Are you looking for baby boy names in Marathi? So today we have brought the Latest boy names in Marathi for your cute baby.
These boy names lists include Like Saish, Dharmesh, Dhruv, etc, We hope that you will definitely like these royal Marathi names for boys.

Latest baby boy names in Marathi 2023
English Name | Marathi Name | Meaning |
Aadi | आदी | The beginning |
Aarav | आरव | Peaceful |
Advait | अद्वैत | Non-dual |
Ajit | अजित | Invincible |
Akshay | अक्षय | Indestructible |
Amol | अमोल | Precious |
Aniket | अनिकेत | Homeless, Lord Shiva |
Anish | अनिश | Lord Vishnu |
Ankit | अंकित | Marked |
Ankush | अंकुश | Control, check |
Anmol | अनमोल | Priceless |
Anshul | अंशुल | Radiant |
Arnav | अर्णव | Ocean |
Arush | अरुष | First ray of sun |
Atharv | अथर्व | The first Veda, Lord Ganesha |
Avikar | अविकार | Unchangeable |
Avinash | अविनाश | Indestructible |
Chaitanya | चैतन्य | Consciousness |
Chinmay | चिन्मय | Full of knowledge, divine |
Darshan | दर्शन | Sight, vision |
Dev | देव | God |
Dhruv | ध्रुव | Pole star, steadfast |
Dnyaneshwar | ज्ञानेश्वर | God of knowledge |
Gaurav | गौरव | Honour, pride |
Harshal | हर्षल | Happiness |
Ishaan | ईशान | Lord Shiva, north-east direction |
Jatin | जतिन | One who has matted hair, Lord Shiva |
Jayant | जयंत | Victorious, Lord Vishnu |
Kedar | केदार | Lord Shiva |
Kunal | कुणाल | Lotus, son of emperor Ashoka |
Madhav | माधव | Lord Krishna |
Manav | मानव | Human, mankind |
Mohit | मोहित | Attracted, charming |
Nishant | निशांत | Dawn |
Omkar | ॐकार | Sacred syllable |
Pranav | प्रणव | Om, sacred syllable |
Rahul | राहुल | Conqueror of all miseries, son of Gautam Buddha |
Raj | राज | King, rule |
Rishi | ऋषि | Sage |
Rohit | रोहित | Red, sun |
Rushikesh | ऋषिकेश | Lord Shiva |
Sahil | साहिल | Shore, guide |
Samarth | समर्थ | Capable, competent |
Sameer | समीर | Wind |
Sanket | संकेत | Signal, sign |
Satyajeet | सत्य |
Royal Marathi names for boy 2023
English Name | Marathi Name | Meaning |
Shantanu | शांतनु | Peaceful |
Sharad | शरद | Autumn |
Shrirang | श्रीरंग | Lord Vishnu |
Siddharth | सिद्धार्थ | One who has accomplished a goal |
Sohan | सोहन | Charming |
Somnath | सोमनाथ | Lord Shiva |
Swapnil | स्वप्निल | Dreamy |
Suyash | सुयश | Glorious |
Tanish | तनीष | Ambition |
Tejas | तेजस | Radiant energy, brilliance |
Umesh | उमेश | Lord Shiva |
Vaibhav | वैभव | Prosperity, riches |
Vedant | वेदांत | Ultimate knowledge |
Vidyut | विद्युत | Lightning |
Vinayak | विनायक | Lord Ganesha |
Vishal | विशाल | Big, great |
Yash | यश | Fame, success |
Yuvraj | युवराज | Crown prince, heir apparent |
Zaid | ज़ैद | Abundance, growth |
Zuber | ज़ुबेर | Consolation, comfort |
A to Z baby boy names in Marathi 2023
English Name | Marathi Name | Meaning |
Aditya | आदित्य | Sun, Lord of the sun |
Ajay | अजय | Invincible, unconquerable |
Akash | आकाश | Sky, space |
Ameya | अमेय | Boundless, immeasurable |
Anand | आनंद | Bliss, happiness |
Animesh | अनिमेष | Open-eyed, unblinking |
Anish | अनीश | Lord Vishnu |
Anuj | अनुज | Younger brother |
Arjun | अर्जुन | Bright, shining |
Arvind | अरविंद | Lotus |
Atul | अतुल | Incomparable |
Avinash | अविनाश | Indestructible |
Balaji | बाळाजी | Lord Vishnu |
Bhushan | भूषण | Ornament, decoration |
Dattatreya | दत्तात्रेय | Lord Dattatreya |
Devendra | देवेंद्र | Lord |