Here is a list of Buddhist boy names List which has a beautiful meaning. These Buddhism boy names are the most trending names on the internet, Hope you love these Buddhist boy names.
Buddhism baby Boy names 2023 Buddhism Baby Boy Names Meaning Atid The Sun Fu Prosperous Jikai Caring Boy Thant Clean Chinshu Calm Ganbold Steel Jahleel Worshiper Jimuta Responsible Adika Buddhist Names for boy Htway Youngest Feng Maple Hemlal One of the best names of buddha Doyu True Love Terbish Single Twa Tibetan Buddhist names Zenji Master Denpo Truth Khin Tall Youma Honest Arkar Sky Karambir Brave Thura The Sun Bakti An Obedient Boy Zhang Yong Archer Koju Universal Principle Thiha Lion Budi Successful
Buddhist girl names
Buddhist names for boys with meaning 2023 Buddhist Names For Boy Meaning Yeshe Wisdom Batar Beautiful Cahya Star Lu Wei Destroy Bagun Excellent Yarzar King Lamon Gentle Yeshe Wisdom Banyu Water Tempa Buddhist Doctrine Yaza King Daikan Powerful Yonten Knowledge Win Bright Loday Wisdom Tomoyo Intelligent Boy Chakan Buddhist name for peace Wunna Gold Takashi Devoted Piety Dampa Sacred Lwin Outstanding Turgen Fast Wang Yong Monarch Chaghatai Mongolia Muunokhoi Vicious Dog Takai Next World Cetan Hawk