lord Shiva Lingappa Lord Shiva Lingappan Lord Shiva Lingaraja Lord Shiva, The king of Lingas Lingaraju Lord Shiva Lingaratnam Jewel of Shiva Lingasamy Lord Shiva Lingesan Lord Shiva Lingesh Lord Shiva Lingeshvar Lord Shiva Lingeshvaran Lord Shiva Lingeswaran Lord Shiva
L letter stylish names for boy Hindu
Liniksh Observer Linish Observer Linith Observer Linu Clever Lipin Sweet, Lovable Lipshit Artistic Lisanth Brave Lisha Happiness Lishan Approachable Lishant Ambitious Lishanth Peaceful Lishvanth Beautiful Litesh Bright Lithesh Charming Lithiesh Charming Lithish Lord Shiva Lithun Bright Lithvik Intelligent Littikehsh Lord Hanuman Livesh King of grace Livjot Absorbed in the light of God Liyansh Part of the Lord Loakhan Lord Vishnu, The one who is observed Lobhesh Lord Shiva Locana Bright eyes Lochan Bright eyes Lochanpal Protector of the eye Logachandran Sun Logaiah Lord of the World Logan Dweller in a little hollow Loganathan Brave Logar Lord Shiva Logenthiran Brave Logesh Lord Shiva Logeshwaran Lord Shiva Logith Proud Logithan Proud Lohajit Made of copper Lohan A form of Lord Buddha Lohansh Part of Lord Shiva Lohendra Lord of three worlds Lohit Red Lohitaksh Lord Vishnu, Red-eyed Lohitaksha Lord Vishnu, Red-eyed Lohitashwa Lord Vishnu, Red-horse Lohith Red Lohitha Red Lohithaksh Lord Vishnu, Red-eyed Lohithaswa One with a red horse Lohitsaran Lord Vishnu, Red-colored Lok World Lokadhyaksha Lord Brahma, Observer of the world Lokajit Conqueror of the world Lokakanta Lord of all worlds Lokakriti Creator of the world Lokamanya Admired by all Lokamaya Conquering the world Lokanand Delight of the World Lokanath Lord Vishnu, Lord of all worlds Lokanathan Lord Vishnu Lokanetra Lord Vishnu, Eyes of the world Lokaniya Pleasant Lokankara Creator of the world Lokansh Part of the World Lokant Lord Rama Lokapal Protector of the world Lokapati Lord of all worlds Lokapradip Light of the world Lokapujya Worshipped by the world Lokasundar Beautiful world Lokasunder Beautiful world Lokavya Attaining the world Lokbhushan Ornament of the world Lokeesh Lord Shiva Lokender Lord of the world Lokendra Lord of the world Lokes Worldly, Related to the world Lokesh Lord of the world Lokesha Lord of the world
Lokeshwar Lord of the world Lokeshwaran Lord of the world Lokeswar Lord of the World Lokhande King Lokhu Bright, Attractive Lokin One who observes Lokit Aimed at the world Loknaath Lord of the world Loknadh Lord of all worlds Loknath Lord of all worlds Lokpradeep Light of the world Lokprakash Light of the world Lokprasad Gift of the world Lokranjan Attraction of the world Lokshith Lord of the world Lokya The world Lolaksi One with beautiful eyes Lolika Beautiful woman Lomaharshana Narrator of epic stories Lomakesh Lord of Loma, Lord Shiva Lomash Sage with a beautiful hair Lomesh Lord of Loma, Lord Shiva Lonika Small Lookman Wise Lopesh Lord of the world Lord Lord Loro Boy Lotis A name of Lord Krishna Loukik Worldly Love Affection Lovekesh Lord of love Lovekith Lord of love Lovely Charming Lovenish Lord of love Lovepal Protector of Love Lovesh Full of Love Lovey Full of Love Loveyansh Part of Love Lovik Related to love Lovish Lord of Love Lovyam Source of Love Lovyansh Part of Love Loy World Lubdhaka Lovable Lucky Fortunate Luckyraj Fortunate King Luhan Graceful Luhit Red Luit Prosperity Lukesh King Lukesha Lord of the Universe Lukeshwar Lord of the World Lukshan Protector of the World Lukveer Brave Lumbika Yellow Luntha Brave Lupesh Embodiment of Grace Luqman Wise, Intelligent Lusha Lovely, Graceful Lushano One who brings happiness Lushant Pleasant Lusila Brilliant Luta Fighter Luthria Good Luttaka Dedicated Luv Part of Lord Rama’s sons, love Luvik Related to love Luvkush Son of Lord Rama Luvya Lovable Luvyansh Part of Lord Rama Luxman Lord Rama’s brother, symbol of quality Lvanish Lord of Beauty Lyall Lion